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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. Does anyone else think a lot of perfumes smell the same? Like they used to have samples in magazines and it was always nasty and I think they smell like that? I don't like it. I like something fruity or whatever or maybe maybe floral. Something that smells like a thing from nature? Not like, "oh you smell like chemicals"?

    Anyway, I read something yesterday that bummed me out and I guess I will share with you guys to bum you out to (question mark?). I read something about John Singleton, who died, obviously. And it talked about how he was the youngest person ever nominated for best director for his very first movie (Boyz in the Hood) and then it mentioned his final film was "Abduction".

    And I was like his first movie got him nominated for an Oscar and his final film was a How Did This Get Made? movie with Taylor Lautner? That's the worst career trajectory I have ever heard of.

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  2. 3 hours ago, grudlian. said:

    I need to back up June and Paul about cologne. Anyone wearing perfume and cologne can stop. I'd even argue people with scented deodorant, scented anything can stop. If you want to have something to cover up odors in your bathroom or near a litter box or something, that's cool. I don't want you bringing new scents outside your home.

    I like perfume but I like it when it's light and I think (hope?) only I can smell it. It's for me, not other people. I want it to be like other people would have to smell my neck to know. It's a big fear that I have that I'm putting on too much and other people are annoyed or their allergies are triggered.

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  3. I think they meant the robot to be “el” (Male pronoun in Spanish) but forgot to look it up and called it “Elle” because that is the level of research. 

    I loved all cheering for librarians. Should we have a meet up at the next ALA? 

    Also what was the June earrings/collar joke?

    • Like 2

  4. On 9/29/2019 at 2:33 AM, GrahamS. said:

    There is a possible cause for Kirk Douglas’ behavior that is briefly described in the article that Electra Boogaloo linked to In the New York Post (once again, the article is called  A look back at Kirk Douglas’ most famous sexual conquests, By Linda Massarella, December 8, 2016).

    in the article, Ms. Massarella writes how Douglas’ sexual experiences started.

    “It began with his English teacher, a Mrs. Livingston, who seduced him when he was 14, he said.”

    Ummm, that’s rape. I get the feeling that Douglas might not view it as such, or has talked himself into the belief that it’s proof of his machismo, but at one point he appears to have been a victim.

    I’m not saying that this excuses anything he’s done—not by a fucking long shot. But... I’ve worked in a middle school. Any 14-year-old that I know would be severely traumatized by a sexual encounter with their adult teacher. It would warp how they relate to people sexually. Perhaps Kirk Douglas is old-school and superhuman and immune to feeling vulnerable—and I honestly don’t know shit about him, he might be—but it wouldn’t be very hard to theoretically link his experience with his teacher to how he treated women in his life.

    And I guess I did just that, as convincingly as I could.

    Abuse is a cycle. People who are abused often copy the behavior. That is why we have to talk about it and get therapy and be better. I didn't know this about Kirk Douglas but it explains a lot, actually. (Possibly, if the rumors are true, why he would rape Natalie Wood who was also a teenager because he wouldn't see her as under any age of consent.)


    Anyway, thanks to those who shared their stories. I was sexually assaulted by a maintence man who came to fix a carbon monoxide detector in my apartment. I've often wondered if society (see: porn) might have put a bug in his brain that it's okay to climb into a woman's bed if she's invited you into her bedroom (because the goddamn CO2 monitor has been going off since 4 am!).

    I do think the messages we send in media are important.

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    • Hedgehog 7

  5. On 9/27/2019 at 1:59 PM, gigi-tastic said:




    The movie is correct in the idea that a lot of sexual harassment is about power. It's also a way to punish people who do not meet the ideal gender norms and for men in particular, those who are not sufficiently like the idealized version of their (perceived) gender

    I wanted to thank Gigi-tastic  for bringing up that sexual assault does happen to men and that it’s about power and not sex. 

    I would actually like the forums to weigh in on this. It is only tangentially related to this film but it has bothered me since I heard it. You guys may know that there are sexual misconduct allegations against Michael Douglas, and also that there are also long-standing rumors that Kirk Douglas was a sexual predator (it is alleged that he raped Natalie Wood when she was 16). 

    When Kirk was honored at the Golden Globes (apparently as a eff you to the ladies wearing Times Up pins), I read some articles about the rumors around him. There is one story that he readily admits to: 


    n fact, he said he once used sex to punish a woman he knew was an anti-Semite.

    He said he took the woman to bed, keeping the fact he was Jewish a secret until the climatic moment, when he screamed:

    “I am a Jew! You are being f— by a Jew!”

    Now, obviously, no one likes an anti-Semite and there is some triumph in this. But I was also deeply disturbed with how he used sex as a weapon. Like why not tell her when she’s all hot for you and say, “I can’t fuck you because you are an asshole”. Why do it mid act? It seems like sexual violence in some form.

    Am I wrong about this? 

    This quote from: https://nypost.com/2016/12/08/how-kirk-douglas-charmed-old-hollywoods-finest-beauties/ I can’t find the original article I read it in. 

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  6. I was a big Michael Crichton fan when I was young, I read a lot of his books. But I stopped when he got on his “global warming is a hoax” era. I believe he served as a consult for the Bush White House. That was very disappointing for me from someone who was into science and was a doctor. This movie makes me think he was very right wing all along. He’d be on TV saying these women are ruining men’s lives and such.

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  7. 18 hours ago, Ofcoursemyhorse said:

    I'm pretty emotionally devastated right now. I saw the title topic and got very excited that they were finally covering that fucking bananas Ray Liotta movie where he injects his dead wifes brain juice into his own brain in order to see her memories. 

    I'll have to watch this one but man I feel like they chose the lesser of the two movies titled Unforgettable. 

    Follow up episode! Support it in the recs thread. 


    9 hours ago, gigi-tastic said:

    I was just about to mention Amazon's Kindle Serial. One of my favorite authors (Seanan Mcguire ) did two books with the service and I would get chapters added to my book as she posted them. I was able to get the first book by the time it has been completed and then I think I was at the half way point for the second one.  It was ... An interesting idea. Not for me because once I'm in a book ( and I'm always into her books)  I want to gobble up the whole thing in one sitting. I'm the same with tv shows and go out of my way to not watch while it's on air so I can binge watch. Sadly it doesn't look like she will be writing a third because I really loved the series she was building.

    Also you can buy straight up fanfiction on Amazon now and I don't mean fanfic that's just had the names sloppily changed. Like full on fanfaction is for sale as I found out when I accidentally bought a bunch of "books" I thought were Veronica Mars books because the actual tie in books had just been released and I assumed Rob Thomas had passed on the writing to other people after the first 2 like a lot of tv show tie in books do.  So that is somehow a thing. Is called Kindle Worlds and it's legal because they split royalties between the writer and the owners of the actual thing. It sounds really iffy when you look at it. Like who actually owns said work now and stuff. Also you only get like 20% or something.  

    There is another thing called Amazon Worlds where content owners basically sold their rights to Amazon? And now authors can write fanfic and sell it there if Amazon says it is okay? If I recall correctly, a lot of them are Alloy Properties like Pretty Little Liars and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants? I tried Googling it and got confusing results because Amazon has so many dumb initiatives and they are listening to us all over Alexa and I will probably be attacked by drones for saying this.

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  8. I haven't finished listening to the whole ep yet but before I forget, I want to talk a little bit about Wattpad and other apps like it, since (as some of you know)  work in publishing.


    The audience member has a correct description of Wattpad. Plenty of original books and some fanfictions posted on there have been picked up my major publishers.  Just this year they announced their own publishing arm. They had previous had a film arm which produced the Netflix movie "The Kissing Booth" which was written on Wattpad and was one of the most watched movies on Netflix for several months.

    But, as June points out, it would be odd to have an editor at the Wattpad 2017, since they only announced their publishing line this year--unless she is some kind of content editor which it didn't seem like she was. I think in this case the "ChapterPad" of the movie might also have been inspired by some other publishing start-ups of the time. With smart phones getting more popular, a lot of people were intrigued by the idea of people reading on their phones (and 70% of traffic on Wattpad is from mobile devices). There were companies that would send you a chapter of a story each day to your email, for example. Alternatively, it could be an app you subscribed to that would provide the content. In this case, I could see why Rosario Dawson would be needed as an editor, and why she would have to do things by chapter, rather than all at once.

    This kind of publishing is called "serial" (not like the food, like the killer). It used to be quite popular when newspapers and magazines were the thing. Most of Charles Dickens' novels, which we now read in long form, were originally serialized in the newspaper.

    Here is a NYT article from the time about some of the "new" apps: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/12/books/review/new-apps-provide-a-world-of-literature-one-chapter-at-a-time.html


    Publishing likes to find ways to make new things do the old way, instead of imagining what the new things could do.

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  9. On 9/3/2019 at 12:25 PM, gigi-tastic said:

    I do not trust this dinosaur. I fully think it's on drugs.  I suspect he might be a Tricky Person. 

    That said


    I haven't even started the actual "film " and I am already deeply uncomfortable

    Ok I've watched it and Wow.

    Did that pedophile threaten to murder a child? Also how positive are we that the dinosaur isn't grooming them for something? 

    Speaking of his eyes! His black dead pit of hell eyes. He should never be allowed to take off the sunglasses

    I thought the same thing when the weird lady at the beginning mentioned Street Smarts!

    The men in this movie are tricky people.

    Actually, I really don't like the phrase "tricky people" also. It's weirdly giving them more credit (they are dumb gross-os) while condescending to the kids.


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  10. 3 hours ago, gigi-tastic said:

    I actually didn't hate Paris' character in this. She very clearly cared for her friend, they have a deep close bond. She looks out for her, multiple times she tried to say she was uncomfortable with the situation and felt her boyfriend was pushing things. She works for a non profit and is passionate about yoga and fitness.  When it comes to her friend's transformation She feels supportive because she thinks she wants it  and isn't like forcing her. She has some layers. Not many because this movie is a hellscape written by Nice Guys but she's not The Worst. She even is happy when her boyfriend leaves her for her friend because she wants her to be happy.

    I have a kind of third hand Paris Hilton story. As you guys know, I work in book publishing. Many years ago, Paris came out with a book that was very pink and shiny. I believe it was mostly pictures. Now, this is going to shock you. But she didn't write the book. In fact, most celebrities doesn't write their own books. They have ghostwriters for that. (I believe there was some internet meme a couple years ago about a sports guy--?--who was asked about stuff in his autobiography and he said he didn't read it.)

    But I was told (and again, I have no actual proof of this so it might not be good for the mini): that Paris had the editor's assistant call her on the phone every night after work so he could read the book aloud to her.

    A man told me this story. I believe the point of it was, "Paris Hilton can't read, isn't that hilarious?" But I sort of thought it was kind of dedicated, if she has some kind of reading trouble to find a way to get the content anyway? It's like Audible but for her own book, as it was being worked created.

    This has oddly endeared her to me for some reason. She could have just not known what was in it. (But I hope that assistant got overtime.) She don't read good but she dedicated.

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  11. Description: 

    Recorded live from Charleston, South Carolina, Paul, June, and Jason discuss the 2008 romantic comedy The Hottie and the Nottie starring Paris Hilton. They talk about June auditioning for the role of the Nottie, earth suits, the stalker, farts, and much more.

    This episode is brought to you by Bombas (www.bombas.com/BONKERS), World of Warcraft Classic (www.wowclassic.com/howdidthisgetmade), and Starbucks Triple Shot Energy Drink.

    Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/

    Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgminfo.com!

    Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade

    Where to Find Jason, June & Paul:

    @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter

    @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on twitter





    it is still very early here on the East Coast but my neighbor kept me up by watching very loud movies and I will murder him eventually. 


    I didnt watch this movie and I am so glad after listening to this episode. It sounds like it was written by incels. Maybe it originated on 8chan.  There is a huge problem with media in our society where men EXPECT to be able to date a woman like Paris Hilton just for being. They don’t have to be smart or funny or earn a “high status” mate (and here I would point out that there is an issue with a woman being hot and dumb—which is her persona, I have never met her—as being that “thing” that every man wants). 

    i would like to believe there was another version of the script where the main guy ends up with June, and it was about realizing looks don’t matter, and that perhaps the studio decided he had to end up with Paris Hilton if it’s a Paris Hilton movie. That is perhaps the nicest thing I can think to say. 

    I’d also like to point out that the actress who did get the role of June, was on the TGIF show “Step-by-Step” and I thought she was gorgeous. The fact that they can’t even find an average looking person to give those teeth to is a scathing indictment of how Hollywood treats women in and of itself. They don’t exist in Hollywood’s world. 


    ETA: did anyone have a crush in 1st grade? That seems to early to me. Isn’t there a thing where people who are molested are sexual too young? Could that be what is happening? 

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  12. On 8/16/2019 at 11:49 PM, RyanSz said:

    I love how she's throwing herself into this role, which is basically her character from RED if she was just a complete criminal instead of an assassin. I did look at my phone during the start of the credits though, so did they show who the family looked at when they asked someone "how long they've been working at the prison" like Mirren had an inside man?

    I believe that was a reference to Vanessa Kirby asking the guy who was supposed to watch her while the Rock was on the phone if he was new?

    On 8/16/2019 at 10:57 PM, tomspanks said:

    I still need to find a liquid pen.  So far I’ve tried the Elf, Sephora, and Marc Jacobs, but they don’t compare to kvd’s opacity, matte, or smudge-proof features.  And none of them had the same kvd brush tip. My friend said Fenty wasn’t matte enough, but said the Clinique one was working out for her. So I might give that a go next time because I really don’t wanna shell out the $ for a Tom Ford

    I have the Fenty one because apparently I love to give money to Rihanna. It's good but I have very watery eyes my wing doesn't stay in place (since that is where I tear, around the corners). Otherwise fine.


    There are no lines between Helen Mirren and Hattie at the end of the movie - Fail

    ... and I really wanted to see them together.

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  13. 57 minutes ago, taylorannephoto said:

    Speaking of Owen Shaw - I feel like this franchise forgot that he existed. All those flashbacks and the way that Helen Mirren talks it's just always been Deckard and Hattie, but legit Owen Shaw was a character, and isn't that who actually killed Han? Or am I not remembering this whole story line properly?

    Oh I wrote this in my notes, that shouldn't he be in the flashbacks of pretend heists. But I think the movie decided it was easier to forget he exists.

    But to Paul's question regarding the odd ages of the Shaw kids (going by the ages of the actors playing them), Deckard is 52, Owen is 40--so there were twelve years where Deckard got to be the apple of Helen Mirren's eye. I bet he was annoyed when Owen showed up. Hattie is 31.

    I know the kids in the flashbacks were meant to be Hattie and Deckard, but it would make more sense if they were Hattie and Owen.

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  14. 1 hour ago, theworstbuddhist said:

    I saw H&S last week and my main takeaway (my wife fervently agrees) is that we want the next spinoff to be about the group of lady thieves.

    Yes this. I wanted more Helen Mirren. I want the next one to be Helen Mirren and Vanessa Kirby training the Rock's daughter to like kick ass, possibly because Hobbs and Shaw were kidnapped? I am spitballing here. But I know Helen Mirren can beat the shit out of people; I have seen Red. (Her and Brian Cox are the best part. Bruce Willis is useless.)


    @taylorannephoto and @tomspanks and I are going to have a spinoff called How Did This Get Made Up. (Also for the record I always refused to use Kat Von D's eyeliner because I disliked her and now I feel vindicated. I just got a Maybelline gel eyeliner that is supposed to be real good. Will keep you posted.)

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  15. This is going to be a long post and I apologize. I actually stayed up to listen to the episode when it dropped last night and I took notes on the podcast, which I have never done before so I wouldn't forget. Will try to bullet point it.

    -- I am very glad Nicole was there to bring up Vanessa Kirby's eyeliner because it bugged me the ENTIRE movie. Now I've only recently gotten into makeup tutorials on YouTube (if you have free time check out the drama around Jacyln Hill's lipstick line launch. It's wild.)  I cannot do a winged eyeliner to save my life; they always come off. So I was impressed that the eyeliner stayed on for THREE FUCKING DAYS. But what amused me the most was that she did put on more makeup in the brief scene where she had the wig on, and she had bright red lips. But that look all comes off... when the Rock snatches her wig off? Again, not a makeup expert, but I am pretty sure that's not how it works.

    -- The gang seemed confused about the virus and how it worked. I will take a guess. My understanding of it was that three capsules of the virus were inserted into her bloodstream, and after a certain amount of time they would release the virus. I don't think she should have been getting sicker, because if the virus was in her bloodstream at all, then she would die, I think. (And I was glad about that because I thought they were going to make her sick as a way to make her a damsel in distress.) As to who they they think would survive the virus, this is very rudimentary survival of the fittest nonsense. Even if the entire world is exposed, there will be a small percentage of humanity with natural immunity or who somehow survive the initial illness. (Some diseases have been said to kill up to 90% of a given population historically, but that's the highest I know of? Virulogists feel free to chime in. For reference, the "Black Death" killed about 30-60% of the population of Europe and Asia.)

    -- I did have a quibble with this movie and this is that I thought it went too long and should've ended in Ukraine.

    -- Did anyone else think the Rock holding the chain to the helicopter was an answer to Chris Evans flexing on the helicopter in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR? He was like, "I'm going to do that but I'm going to be on a car and there are going to be more people in the helicopter because I am stronger than Captain America."

    -- I was very excited to hear Tim ask a question, he hasn't been there in awhile and I was worried about him. So, yes Jason, he does get to ask as many questions as he wants. Show some respect. He's a recurring guest star.

    --Also, of course Helen Mirren fucks when she's older and could be Vanessa Kirby and Jason Statham's mom. Helen is hot. She could still get it.

    8 hours ago, gigi-tastic said:

    So I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I know they go to Samo but are they going to the country Samo or the American Samoa territory? 

    Fun facts the country of Samo has no military and should they need an army relies on New Zealand's military.  

    Ironically the American Samoa territory has the largest U.S military enlistment than any other state or territory. However citizens of America Samoa cannot vote for President, and are not considered nationalized citizens at birth. It's truly fucked up.


    The title card just said "Samoa". It was shot in Hawaii though so it is neither.

    5 hours ago, Baron said:

    I am 99.6% sure that the Voice, the bad guys disembodied voice that we hear throughout the movie, is Ryan Reynolds.  It may not be the same character as he plays in the rest of the movie, but listen to his voice especially in the last scene as he teases the next movie.  

    I thought this too! But what I read is that they wanted the end credit reveal to be that it was Keanu Reeves (as sort of mentioned in the episode) but the scheduling did not work out. I assumed they had to add that other post credits scene with Reynolds because of this, which is why it doesn't really connect that well. But I think it still COULD be Keanu in the next film, right?

    And, since Reynolds is basically playing Deadpool (the director David Lietch directed DEADPOOL 2) does that mean Keanu will basically be playing John Wick. If so, does Tick Tock Man have any cybernetic enhancements?

    I know there is something else I forget.

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  16. 47 minutes ago, gigi-tastic said:

    And about the greatest gift Casey ever got her! 

    Hint it involves a pizza but no music in the harsh Sunday light of day.

    Don't forget about the coffee pot. That sounds life changing.

    Also it was good timing of this episode so we know Casey and June are still friends even after that DROP DEAD FRED record.

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