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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    And in regards to what June was talking about the parental content sticker, it was Darling Nikki that Tipper Gore overheard her daughter singing the lyrics to and that caused her to get together with wives of other politicos and formed the Parents Music Resource Center and pushed for a hearing in front of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, which included a good number of husbands of PMRC members, about either warning the public about "porn rock" as it was called by them, or outright banning it. This led to Frank Zappa, Dee Snyder, and John Denver appearing as opposing witnesses at the hearing to argue against the potential censorship and first amendment violation that could occur from the hearing. It then culminated in Uncle Luke from 2 Live Crew helping to create the parental advisory sticker that adorns albums with content not designed for children. It also led to record companies creating those shitty as hell "clean versions" of albums where the dirty words or sex parts were just blanked out of the song.
  2. 2 points
    A couple months back, a bunch of us forum folks watched and discussed Purple Rain, and something that struck me watching that movie, and something that continues in Cherry Moon, is that Prince seemed to be completely unafraid of coming off as the bad guy in movies that centered around him. This is especially evident in Purple Rain where his character, The Kid, is extremely flawed and problematic. I think it would be tempting for a musician at the height of their fame to want to be portrayed on film as a sort of idealized version of themselves, and I find it absolutely fascinating that Prince was unafraid to play the more unsavory characters and allow his co-stars to play the moral centers. Similarly, as discussed in the podcast, I always think it's endearing when celebrities allow themselves to come off as goofballs. Especially for someone like Prince dabbles with artifice. It's an interesting juxtaposition to see someone who is both acutely aware of their carefully calculated image and also doesn't really seem to care if that image is slightly tarnished. Honestly, the more I think about Prince, the more I like him.
  3. 1 point
    I will still never be over that woman being thrown in a dumpster
  4. 1 point
    I think maybe they're just trying to purge it from their minds. They can no longer comment on message boards because they've pried their eyes out and can't find it. I could keep going.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I always feel very sensitive and protective about Prince and his death. My mother also died the same way. She accidentally forgot her fentanyl pain patch was still on or it never came off ( we don't know) she put a second one on before bed and fell into a coma. She died about 24 hours after I found her. I'm sorry to bring everyone down by talking about this but I remember being so devastated when I heard how Prince had died. It's such a dangerous medication and my mother was on it under a doctor's orders I don't even want to fathom the dangers of the stuff on the street. Rolling Stone did a really good article on the music industry and fentanyl. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/musics-fentanyl-crisis-inside-the-drug-that-killed-prince-and-tom-petty-666019/ Again sorry to destroy to tone of the board I just don't know how to discuss Prince and not talk about this.
  11. 1 point
    So today I learned that the world has so far been denied the crossover that we all need at this time, Transformers vs. Jason Voorhees. Both series take place in the cinematic universe as Michael Bay admitted that Megan Fox's douchebag boyfriend from the first Transformer movie is the same character and actor that is the douchebag boyfriend in the Friday the 13th reboot from 2009. All we would need is for Jason to know that Decepticons were banging, which let's just admit that they were given that this is a Michael Bay series, and he would wipe them out with ease.
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