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Orphan (2009)

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Seriously one of the best/worst twists ever. Writing this I realize that Tosh.0 already spoiled it, but hey, they didn't do it justice. There are so many things wrong with Orphan like: WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY TRYING TO SCARE PEOPLE OUT OF ADOPTING?, who is their target audience?, where does that girl get so much glow in the dark paint? There are some great oedipal twists and turns. Too much fun. If you haven't seen this, you NEED to.

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I agree. The worst and creepiest twists, I've ever seen.

It makes NAMBLA look a good idea, and that is never a good idea.


Please do this movie and tear it apart. No one should see this movie unless they are doing a bad movie night. And even then maybe watch Catwoman.

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Certainly a poor twist ending you see coming and rather heavy handed at that but the acting was really good i thought and as a horror movie it had some tense scenes that worked. I agree with the luminous paint thing.. that should have been setup better but was still an effective scene showing the state of her mind.


As for subject matter: adoptions shouldn't be taken lightly and there are plenty of real world examples far more horrifying than those in the movie. I don't see a problem with it as a basis for a plot and if anything it also highlights the terrible mess of foreign agencies where Westerners travel to in hopes of less rigorous adoption systems.

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Sure, I totally agree that adoption shouldn't be taken lightly, but that's EXACTLY what this film does. If the whole film is a "be careful of whom you adopt," then you probably- scratch that- definitely shouldn't use this film as an argument . This film simply plays on the gimmick of a creepy kid which is why an adoption plot is entirely inappropriate. Unless, you're saying that people should be weary when adopting because the youth that they are opening their homes to might wield a hammer and kill a nun (among other people). It's more of Fatal Attraction meets The Omen (oh, so that's how it got made). This movie states: if you adopt a kid, that kid could kill a nun with hammer. If you want a realistic depiction of the horror that adoption leads to or simply want a film that raises awareness of the risks of adoption, check out the Oscar nominated short, Raju, not a movie that's tag line is, "There's something wrong with Ester."

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You do have a duty of case when making and marketing a movie and sure there are enough people for whom separation of fantasy from reality is hard enough (Like people who think a soap-opera villain is that person in real life and harass them or give them relationship advice).


But I think the vast majority know the difference between a horror movie that uses a real world situation to create a situation to mine... and after all when you identify with the situation on a human level you put yourself more into the movie.


Of course movies also like to skip the boring bits, like legal work and the details that wouldn't be fun to watch but happen in the real world.


There have been a number of cases in the UK unfortunately of late where adoptees have committed heinous deeds due to lack of care on the part of the government department.. In placing dangerous children in inappropriate families. I think those cases did far more damage to the system than any movie. And of course the kind of lax adoption system shown in the movie is not what exists anymore in first world countries, its all run through government agencies to help obviate such issues.

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If you don't mind me asking, what kind of movie were you expecting when you saw this? How was the film marketed in the UK? Cause in the States, it just played on the creepy kid trophe.

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Canada played the its a creep kid movie too.

Somewhere along the lines of the Good Son (that horrible movie with the kid from home alone as a crazy kid who kills or causes trouble)

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This movie scared the living crap out of me. And also, yes, the loopy plot and bizarre character choices make this a perfect candidate.

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I thought it was going to be more of a creepy/haunted kid troupe, not the insane ending we got.

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I own this movie! I love this movie!

Just googling this movie is facinating!

Everyone up in arms about the Secret Dwarf Whore or eastern european schizophrenic dwarf whore.

Then some articles had to correct things because they incorrectly said Esther was a prostitute.

Then all the drama about adoption advocates encouraging a boycott!


My only disappointment with the actual movie is the part of the husband! Come on!

This is a movie that should have had 3 alternate endings on the dvd.

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