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Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

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Sounds like your gym needs to hire someone to wipe down THOSE benches, amiriiiiiiiiight


25, no babies that I know of.


Thanks for being cool guys, I do like Wes Montgomery and I played an unreasonable amount of super nintendo games when I was a wee lad.


P.S. I shamelessly made a draft of Veebs script with some more direction and like two extra jokes. She said it was ok.




Also, what do I have to do to get up in one of these Agata sketches? They sound whimsy.

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I once saw a lady shaving in the sauna at the gym.


And, as weird as it is to just set your vagina on a bench, it's also weird to see someone confidently bend over to put on their underwear while standing up. That view is not ideal. It's nice, but it's not ideal.

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in a perfect world you would have just finished toweling off, and a towel would make a good barrier between u and a bench

ETA: or even just your gross sweatpants if you are a real weirdo and want to change clothes without showering

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dont get me wrong tho, i would trade it all for the obliviousness necessary to go full batch-on-bench contact

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Your current pic is cool 'n all but I'm already missing your old one b/c it was the most evocative profile pic I've ever seen. I was all WUUUUUT when I saw it and then I felt really proud to be your FB friend-- really just a lot of mixed emotions going on, tbh, but I AM a woman after all so lol that's how that goes I s'pose.


Look guys, I had to throw up the current pic to honor my Dad and shit. I'll switch it back to the butt one later....I feel like I'm just a piece of meat to you people. A sexy sexy piece of meat.

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Y'all I'm 22. Still young, but bummed I no longer qualify for the 15 under 15 :(

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Have fun, pals.

Also, JC, I'm 22 also, we should kiss or something.


Welcome to the family. Don't betray us.

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Welcome to the family. Don't betray us.

I'm going to try to have more funny status updates, because I desperately want you people to like me.

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Welcome to the family. Don't betray us.


Pot, meet kettle.


...told you I wouldn't forget.

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hey, thanks VB! that means a lot coming from a woman whose website i've stalked to a threat level capacity! and yeah, def had a weird childhood. things are good now, though! just rippin' up the HH forums daily and nightly but yeah overall have a healthy, fulfilling life! nothin' to worry bout here! haha! yeah!


BRR-- my gym is considered the "cleanest" one in my city. they just had to shut down the world gym down the road for a week in order to do an industrial deep clean b/c none of the bros clean the equipment there. learned this from a world gym refugee at my gym who hit on me while wearing his wedding ring :wub:

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But uhh yeah why the fuck was that guy at the urinal buck naked?! Is that how you guys pee in the men's room?? Lest you think women are all clean and pristine or w/e, fun anecdote time: a lot of women in the locker room at my gym just sit down on the benches COMPLETELY NAKED to put on their clothes. Like, no underwear or anything :(. They use the benches to rest on while they slip on their underwear.... which infuriates me b/c you're at the gym where you just worked out a ton but you're too weak to stand up to put your stupid clothes on? whyyy



I'm trying to find a way to criticize this but I'm not sure which wave of feminism critiques how women sit on benches in locker rooms naked. Please help!


Full disclosure: I need to know so that I can tell the guys at our next men's rights meeting (because apparently that's a thing).

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In the next episode I hope Hayes and Sean talk about the difference between being a Dad and being a Father. Anyone can be a Dad, you just gotta have good sperm, but not everyone can be a father. And also, it's easy to be a Father, but it's a lot harder to be a Daddy, that's who's really there for the kids. And in case you didn't know, it's not that hard to be a Daddy, but it takes a real man to be a Papa. But the realest men are Papa Dearests, whom the Papa's envy. But The Mama's and The Papa Dearests must've been California Dreamin when they heard of the Dada's... Cause anyone can be a papa mama dearest, but a real man, a man who is there for his kids... thassa Dada.

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my fave line from bill and ted

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the idea seems very deep on the surface but if you think about it trying to actually implement and enforce a parenthood licensing system would be terrible, i for one stand firm against senator reeves' measure

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the idea seems very deep on the surface but if you think about it trying to actually implement and enforce a parenthood licensing system would be terrible, i for one stand firm against senator reeves' measure


agreed greggy. slippery slope. next thing there will be a license for eating ice cream.... uhhh... no thanks!



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agreed greggy. slippery slope. next thing there will be a license for eating ice cream.... uhhh... no thanks!




Yeah, thanks but no thanks, Obama.




#MensRights (for Freja)

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hashtags are inherently funny, im lmbo over here

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Have fun, pals.

Also, JC, I'm 22 also, we should kiss or something.


Not to be confused with #bidetbros

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Guys, what's your least favourite name? Mine is "Oliver".


(Just stirring up some debate, we're not even at Post Two-Hundo yet.)

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Guys, what's your least favourite name? Mine is "Oliver".


(Just stirring up some debate, we're not even at Post Two-Hundo yet.)

Jimmy Pardo will probably kill you. Or just say "Ha! You're an idiot!"

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Jimmy Pardo will probably kill you. Or just say "Ha! You're an idiot!"


That is definitely not not funny. And I don't see how it could ever, EVER be considered otherwise.

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