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taylor anne photo

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Posts posted by taylor anne photo

  1. On 11/11/2019 at 8:46 AM, Cinco DeNio said:

    I also should add the shadowcast doesn't really add much for me if the cast is trying to be a faithful reproduction of the movie.  I went to one performance and it was distracting to try and watch the performers as well as the movie (and try to remember lines to shout out).  The first times I saw the movie there was a minimal cast.  It was just people dressed up doing a basic version.  That was more fun.

    See, in my opinion, the shadowcast isn't meant for those that strictly want to watch the movie. Obviously they would all be distracting if you're just trying to do that. I think if you go to a shadowcast performance you're meant to watch the cast up front and yell things.

  2. 12 minutes ago, tomspanks said:

    Question for the group - what are your favorite Tim Curry performances/characters?  I think mine is Wadsworth from Clue.

    I just rewatched Clue last night!!! He's so fucking good in it! And like kinda really hot???

    I think Frank is my favorite performance of his, but he's so good in everything I've seen him in, and he's the reason why I'm fucking terrified of so many things and have to shower with music playing or else I'm convinced he's standing just outside the shower curtain waiting to kill me......

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  3. 8 hours ago, Cameron H. said:

    I did want to add, I just realized this year (before Tay-loe made this pick) that I didn’t already own this album. After I bought it, I must have listened to it straight through every night for a full week. The soundtrack is really strong on this movie.

    I enjoy almost every single song sooo much! Like Cam Bert said above I do think that the later songs aren't as good, and honestly the dinner table song that Dr. Scott sings can be skipped over, but I keep many many of them on my rotation still to this day. Oddly enough I think the very first song - Science Fiction Double Feature - might be my favorite??? But every time someone says "Oh there's a light!" I have to start singing, "There's a liiiiiiiight over at the Frankenstein place!"

    No matter how good the actual movie is, or how good you think the shadowcast performances are, these songs are fuckin straight up bops!

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  4. 14 hours ago, GrahamS. said:

    First off, I want to apologize for referring to Frank as a “he” and not a “they.” I am 45 and—as an an English major—just too used to the old-fashioned uses of language even though I’m open to change. Damn you, patriarchy, for enforcing grammar rules I think are bullshit most of the time anyway!!!!!!! Fuck you, Strunk and White (that is an  inside grammar joke with which i’ve Impressed myself)!!!!!

    i’m OK with Frank being the provocative villain (and I think that label is accurate), but I just don’t think they (I’m fucking doing it again and had to correct myself. FUCK!!!) earn that song this late in the movie. That’s why it’s confusing. No one else acts as badly as they (meaning Frank—fuck, this is confusing) do. 

    I was also confused about their duties (I did it!), re: Tay-loe’s earlier post. What exactly were they supposed to be doing? It seems like Frank was doing lavish, fucked-up stuff for awhile. How derelict in their duties was Frank? Why did Riff Raff and Magenta wait until NOW to kill them, instead of before they made Rocky? 

    I realize trying to impose logic on this film is a fool’s errand, but I think it could have used another draft to wrap up some loose ends.

    I only refer to Frank as "he" because that is the way he is still gendered in the movie, if I'm remembering correctly. But "they" does feel more accurate. Oddly enough, Richard O'Brien (writer and Riff Raff) is super duper transphobic and doesn't consider transwomen to actually be women. Yet, they've also mentioned that they consider THEM SELF non-binary, so they're totally cool with a third gender as long as it extends to them and them only. 🙄

    Frank definitely has something about him that lures so many people in. According to Columbia she was just someone on the street that Frank found and lured her in, and then got Eddie in, and then despite how much Brad and Janet hate being there, there's still something that attracts them. But, also, I definitely think they are all villains in this story. No one except maybe Rocky comes out really clean in this story. Even with Brad and Janet being victims of stumbling across this castle in the night, they are total assholes (ASSHOLE!) and I don't exactly *root* for them throughout the story.

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  5. 20 hours ago, GrahamS. said:

    Now, I think the film was a good Halloween choice and it was fun to rewatch after so many years. I probably picked up a few more jokes. As a creative writing major, my main issue with the movie is this: there’s not much character development. The most fully developed character is Frank N Furter, and Tim Curry gives a great performance, but to build off of Quasar Sniffer’s comments, Frank is a narcissistic asshole. Not only does he take sexual advantage of people, but he also forces them into cannibalism, among other things. While I enjoyed the outrageousness of it (and there are a lot of moments that I did find funny), I didn’t give a shit about him as a person.ï»ż

    Which makes the ending truly weird because the film seems to be building to some outrageous climax, but instead he sings some self-pitying song and is killed. Then Rocky is killed. It has elements of over-the-top tragedy, but that doesn’t work for me if the characters aren’t really fleshed out. Then the house takes off and the movie ends, dumping Brad and Janet and Dr. Scott back on earth (all of whom are amusing but none of whom have much of a character arc). I legitimately don’t know what the takeaway from the final twenty minutes of the film is supposed to be.

    So here's my question for the group - Are we supposed to give a shit about Frank as a person? I think the movie and the subculture that was created around it definitely positions him as a liberator and an introduction into fringe/queer culture. However, he is the villain of this story. He murders, rapes, forces cannibalism, and physically controls everyone around him. Even if we think about the time this was made in he definitely is a terrifying person to be around. 

    But as you said in your second paragraph, the ending is truly weird to give him this self reflective song that would almost posit a turn around for his character in the 11th hour. 

    This is a weird ass movie y'all once you take out all those bops and the throwing of toast. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Quasar Sniffer said:

    My concern with the movie is not really about trans representation. I think language has changed so much since the movie came out, we didn't have the words to really explain a gender and sexuality-fluid character in 1978, so Frank had to sing a song about it. Unfortunate that the backstory for Frank is that they are a LITERAL ALIEN and not just a person that is not all man or all woman, and attracted to both.

    My problem with the film is that Frank is so determined to get their rocks off, that Rocky is a being created for the sole purpose of getting fucked. Rocky is created with the mind of a child, designed to be nothing but the sex toy for this mad scientist. Not only that, Frank sneaks into both Brad and Janet's rooms, pretending to be the other's fiance, and they molests them until they like it. If we're going to call scenes like James Bond kissing Pussy Galore until she's not a lesbian in 'Goldfinger' a rape (it is), then I think we have to come to terms with what Frank does here. I know this movie is about sexual liberation and personal freedom, buy Frank is FORCING their sexual politics on Brad, Janet, and Rocky, the latter a creature Frank is responsible for bringing into the world. It's pretty gross. 

    Charles Grey is my favorite character.

    Yes, you are totally right. To all of this. These are things you never really consider when you're young and rape culture is still very present but yeah that's all so fucked up lol.

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  7. 5 hours ago, tomspanks said:

    I’ve seen this a few times and have always wondered why exactly Riffraff and Magenta kill Frank at the end?  

    Has anyone seen the remake?

    This is a great time to get inside this crazy ass plot, cause I'm not totally sure if I really know either. I think it's because he became too passive in his duties to their home planet? And they were tired of keeping an eye on him? 

    Also, are you referring to the Live version on TV?

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I haven’t seen it either, but yeah, apparently he’s been trying to do sequels since forever. Shock Treatment is the only one actually filmed. Unfortunately, since Tim Curry didn’t want to return it focused solely on Brad and Janet (not played by Sarandon or Bostwick). According to Wikipedia, it flopped pretty hard, but has its own (smaller) cult following. According to O’Brien, its failure at the box office is why none of his other attempts were ever green lit.

    This sounds like on Unspooled when Amy shocks Paul with a surprise sequel to a movie that did not need one.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I think I'll let Quasar make his own points, but I agree with you. I can see how this movie can both be reductive and inspirational. That being said, a lot of things are and I think Rocky Horror may be many people's first experience into a world that's not strictly heteronormative.  So while I don't think it's necessarily perfect, I do think it's important. 

    Yeah I feel the same way. I definitely don't want to erase anyone that has any problems with it, cause that's in and of itself reductive.

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  10. 23 minutes ago, Cameron H. said:

    I think I caught some of it as a kid, but I don't think I really got it at the time and kind of wrote it off. Then, I want to say about two years ago, it was on sale on iTunes right before Halloween so I went ahead and bought it. My thinking was, if I still didn't like it, I was only going to be out the cost of a rental. I think it's definitely the type of movie that you have to be in the right mindset for. I read @Quasar Sniffer's Letterboxd review and he isn't wrong. However, I don't think the movie is trying to be malicious and is no more problematic than 95% of movies made before 1999.

    It's strange to think that as a society we might actually be more woke than Rocky Horror...

    I haven't read his review yet, but going off of context within this post I assume it's about trans representation? Cause I have a trans friend that fucking HATES this movie because of the problematic parts. I can not speak to that myself but as a little blossoming 13 yo bi girl this kinda opened my eyes to things other than the way they had been fed to us all up until that point. I do have to say that a lot of terms and ideas were more in the lexicon in that era than they obviously are now, but that definitely isn't an excuse for a lot of the call backs being continuously used these days.

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  11. 1 hour ago, grudlian. said:

    I've seen this twice and both at home. Once in middle school by myself and didn't like it. I saw it again in college and, again, didn't like it. I've had people, as you've said, insist you need to see it live with audience participation. I've had big fans this week tell me it's just as good at home.

    Personally, I don't think the audience participation or shadowcast sounds like my thing. I've avoided live shows of the The Room for the same reason. So, maybe this just isn't for me.

    I've never been to a live showing of The Room but I can't imagine it's the same thing. I think what makes The Room hilarious is sitting with a small group of friends and you can each laugh together, but for Rocky Horror it's a full on production with call outs and not just throwing spoons. Plus the people that actually act it out in front along with the movie are legit putting their all into the production which makes it a lot of fun.

    I have also seen a legit stage production without the movie once and that was also a lot of fun because you get the talent of people actually singing themselves mixed with the ability to call out nonsense at them. That may have been my favorite viewing.

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  12. 30 minutes ago, AlmostAGhost said:

    I hadn't seen it before. I kind of don't think I would enjoy a shadowcast thing at all, but really enjoyed it watching it myself. Especially for the first time, I want to pay attention to what's going on on screen.

    Yeah if you genuinely want to know what's happening then the shadowcast performance is not going to do right by that. The first time I saw it live they had decided the dinner scene was too boring and had the whole audience throw around a beach ball and started making jokes that had nothing to do with the movie lol.

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  13. Who hadn't seen this before? I'm super curious to see if this lands without the shadowcast performance for a first time.

    I saw it for the first time at 13 when my best friend's mom offered to take our little group to he performance in Dallas, and I remember seeing the name pop up on TV and asked my mom if we could watch it since I was going that weekend. She basically was like, "Nope you're not allowed to see that!!" I was so confused because I was like well uh I'm seeing it this weekend I don't understand... But I didn't question it cause I didn't want to jinx not being allowed to go see the actual show. Turns out it's because of how purists take watching it at home for the first time. They absolutely find that as "that doesn't count." So I find myself very lucky to have seen it live for the first time because it totally changed my life after that.

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  14. 2 hours ago, grudlian. said:

    I know there was someone here who said an audience member had a really long, uncomfortable question about finding an actress hot at a live show. That never made it to air either and I'm thankful for that.

    *raises hand*

    It was at Timecop in Austin. He just talked about Mia Sara and the entirety of the Paramount was uncomfortable. Really happy they cut that one out to save everyone lol.

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  15. 12 hours ago, PollyDarton said:

    I wish! I think I'm too late this year though. Funny thing is that there are 2 groups that annually do shadow casts around here and they are apparently feuding.

    Omg feuding Shadow Casts sounds amazing, but check to see if there are any that do them on Saturdays! Idk what part of the country you may be in (or if you are even in America at that) but I know here in Dallas there is one that literally does one weekly!

  16. 35 minutes ago, grudlian. said:

    I agree. The first of any slasher series is the best. I bet the other Nightmare movie you're thinking of is the one in the mental institution. I don't know which number it was, but it's definitely the best of the sequels.

    I also really like New Nightmare in concept. It kind of sucks from being too bland and 90s in execution but it's such an awesome idea.

    Nope, the one I'm thinking of was back to being teenagers in a high school. I remember a black nerdy girl who fell asleep during a test and that sequence was pretty dang good.

    IMDB has informed me it was in fact 4: The Dream Master.

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  17. Just now, grudlian. said:

    I found the Nightmare series went way downhill once Freddy started joking a lot. I generally dislike when horror movies have you rooting for the killer though which is what his jokes kind of turned into. It worked in the first one and, of all the slasher movie series, I remember the first Nightmare being the scariest.

    The 3D effects in Friday The 13th Part 3 are really fun in a theater. I saw a midnight show of it a few years ago before 3D came back. Maybe it wouldn't be as much fun now that people hate 3D again but the audience was going crazy for most of the 3D gags.

    Yeah I will definitely agree that the first Nightmare is the most successful, and I admit I actually really liked this first Friday the 13th. I obviously knew the twist going in but the way it was done was handled exceptionally well and I understood why this was so scary and even jumped at one point, but once they took out the mother and just created this monster human in the form of Jason I thought it really lost what made it scary and well done. Then it just became a spectacle to see how many people he could kill. At least in the nightmare movies even though they just become more silly there's still the same stuff behind them all that there basically was in the first. I can't remember which number it was (maybe Nightmare 4?) but I think I actually enjoyed that as much as the first one, but I can't say that about any of these Jason sequels. 

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  18. 11 hours ago, Cam Bert said:

    Sorry, "devotee". Better?😉

    I mean in my personal opinion the only post Part 8 movie worth watching is maybe the remake. It's basically a humorless combination of the first three movies. Jason Goes to Hell is a batshit crazy movie and while very dumb I think it lacks the fun (and continuity) of parts 1-8. Jason X, well that's been covered here already, and Freddy vs Jason is more of a Freddy movie which Jason just happens to be in.

    Hopelessly devoted to Jason

    Also I have to say I think I'm a bigger fan of the Nightmare franchise. Having a villain that can actually quip and be the joke makes it a lot more fun than just sight gags. Although the 3D "effects" in Friday Part 3 had me laughing so fucking hard.

    I would have to rewatch the newest one now that I've seen the originals. From what I remember it wasn't even a remake but a continuation, and there was actual acknowledgement of the previous murders. But it was definitely humorless and instead of poking fun at the archetypes like Cabin in the Woods does it instead relies on them and exploits them instead.

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