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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The hosts kept talking about how that was Willem Dafoe’s stepson that we see early on in the film, but I don’t recall anything explicitly said that would indicate he is not actually his own son. The awkwardness of their conversation seemed more a case of Dafoe being the stereotypical clueless, workaholic dad. The one thing I did notice, however, is when Dafoe and his son leave the restaurant, the kid puts on a Chicago Bulls hat. That is a bold move considering they live in Portland and the Trail Blazers had just just to the Bulls in the NBA Finals in 1992. I assume we never see the kid again for the rest of the film because he was beaten to death by the repressed residents of Portland who weren’t having kinky sex as a way of releasing their energy and frustration.
  2. 2 points
    I've never gotten why the elevator door opens and closes at the end of this scene. I always forget how this movie ends and assume someone important sees them screwing or that it'll be crucial to the plot but no, just phantom doors opening and closing. Maybe it's the phantom person who keeps cluing Julianne Moore into Dafoe's whereabouts.
  3. 1 point
    After Unforgettable, we have another movie that ends with the female villain in a flowy, all white outfit. You just knew she would be shot and become a bloody mess when she appeared in that outfit. There seems to be a lot of odd connections like that in these tour films after the hosts brought up the houseboat connection between this and DDF.
  4. 1 point
    Dying of a heart attack while having sex? Well, that sounds like it's time for Former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller to enter the ring! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller#Speculation_surrounding_death https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nelson-rockefeller-death-spin-truth-article-1.808749 The story is simple--Rocky died having sex with his 25 year old aide Megan Marshack. Allegedly. The official story in him dying in his office fell apart almost immediately but no one, including the family and the authorities, have said anything one way or the other since. So it does happen.
  5. 1 point
    Lawyer here, Conflict of interest issues may arise if you sleep with a new client or any client whether a relation existed before or not. In general, probably not a good idea to represent a spouse or a close family member, especially if the stakes are high. While I have helped out some close family members and friends in the past without issues, there have been a few issues when it comes down to payment, or even how much time you put into the case. Demands can get high and sometimes unrealistic just because they may think you’ll treat them extra special and use some special law you don’t use on others. So, as the gentleman said on the recording, it depends on timing of relationship, but even then would you want to? I say it depends on the case, and the attorneys level of comfort with the area of law.
  6. 1 point
    Please tell me I’m not the only one that thought the shirt was referring to his forehead.
  7. 1 point
    Penetrating my heart with his sensitive portrayal of The Elephant Man.
  8. 1 point
    I think Madonna was so excited to see the birthday cake during the dinner scene because it had burning candles on it, and she new hot candles were in her and Willem Dafoe’s futures.
  9. 1 point
    I love love love the idea of an update/remake of this movie to address a modern mass migration - specifically following desperate Hondurans fleeing their homes to escape violent drug cartels and the political morass that has spiraled out of the US's interference in South American politics (including but not limited to war on drugs). Change Tom Joad to Tomas Rivera and let's go. That said, are we sure this movie hasn't already BEEN remade? The movie follows a family on road trip towards a goal that might be a mirage but might also save them, it's structured as a series of episodes and incidents along the way that illuminate the themes and characters of the movie, and the family is made up of an ineffectual dad, a loving but maybe underdeveloped mom, a son questioning his place in the world, a wise elder who dies en route, an uncle along for the ride, and a young woman carrying the family's hopes) and I realized - oh shit, is Little Ms. Sunshine the Grapes of Wrath, minus the political content?
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