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EPISODE 67 — Why Celebrities Go Crazy

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Here are two scenarios that might properly contextualize Harrison Ford in light of his recent plane crash into a Santa Monica golf course:


One. He's Hollywood's Mr. Magoo: a hapless, sensory-challenged old man who creates a chain reaction of havoc and destruction with every misplaced step he takes.


Two. He's Wile E. Coyote. His dream job is actually to be a pilot, so he chases that dream (Road Runner) at every chance he gets, using exceedingly shoddy 1940s era machinery and avionics, only to wind up, yet again, in a full-body cast.


Do we know anything about Harrison Ford or what drives him? No. Does Harrison Ford listen to podcasts? Probably not. Has he torn his ACL twice while acting? You bet he has. And that's all we need for this week's episode, wherein Cracked editor-in-chief Jack O'Brien is joined by Soren Bowie and Kristi Harrison to talk about some celebrity pet theories that explain their lunatic behavior.


They discuss Harrison Ford's aforementioned plane crash and how it relates to Bruce Willis' strange music career, how Garth Brooks is either the world's greatest diva or the universe's least humanoid space alien, and then discuss theories on the deaths of Whitney Houston and Elvis Presley.

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So I think the stuff about Garth Brooks is way off base. To preface, I'm from Tulsa, Ok (don't worry not one of the crazy Okies), Garth lived about 15 miles or so north of Tulsa for the last decade or so and he was far from crazy. When he left the spotlight in the late 90s he basically just became a family man living at home and organizing charities. People from Owasso would see him now and then and he'd just be a nice normal guy. It was to the point that people were just used to seeing him and it was like seeing a neighbor.


Recently, Garth played 7 or 8 sold out nights here in Tulsa. I saw him on a Sunday and it was his 5th show that weekend. The stuff in the video matches his stage prattle. He likes to think he's welcoming everyone into his home. His band is pretty much the one he played with in his college town of Stillwater and the shows were amazing.


Now, is he out of touch with the modern world? Probably. He actively campaigned against releasing his music digitally for a long time and doesn't think albums should be broken up into individual tracks.


I give Cracked a pass on their take on Garth because of a lack of familiarity with him. Here in OK it's not that way. We are raised on Garth and he's part of the family.

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It's weird that you guys think Harrison Ford has less hours than most pilots, based on literally no research. Didn't you used to research things? When did that get replaced with just researching trivia about movies? Ford has about 4,000 logged hours in a variety of aircraft, and this last crash was mechanical failure of a 75-year old plane, not the mental failures of a 72-year old man. Hell, he'd be sharp enough to tell you the PT-22 isn't a World War One airplane. Seriously, I thought Cracked was researched at some point.

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You two are super, super grim with all of your outlooks towards so many facets of life, lol. I feel like you naturally push her voice out too much when she has hope, or a remotely positive view on things. Y'all shoot down Kristi too much, you guys.


Moonlighting. Bruce Willis was a star for being a comedic actor before transitioning to action movies thanks to the success of Die Hard 4 years after Moonlighting began. He did have a career as a comedic actor if he wanted it. In some parallel world, Die Hard starred Sly Stallone like it was supposed to (or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Harrison Ford... or Frank Sinatra; it has an interesting story you guys), and Bruce Willis went on to do successful comedies and have that successful music career ;)


Good podcast though. Even if I disagree with most of it (there seems to be at least as many people who are not excited by the prospects of the old guard, including "Old Man Ford", coming back to steal the spotlight from the younger actors in Star Wars VII as there are people who seem pumped for it), it's always interesting. You just gotta have your smartphones nearby to look into stuff instead of just shooting it down. "Hey Google; is Bruce Willis famous for any comedies?" - c'mon guys (or Siri, or Cortana; whatever floats your boat. Google Now is the best of the three at responses though)

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You need Kristi on more often (there is another female editor you had on before, I think.. but I forgot her name, but I liked when she was on also). I appreciated her counterpoints to things. I think too often you guys tend to each individually ramble on and it gets a little uninteresting, sorry..


I'm also pretty curious as to the identity of the LA comedian who you said is recently rumored to be a creep, but I understand why you wouldn't name them. : P

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First time listening, thought you guys had some very funny things to say. I enjoyed the whole bit about Harrison Ford and his begrudging disposition. I will probably continue to listen, so despite the regular listeners above not enjoying facets of it, you may have hooked a new listener.

Cheers :)

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