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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Yeah they tried that as well in the Netflix shows, for at least the first season of each show, but it was only coming down from the films, there was never a mention in the movies of the massive ninja attack in New York, the fact a skyscraper collapsed around a hidden dragon tomb, or an ex-Marine going on a killing spree against criminals mentioned in any MCU film.
  2. 2 points
    I was excited to just have my C&O be read on the episode! Thanks Paul!
  3. 1 point
    Paul gives advice about working out! Jason and Paul talk about how they love Dave Filoni and Gennedy Tarkovsky and Deadwood and crazy old David Milch! @GrahamS. wins with his C&O about My Demon Lover! Plus next week's movie.
  4. 1 point
    Bless the heart of the girl who was having surgery and worried. I have had three surgeries in the past month and I look forward to the legal "high" of oxygen and then the gas. At this point with surgery I am like, eh. Let's do this. That is the only reason I am okay with dental work. I have never been worried with surgery, no matter what I have had done. I feel like, man, when they hook up that gas I am the happiest I am ever. I have never done drugs, or I have never abused legal drugs. This for me is a little bit of joy in a hard time. I also have the most amazing, poignant thoughts which is this on repeat, "Wow. I have the most amazing poignant thoughts." and that is the same thought I think over and over. Seriously though, I hope her surgeries have gone as well as mine have, and she is resting at home along with me listening to the backlog. Feel better soon!
  5. 1 point
    Don’t test me, Teach, I had a beach investment in my Western Omelet Speech elective yesterday.
  6. 1 point
    It has sort of worked for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter series, where the shows pick up on changes to the MCU based on whatever movies get released during the hiatus. But it's also a largely one-way relationship; the movies dictate changes to the shows, not the other way around.
  7. 1 point
    I remember that being an original plan for Stephen King's The Dark Tower series, where it would run on TV for a season or two between three larger films. Maybe Hollywood should just stop thinking that this type of branching media crossover will actually work.
  8. 1 point
    Shoot for the moon. If you miss, I have Wet Wipes.
  9. 1 point
    Re: The Prequels. Paul on how great Clone Wars and reflecting on the Prequel movies says "Lucas should have made a tv series". That WAS the plan. Around the time of Special Editions, Lucas did pitch a Star Wars series to HBO. At the time, HBO would have been the only network that both had the money and would allow the series to be non-kiddie. Lucas was envious of Babylon 5 having the luxury of doing a 5 year story arc to develop its characters. For instance, the character of Mollari was generally hated by fans the first season because he was seen as a buffoon and a weak attempt at comic relief. But over five years he went through an incredible arc where the character took an opportunity to grab power and set in motion the downfall of the galaxy. He evolved into a tragic figure and a fan favorite. But if B5 only had three movies to develop that character (while still dealing with the main plot and characters) the evolution just wouldn't have worked. In retrospect, you can see Lucas had a similar story arc planned for Jar Jar Binks, but simply too little time to develop it into something meaningful (I mean, Jar Jar did basically enable Palpatine to seize power and after Revenge of the Sith probably put a blaster in his mouth). In that original pitch to HBO, after each season there would be a big theatrical movie for key moments in the Clone Wars- stuff that was too expensive to justify in a series like gigantic battles and climatic confrontations. They would serve as sort of cliff hangers for the next season when a time jump could occur. Anyway, the HBO execs at the time didn't think a sci-fantasy series revolving around politics, intrigue, shifting alliances, universe-building, and character development would have mass appeal (*cough* Game of Thrones) and passed. Lucas went to plan B, started making the Prequel movies, but kept trying to get a "dark, gritty" live action Star Wars series off the ground at every break. A lot of material developed for these different series was used in the animated Clone Wars.
  10. 1 point
    There is a rich vein of bad movies to be mined if we start doing films that star WWE/WWF people, apart from The Rock obviously. The Marine films alone...
  11. 1 point
    I don't think it will be apes listening to podcast after humans are all gone. Seems to make sense that it would be octopi, listening to cephalopodcasts
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