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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I know this video is irrelevant to this podcast but it's super relevant for today. Everyone should watch this.
  2. 2 points
    There is a specific reason why you can't get to Machu Picchu from New York by bus. It's called the Darien Gap, a dense rainforest / swampland that sits between Panama and Colombia. Fun facts about the Darien Gap: 1. It's home to many endangered species, including the adorable Cotton Tip Tamarind. 2. It's the only reason why you can't drive from Alaska to Patagonia. 3. It's a haven for right wing paramilitaries, who use it as one of the main routes to transport the many tons of cocaine produced in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru into Central America and the US. 4. It's one of the most dangerous segments along the Ecuador-Colombia-Panama-Mexico-USA route that many refugees and immigrants use to get into the US. Obviously, this is where the sequel should take place...
  3. 1 point
    Maybe there's more alternative endings: 1. The sitcom ending. Will Kane finishes off the final bad guy, the makes a quip with a pun on the word "high" or "noon," and the surrounding townspeople all have a hearty laugh. Credits. 2. The Twilight Zone ending. In the next town, where Kane and his wife are scheduled to arrive at noon, one of his enemies is raising a posse to wait his arrival. Dun dun dun! 3. It was all, say it with me, a Jacob's Ladder scenario.
  4. 1 point
    hey yall just wanted to make a post to look at some things on my account here, dont mind this post
  5. 1 point
    "...populated by scummy Floridians." Could've just said, "Floridians". *Ba! Dum! Tss!*
  6. 1 point
    I have to hand it to the Boys and even Tom. Judging from Instagram and Kelly Oxford’s whooping four days as a tv writer, it’s apparently the most difficult job in the world. Every day she’s posting for advice on how to handle tasks during an 8 hour day or talking about crying in her office. Man. Good for Hayes and Sean that they handle such a horrible job with grace. That’s probably why they do the podcast: for sanity.
  7. 1 point
    #2 is by far my favorite. Worth doing strictly for Michael McKean’s blousy shirts. And the Los Locos Gang: “Los locos kick your ass. Los locos kick your face. Los locos kick your balls INTO OUTER SPACE! “
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