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The Best of Nerd Poker

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I know this was tied to the newest episodes thread but I feel like it deserves its own. The crew asked to hear our favorite moments, so let's show Posehn and Friends some love! I'll limit my list to three, one slightly obvious and two more obscure, because I could list a thousand and I'm sure you all can too.


1) Armarth's death

2) Hug Denning, specifically anytime he said the Eh-looooo-sionist

3) Winter's multiple personalities

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1) Using a dead dwarf as a flying device.


2) Parn's Village. The whole thing was creepy and awesome


3) Does this look infected?

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NerdPoker 58 - Change of Scenery


Damien Speech...


What I wanted to say was, that upon reflecting,

Your words weighed heavy and that I understand.

But just so *you* understand,

I don't look at things the way you people seem to.


Because of the way I was raised and because of what I believe,

What that man did, is a, he was trying to kill us, and , in my religion,

we are about self, we are about preservation of self,

and because of that, sometimes i don't think of how the group would react.


I just met you, I don't know any of you,

I am gonna go on this path with you,

because now I am all about killing the old man that put me on the boat.

And then at some point maybe we will part ways,


I will not try to step on any feet in the future,

or let you know if I'm gonna have a drag?? and kill somebody

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NerdPoker 58 - Change of Scenery


Damien Speech...


What I wanted to say was, that upon reflecting,

Your words weighed heavy and that I understand.

But just so *you* understand,

I don't look at things the way you people seem to.


Because of the way I was raised and because of what I believe,

What that man did, is a, he was trying to kill us, and , in my religion,

we are about self, we are about preservation of self,

and because of that, sometimes i don't think of how the group would react.


I just met you, I don't know any of you,

I am gonna go on this path with you,

because now I am all about killing the old man that put me on the boat.

And then at some point maybe we will part ways,


I will not try to step on any feet in the future,

or let you know if I'm gonna have a drag?? and kill somebody


Thank you for reminding me of this! This was a great moment!

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Too many favorite moments have slipped from memory, but here are a few that come to mind:



a) Sark's shitty superb DM'ing. He puts in creativity, engaging ideas, and friendly delivery. An example which comes to mind is when Sir Richard died (both times.) Character death is always difficult, but Sark coated that pill with such an impressive dose of sugar. Another example which I've borrowed into my own sessions is from episode 1: after setting the scene, he asked each player to embellish the story by explaining why their character would be there. Excellent move.


b ) Blaine's advertisements.

....Blaine's humor in general.



c) Sarah's player wisdom (despite Mildred's supposed lack of it.)

Also Mildred's reaction to the skull soul-stealer thing on the gas planet.



d) The whole group's banter.

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