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Questions for Sark

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Totally seconding Gern's questions! Also, why were Collector structures all smashed together metal junk? And how did the crystals / souls contraption at the top of the tower work? What about souls was its sorting based on? Were the crystals basically a holding cell for the tastiest souls so he didn't have to absorb them all at once and get babyfied?


I can imagine maybe you don't actually have all the answers, not necessary and still an awesome adventure, but I and my friends are super keen on hearing any texture you're willing to add!



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Hey Sark,


I know that you are going to be busy with baby Sark, but is there any chance you are going to make that "What if" edition of the podcast? I know you mentioned that you were going to tell us where things could have gone through various steps, and I would love to know what happened to some of the lost NPCs (12 pack, that one NPC from the Water World tower that screamed and was never heard from again, the tentacle cloud aliens, ect). Any chance you could tape this at home as a bonus episode? Or whenever you have time in a few months?

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Mr. Sark, Congrats! Thank You! Great job!


The Female Question:

It occurred to me it was an Old -Lady- with her pocket Dog overtaken for their "most basic use" in the final scenes.


Any light to be shown on the connection of the mind control and cloning by the collectors focusing on only women, and Lord Baby Fuckfoot's rejuvenation and other larger goals?

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How did 12-pack control The C? You said it wasn't by science or a magic Blackie couldn't recognize?

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Have you ever considered playing the Monte Cook RPG Numenera for a session? If you are unfamiliar: http://www.numenera.com/overview/

Its set on Earth a billion years into the future on Earth.


The ideal thing about that game's gameplay is it doesn't feel so much like "player vs GM" all the time. There is a system set in place that allows everyone to orchestrate the game together. Ordinarily in DnD if a player disagrees with a GM decision, there's not much to be done about it. In Numenera a player has the option to contest that by spending XP earned through various objectives.


A GM can also issue out "GM Intrusions" at any time. These are essentially the equivalent of critical hits/fails. A player has the option to accept the intrusion which earns them and another player of their choice XP. If they choose to deny the intrusion, that player must pay XP. A common house rule also allows "player intrusions", which lets the player propose something to the GM for an XP cost.


There's also less time spent fooling around with math. I think the only dice you really need to play are a d20 and a d6. I think this would give everyone more opportunities to interact with story a lot more, which is why I love listening to this podcast. Anyways. Stay pretty.

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Question. Does he read this anymore? ...



Not in about 18 months, but I always hope for a return...

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