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Episode 22 — Food

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This week's Professor Blastoff is 100% organic, homegrown, and hormone free. We have noted vegan Myq Kaplan on to discuss the ever changing world of food and food production: From the evolution of the grocery store to the adverse affects of methane and so much more. Plus we introduce a new segment: Weekly Vocabulary Lesson! Listen while you eat something raw and traded freely.

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I'll be seeing Tig tomorrow here in Portland at Mississippi Studios. Too bad I couldn't wear a Prof Blastoff t-shirt to the show. Oh well, at least I'll be able to eat a delicious factory-farmed burger there with genetically modified tomatoes and plenty of high fructose corn-based ketchup.

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Hey T&K&D,

Thanks again-it's always a wild ride with the Professor, but I have to say I missed the "beep-boop-boop-boop" at the beginning of the episode. Could the Good One Robot be programmed to provide an extra one next show?

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By strange coincidence, I thought to myself today "Myq Kaplan should be a guest on more things."
And here we have it: definitive proof that I was either right or wrong. (More on that after I listen.)

Professor Blastoff, you truly are a genius.


ALSO EDIT: It really is "di-a-BEET-ess". Really, when you look at similar singular words that end in "es", you don't pronounce them as though they were a plural. You wouldn't call Diabetes an "ill-neez". You call it an "ill-nuss". (Or at least I would.)

*The More You Know*

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Dear Tig Notaro

You are hilarious in person, even if we couldn't hear you off-mic up in the balcony at Mississippi Studios. I really enjoyed your show, my friends (who had never heard of you) also had a great time. I am the guy who yelled out "Professor Blastoff" and then came up with the genius follow-up "Why aren't you talking about it?" Thanks for the wonderful show!

Sean in Portland

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I have to say that this episode really made me consider what I eat more. If at all possible I'm going to shop at my local farmer's market/meat markets. Sorry, not giving up the meat.

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Good episode guys! I was wondering if food was actually going to be a good topic of discussion, but I clicked it because of Myq Kaplan anyway and it got pretty interesting and was really funny:)

But man, you guys HAVE to act more professional. You talked over each other, and Myq, too much. You also took way too long to actually introduce him - these are problems that wouldn't float for the "rookie" podcasts on the Earwolf Challenge; I don't think you guys should do that either.

Just watch that, okay guys? The show is funny, but it seems you guys still have some polishing/refining to do to get things running 100%.

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I'm not overly comfortable with the fact that my fellow listeners are assholes (Sly Sanders) and 4 year olds (Tommy Pinballs).

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Isn't being -paid- to do something a key part of being a "professional"? I mean, I don't want to assume anything, but I'm guessing Jeff isn't exactly throwing stacks of bills at the team each week.
I assume he's passing them nicely. Point ceded, they HAVE to act more professional.

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GREAT EPISODE! I've never heard of Myq kaplan before this episode, but now I've seen all that youtube and his website has to offer of his craft. Thank you David Kyle and Tig!


If you do another episode about food/veganism/animal cruelty etc...I would love to hear if you know any other good vegan/vegetarian comedians.

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