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Episode 68 — Feminism

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Random question @ Dan. Were you at the CBB in Seattle? It was fucking awesome.

Of course! I wouldn't dare miss an opportunity to see the World-Famous Scottabot in person, even if it does require sitting in the sweltering heat and cigarette haze of The (Fucking) Neptune Theater!

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Of course! I wouldn't dare miss an opportunity to see the World-Famous Scottabot in person, even if it does require sitting in the sweltering heat and cigarette haze of The (Fucking) Neptune Theater!


Nice. I was at the showing in Portland, OR at the Aladdin Theater.

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I believe that any and all differences between men and women - from career choices to hobbies to housework - are all societal. From the moment we are born we are sculpted into "boys" or "girls" through clothing choices, toys, attention from adults, etc.


A young girl wearing a pretty dress will not be allowed to play the same way as a boy because it may ruin her outfit - she will be encouraged to play inside with a doll or tea set. Even if this particular example does not happen often - she certainly will be told by multiple adults on multiple occasions that certain actions are not 'lady like' while boys are given freedom and excused, because 'boys will be boys'. From these experiences girls learn quite early that there are certain things boys can do that girls cannot. We are conditioned to learn that girls and boys are different, and this influences thoughts and choices throughout our lifetime.


And women may not choose to pursue being a "steel worker" as a career, not because she isn't physically strong enough, but because there are few women in that industry and therefore she does not see herself in that position and subconsciously does not feel welcome in that industry. Same with carpentry, or other fields that require "strength." Really, the only time where a women cannot equal/compete with the strength of a man is basically on the Olympic level. Anyone has the capability to lift 80+ lbs -- not just men. It is just that men are more encouraged to do so, and so develop the muscles necessary for the job.


And honestly, any modern woman (or man) is a feminist. Unless you believe that women should only be stay at home mothers and believe that women are not equal to men -- you are a feminist. The vast majority of women in the US, whether they are vocal advocates or not, believe women should be equal to men and be allowed to have the same opportunities and paid equally for the same amount of work, and are therefore feminists. It is kind of annoying to have people think a feminist has to be some hairy-legged, bra-burning, angry-man-hater.

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I don't know if David believes those things, but plenty of people do. The devils advocate excuse just makes my blood boil. I'm really glad that David's comments made people uncomfortable, it may help me sleep a little better.


Eh, I disagree. Playing devil's advocate can be a very good and helpful thing. It allows for view points to be made and addressed (discussed WHY they're bad ideas or assumptions). Additionally, it can spawn ideas and questions regarding angles that have not been previously considered - often times just making the preferred opinion even stronger.


There's really nothing wrong with addressing an issue or idea from all angles - even if some of those angles or horribly hateful or naive.


Though, granted... Sometimes people are just being dicks - or they ARE masking their own opinions - but I feel this isn't the aim for many people that play devil's advocate. Personally, I usually play devil's advocate briefly just to gauge how thoughtful the person was with their expressed opinion... Or how consistent/inconsistent their beliefs or opinions are.


Maybe that makes me a dick... I dunno.

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This is the most negative forum I've ever been on in my life.

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I don't think David was embarrassing at all. I'm not saying I agree with everything he said, but he spoke his mind and didn't pretend he was something he's not. He's not a raging sexist or anything, guys. He just believes that men and women are different.

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Men and women ARE different. That's not the issue, as Sascha pointed out. It's a nonsense argument that only serves to cloud actual progress.

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"he spoke his mind and didn't pretend he was something he's not"


What does speaking your mind have to do with anything? The god-hates-fags church is probably speaking their minds too, to quote Chris Rock should I give them a cookie? *



"He's not a raging sexist or anything, guys."


Nobody said he was, "raging sexist" is not where my bar (for embarrassing and cringeworthy) is.




* Not saying David is anything like them, I just don't see what difference it made if he spoke his mind or not, it was the things he was saying (that I already mentioned a couple and I'd have added 1 or 2 more if not for length) that I found cringeworthy.

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David stated that women have power because men pursue them for sex. I honestly don't know what men are thinking when they say things like this.


(Hellllloooo from the future!)


I think men who say this are confusing powerlessness (over their desire/sex drive?) with someone else having power. So much rage and misogyny and MRA b.s. seems to stem from the terror of this powerlessness....and gets twisted to an angry "women have all the power in relationships."

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