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Episode 140 - Mannequin Two: On the Move (w/ Steve Agee)

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- t-shirt

- comic book (or maybe a book or mag)

- house hold item

- utility

- vinyl figure (or some type of toy)







Bloodsport Kumite Shirt



Comic book/ Magazine

Demolition Man Comic Book #1




Household Item:


No Holds Barred Punching Bag



Utility: Castor Troys Money Clip





One of these Steel Action Figures:




fun game

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Oh! Two last things I keep forgetting to bring up:


Garbage trucks aren't just garbage pails on wheels. That truck is a compactor truck, and the garbage people scoop them right into the part of the compartment furthest away from the dumping part. Even if they do have an override that prevents the compactor from squashing the Arnolds, getting them back out is a real problem.


Letting Jessi use Jason's employee charge card is a fireable offense. She's not listed as an authorized user, she doesn't have ID that proves she's Jason -- that employee blatantly ignored the rules for a commission (that probably isn't that great, given the discount on the merchandise) and should be FIRED.

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Bloodsport Kumite Shirt



Comic book/ Magazine

Demolition Man Comic Book #1




Household Item:


No Holds Barred Punching Bag



Utility: Castor Troys Money Clip





One of these Steel Action Figures:




fun game



you win!!!!


thats some high quality merchandise right there

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Can I bitch about Ghostbusters backlash yet? Cause if I see "Why are all the men just idiots or jerks in this movie?!" or "This is such an insult to all the women making ORIGINAL CONTENT!" one more damn time I'm going to fucking lose it.

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Can I bitch about Ghostbusters backlash yet? Cause if I see "Why are all the men just idiots or jerks in this movie?!" or "This is such an insult to all the women making ORIGINAL CONTENT!" one more damn time I'm going to fucking lose it.


In fairness, I didn't like it when I first read about the remake, as I've never been a fan of outright remakes where they just change it just for the sake of it (Karate Kid for example, he doesn't even do Karate for fuck's sake). At the same time, I've really liked Paul Feig's movies (especially Spy and The Heat).


So, all this time, I was thinking "They've just changed it to women, just to change it to women" until Paul Feig actually spoke at length about it on Opie with Jim Norton a couple of days ago, where he had about 30 minutes to really talk about why he did it the way he did it, why he chose who he chose and whatnot.


I think a lot of that would have been smoothed over a long time ago if there was this open discourse instead of "You're an asshole!" "Fuck you! You're a sexist!" "Don't call me a sexist you fucking white knight!".


Slightly embarrassing admission, there was a set-to when Paul Feig was said to have told a reporter in the New York Post (I think), where he said "Geek culture is full of assholes" or something to that effect, and he wrote a message on his twitter clarifying his position, so I sent one back saying "Not all of us have a problem that it's an all-female group, some of us just wished it was a continuation as opposed to the restart button being pressed and shouldn't be tarred with the "sexist" brush." and he actually liked the message, so I'm okay with Paul Feig.

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In fairness, I didn't like it when I first read about the remake, as I've never been a fan of outright remakes where they just change it just for the sake of it (Karate Kid for example, he doesn't even do Karate for fuck's sake). At the same time, I've really liked Paul Feig's movies (especially Spy and The Heat).


So, all this time, I was thinking "They've just changed it to women, just to change it to women" until Paul Feig actually spoke at length about it on Opie with Jim Norton a couple of days ago, where he had about 30 minutes to really talk about why he did it the way he did it, why he chose who he chose and whatnot.


I think a lot of that would have been smoothed over a long time ago if there was this open discourse instead of "You're an asshole!" "Fuck you! You're a sexist!" "Don't call me a sexist you fucking white knight!".


Slightly embarrassing admission, there was a set-to when Paul Feig was said to have told a reporter in the New York Post (I think), where he said "Geek culture is full of assholes" or something to that effect, and he wrote a message on his twitter clarifying his position, so I sent one back saying "Not all of us have a problem that it's an all-female group, some of us just wished it was a continuation as opposed to the restart button being pressed and shouldn't be tarred with the "sexist" brush." and he actually liked the message, so I'm okay with Paul Feig.

No I'm also kinda on the train of remakes being a tired thing and so I understood that point, but just about every damn thing I've seen on the internet has gone against remakes while also cutting down the women for participating in one. I read a long post by some guy who said women who create their own original content are better and it just kind of made me sick.


But even he had just put women in it just to put women in it, who cares??? People make sequels to shitty movies just to make sequels and make more money (looking at you Michael Bay), and people have been doing these remakes just to be doing remakes. Why does it have to be such a fucking big deal if there's now one with women in it? No one is burning every copy of the original. So why does it really matter?


Paul Feig isn't even wrong. No not all men in the geek culture are assholes, but just like the conversation about sexual assault on twitter, yes ALL women have had to deal with assholes in this culture. I had a dude specifically come up to me at a con when I was wearing my classic "I love Hawkeye" shirt from issue #9 of the Fraction run JUST to condescendingly tell me "Yeah no one loves Hawkeye." And that's just ONE example. I could make maybe 30 more posts filled with more if I really wanted to.


No one ever makes this kind of stink when other things get rebooted unless there's some kind of change that just fucks with their idea of how the world should be. When Mad Max got rebooted I didn't see a word of negativity until people realized the women talked more than Max did. That's fucking ridiculous.


My point is, why do the women have to be at the forefront of all the attacks? Why do only women not get to participate in this remake culture we're all forced to be in?

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Bravo Taylor Anne.


I also suspect the anger towards the remake would be smaller if people like Kate Upton have been cast.


I saw "Jungle Book" about a month ago. Sitting behind me were a group of tween boys. They laughed hard during the trailer for the remake.

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I think it's a case of the vocal idiot minority. The Mad Max thing, that was one stupid website called "Return of Kings", who focus of MGTOW/Pick Up Artist bullshit, who said "This movie is feminist propaganda, not a true Mad Max movie", which then became "Men hate this new Mad Max movie!" couldn't be further from the truth, it was MGTOW "We hate women" morons.


As for the Ghostbusters, it's a similar situation, there are people like me saying "What the fuck, why are they changing shit, continue it", and you have rags like Jezebel, The Mary Sue and places like that straight up saying "You don't like it because it's women", which just stoked the fires then. Which then set off the same MGTOW idiots from the Mad Max debacle, and those guys really are the sexists, and then that tars the rest of them with that brush. When you have Karate Kid, Total Recall, RoboCop, Vacation, or whatever, there wasn't this "Well, if you don't like the Karate Kid remake, you're a racist" whereas there was that with Ghostbusters, it got overblown on all sides and it was a farce from beginning to end.


It's just fucking idiots on both sides that make it worse, you have the MGTOW idiots like at Return of Kings saying "I don't want these women fucking up my hobby, they ruin everything" and you have feminist idiots like Anita Sarkeesian who literally say "Everything is sexist, everything is racist and everything is homophobic and it needs to be pointed out", which then sets people against each other.


I just want to watch moves and play videos game without being called a sexist, or a having "toxic masculinity" or whatever, I want people to create whatever their imagination can think up without being castigated, I want the fun back.

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I've had so much stuff going on that I just now finally started watching this movie...and I've realized something...





This was the movie I saw asa kid, and was told, not just by my mom, but by the tv info, that it was the original Mannequin movie...not the sequel. I was lied to!


Please excuse me while I go curl up in bed with a pint of chunky monkey and sob for twelve hours.

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I think it's a case of the vocal idiot minority. The Mad Max thing, that was one stupid website called "Return of Kings", who focus of MGTOW/Pick Up Artist bullshit, who said "This movie is feminist propaganda, not a true Mad Max movie", which then became "Men hate this new Mad Max movie!" couldn't be further from the truth, it was MGTOW "We hate women" morons.


As for the Ghostbusters, it's a similar situation, there are people like me saying "What the fuck, why are they changing shit, continue it", and you have rags like Jezebel, The Mary Sue and places like that straight up saying "You don't like it because it's women", which just stoked the fires then. Which then set off the same MGTOW idiots from the Mad Max debacle, and those guys really are the sexists, and then that tars the rest of them with that brush. When you have Karate Kid, Total Recall, RoboCop, Vacation, or whatever, there wasn't this "Well, if you don't like the Karate Kid remake, you're a racist" whereas there was that with Ghostbusters, it got overblown on all sides and it was a farce from beginning to end.


It's just fucking idiots on both sides that make it worse, you have the MGTOW idiots like at Return of Kings saying "I don't want these women fucking up my hobby, they ruin everything" and you have feminist idiots like Anita Sarkeesian who literally say "Everything is sexist, everything is racist and everything is homophobic and it needs to be pointed out", which then sets people against each other.


I just want to watch moves and play videos game without being called a sexist, or a having "toxic masculinity" or whatever, I want people to create whatever their imagination can think up without being castigated, I want the fun back.

I'm not sure you're exactly understanding what I'm saying. I have seen the backlash against the fact that it's women on every site. I've seen normal everyday dudes try and explain to women why this movie is actually bad for us because it sets us back. I have seen normal everyday dudes try and get women to fight with each other because we should not be supporting blockbuster remakes that "pander" to us. I have seen normal everyday dudes talk shit about the four women as if they created this by themselves. None of this was on those sites you mentioned.


Yes, it's just a very loud vocal minority, but it's certainly not helpful to call any feminist an idiot because they're fighting against that kind of shit.

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And yet nobody bats an eye when a reboot of Mannequin with a male mannequin is proposed.

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And yet nobody bats an eye when a reboot of Mannequin with a male mannequin is proposed.

Oh didn't you see the one comment that said that was just pandering to role reversal movies?

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I've had so much stuff going on that I just now finally started watching this movie...and I've realized something...





This was the movie I saw asa kid, and was told, not just by my mom, but by the tv info, that it was the original Mannequin movie...not the sequel. I was lied to!


Please excuse me while I go curl up in bed with a pint of chunky monkey and sob for twelve hours.


The best therapy for you, I think, is to watch the One True Mannequin, which is so much better.

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I'm not sure you're exactly understanding what I'm saying. I have seen the backlash against the fact that it's women on every site. I've seen normal everyday dudes try and explain to women why this movie is actually bad for us because it sets us back. I have seen normal everyday dudes try and get women to fight with each other because we should not be supporting blockbuster remakes that "pander" to us. I have seen normal everyday dudes talk shit about the four women as if they created this by themselves. None of this was on those sites you mentioned.


Yes, it's just a very loud vocal minority, but it's certainly not helpful to call any feminist an idiot because they're fighting against that kind of shit.


I agree, that stuiff isn't right at all, and those saying it "Sets women back" is one of the most ridiculous justifications I've ever seen. And the bullshit "They ruined my childhood", I just want to slap the shit out of those guys. Which is where the whole "Getting tarred with the same brush" thing happens. Take James Rolfe for example, he came out gave his reasons that had nothing to do with the female cast, and he just got destroyed, and called a sexist and even had Patton Oswalt and Dane Cook piling on him.


Like I've said before, I can only speak for myself personally, but I don't like the outright remake, I'd have preferred the four of them to just be this incarnation of The Ghostbusters, I'd have loved some closure on the original guys, like Kristin Wiig doing a voice over "Egon retired first, he passed away recently, Ray's still in the city, he drops by every now and then, Winston had sons who are in college, Peter moved to LA" sort of an epilogue for those guys, and then various changes to the roster, like have Seth Rogan quitting on the first day of the job, James Franco pissing himself at the sight of a ghost, Michael Cera freaking out and these guys getting scared and quitting in funny ways.


Then as those guys left, have Wiig say "I then came into the team" and then introduce Kate McKinnon and Melissa McCarthy, and then it shows that it's a job interview with Leslie Jones. And they could even play that "What?! The Ghostbusters are women now?! What are they gonna do?!" and then by the end of the movie, they show up, and kick a whole load of ghost ass.


Lastly, Anita Sarkeesian is an idiot, she's literally the worst representation of feminism imaginable, makes those who are attempting to make inroads into better female representation look like histrionic, overly sensitive children, one of those "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind who are never happy (unless you pay her of course).

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In regard to the whole Ghostbusters thing...I just wanted Taylor Anne to know that I am emphatically nodding to everything she's saying. However, since it would be an absolute joke, and completely unnecessary, if I tried to say anything to try and reinforce her eloquent, impassioned, and completely justifiable arguments, I will instead say nothing.



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Here's what I would like when I'm trying to have fun on a pop culture forum:


1. Not to see Maxim-esque pictures of women, especially very young women.


2. Not to see successful TV presenter/Oxford grad, or any woman really, being called a "sexy bitch".


3. For more men to call out sexism. It's tiring to fight sexism alone. And ineffective. Some men would only listen to other men.

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I agree, that stuiff isn't right at all, and those saying it "Sets women back" is one of the most ridiculous justifications I've ever seen. And the bullshit "They ruined my childhood", I just want to slap the shit out of those guys. Which is where the whole "Getting tarred with the same brush" thing happens. Take James Rolfe for example, he came out gave his reasons that had nothing to do with the female cast, and he just got destroyed, and called a sexist and even had Patton Oswalt and Dane Cook piling on him.


Like I've said before, I can only speak for myself personally, but I don't like the outright remake, I'd have preferred the four of them to just be this incarnation of The Ghostbusters, I'd have loved some closure on the original guys, like Kristin Wiig doing a voice over "Egon retired first, he passed away recently, Ray's still in the city, he drops by every now and then, Winston had sons who are in college, Peter moved to LA" sort of an epilogue for those guys, and then various changes to the roster, like have Seth Rogan quitting on the first day of the job, James Franco pissing himself at the sight of a ghost, Michael Cera freaking out and these guys getting scared and quitting in funny ways.


Then as those guys left, have Wiig say "I then came into the team" and then introduce Kate McKinnon and Melissa McCarthy, and then it shows that it's a job interview with Leslie Jones. And they could even play that "What?! The Ghostbusters are women now?! What are they gonna do?!" and then by the end of the movie, they show up, and kick a whole load of ghost ass.


Lastly, Anita Sarkeesian is an idiot, she's literally the worst representation of feminism imaginable, makes those who are attempting to make inroads into better female representation look like histrionic, overly sensitive children, one of those "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind who are never happy (unless you pay her of course).

It is the most ridiculous argument of all time. That's why I came here to be like "fuck this" because I know this board is typically a safe space and I can write more than 140 characters at a time. Also LOL at Patton and Dane calling that dude out. Idk what he said but it must have been a doozy if they piled onto him with their own history of poorly chosen statements lol.


Your idea sounds great! That would've been a great start to this new franchise! But you may be the only one I've actually seen that dislikes the way they went with it without then immediately tearing down the women.


I admittedly didn't know who Anita was until I looked her up and realized she is the one who did the video game tropes vs women videos that Emily and Kumail talked about on The Indoor Kids years ago. She's definitely not the best at doing research and I can tell she very much reacts on her emotions rather than facts and shit, but it was your wording that threw me off. Saying "feminist idiots like..." with any name immediately makes me go "woah there" despite how much of an idiot that person may actually be.

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Bravo Taylor Anne.

In regard to the whole Ghostbusters thing...I just wanted Taylor Anne to know that I am emphatically nodding to everything she's saying. However, since it would be an absolute joke, and completely unnecessary, if I tried to say anything to try and reinforce her eloquent, impassioned, and completely justifiable arguments, I will instead say nothing.





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p.s. please don't turn this into a political or pro/anti-feminist debate, this forum is like my safe space from the rest of the internet.

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It is the most ridiculous argument of all time. That's why I came here to be like "fuck this" because I know this board is typically a safe space and I can write more than 140 characters at a time. Also LOL at Patton and Dane calling that dude out. Idk what he said but it must have been a doozy if they piled onto him with their own history of poorly chosen statements lol.


Your idea sounds great! That would've been a great start to this new franchise! But you may be the only one I've actually seen that dislikes the way they went with it without then immediately tearing down the women.


I admittedly didn't know who Anita was until I looked her up and realized she is the one who did the video game tropes vs women videos that Emily and Kumail talked about on The Indoor Kids years ago. She's definitely not the best at doing research and I can tell she very much reacts on her emotions rather than facts and shit, but it was your wording that threw me off. Saying "feminist idiots like..." with any name immediately makes me go "woah there" despite how much of an idiot that person may actually be.


It was a six minute video, and he was asked "Hey, are you going to review the Ghostbusters", he said "No, here's why, I grew up with the original Ghostbusters, and now there has to be a distinction made, which would have been avoided if they merely amended the title. Now it's the "Male" Ghostbusters, and the "Female" Ghostbusters, and to me, it looks awful, I have no interest in it, so I'm not going to review it", and some of the things said about him were deplorable. To be honest with you, it can be seen as a pretty weak reason, but when you have Patton Oswalt, Dane Cook and other jumping on the guy, it goes a little too far.


We basically stand on opposite sides of the fence, but having a polite conversations about it, as opposed to throwing rocks saying "Fuck you, you have a different opinion", and I appreciate being able to talk of my opinion without "Hey, fuck you, you're a misogynist!", where it's more, not liking the jarring change and starting from scratch,


I love long histories and how things came to be, as opposed to "Stop! Now it's this". Like everyone knows my undying love for Mortal Kombat, with that, the long standing main protagonist is now the bad guy, the lead protagonist is a woman, there's a gay guy who isn't just "The Gay Character", it was handled so beautifully that he's not reduced to just being gay, and it just weaves this long, detail story, I'd have LOVED that with this incarnation of the Ghostbusters.


I'm glad you liked my idea, because, it's that same belief with Kung Jin (the gay character in Mortal Kombat), I feel like they have been reduced to "The Female Ghostbusters" as opposed to just "The Ghostbusters". I can see it playing out in my head just thinking about it, you know the scene in Ghostbusters II where the Statue of Liberty walked through New York?




I'd have loved it where they start with that, and it pans to a little girl watching the Statue of Liberty walk by, and then you have the Kristin Wiig character voice over start with "That was the moment that made me want to do this, I became obsessed with becoming a Ghostbuster, my mom even made me a uniform for Hallowe'en..." and then the whole thing with the changes in the roster to the Leslie Jones introduction, it brings their story to a close, and brings you to now.


That's why I referred to her as a "Feminist idiot", didn't mean it as all feminists, as there are tonnes I love (like Stephanie Beatriz, but I also have a MASSIVE crush on her) because I think she's using being a feminist just as a cover-all to act the way she does, I should have clarified my position on that a little better. She's REALLY dodgy, has no issue with straight up lying to make her point.

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double post anddd i don't even know if it's kosher to post stuff like this here (?? ^^), but I couldn't stop thinking about this episode all day at work so once i finally got home, i had to get something out about it- tumblr_oaa8d5w4iA1sdwd5so1_1280.png

OMG This is amazing!! I want this on a shirt right now.


ETA, Do you have a tumblr/whatever where I can follow you like a non-creepy creeper?

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It was a six minute video, and he was asked "Hey, are you going to review the Ghostbusters", he said "No, here's why, I grew up with the original Ghostbusters, and now there has to be a distinction made, which would have been avoided if they merely amended the title. Now it's the "Male" Ghostbusters, and the "Female" Ghostbusters, and to me, it looks awful, I have no interest in it, so I'm not going to review it", and some of the things said about him were deplorable.


I'm glad you liked my idea, because, it's that same belief with Kung Jin (the gay character in Mortal Kombat), I feel like they have been reduced to "The Female Ghostbusters" as opposed to just "The Ghostbusters".

I have to respectively disagree with both of you. I really don't think there has to be the distinction at all. There doesn't have to be a title of "Male" and "Female" attached. One is the 1984 movie and the other is the 2016 movie. I think we as a society are pushing that distinction onto it and maybe that's what's driving a lot of us apart from each other. I mean even here at my work I told a co-worker that I needed to do the Ghostbusters poster and they asked, "Oh the 84 one or the new release?" and that was that.


We basically stand on opposite sides of the fence, but having a polite conversations about it, as opposed to throwing rocks saying "Fuck you, you have a different opinion", and I appreciate being able to talk of my opinion without "Hey, fuck you, you're a misogynist!", where it's more, not liking the jarring change and starting from scratch,

I wholeheartedly believe that yelling and screaming gets you nowhere. Sometimes I don't listen to my own thoughts and I reduce to that anyway, but typically that's in real life arguments where I'm emotional and don't get to sit and think about how to respond and properly get my point across first.

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I have to respectively disagree with both of you. I really don't think there has to be the distinction at all. There doesn't have to be a title of "Male" and "Female" attached. One is the 1984 movie and the other is the 2016 movie. I think we as a society are pushing that distinction onto it and maybe that's what's driving a lot of us apart from each other. I mean even here at my work I told a co-worker that I needed to do the Ghostbusters poster and they asked, "Oh the 84 one or the new release?" and that was that.



I wholeheartedly believe that yelling and screaming gets you nowhere. Sometimes I don't listen to my own thoughts and I reduce to that anyway, but typically that's in real life arguments where I'm emotional and don't get to sit and think about how to respond and properly get my point across first.


Well, I think the issue is, I don't think it's bad that it's "Female Ghostbusters", it's just a differentiation (if that's the word).


It's kind of like the new Top Gear line-up. The original three presenters left, they bring in new ones, and one of them is Sabine Schmitz. Sabine Schmitz is a fucking bad ass, she managed to get a Ford Transit Van around the Nurburgring race circuit in less than 10 minutes, that's something most people can't manage in sports cars, however, instead of focussing on that, it was "Woman! Woman on Top Gear! She's a woman! This is great, women are taking over!" and they cared more for what she was, as opposed to what she can do.


Which is how I felt about how the new Ghostbusters were handled, it was either "Fuck this! Women as the Ghostbusters?! Pack it up, they've ruined it!" or "Fuck yeah! Women are taking over!" and that focus has done a disservice. Which is where I fell right into the pit and said "I wished they'd have just carried it on" and got tarred with the brush.

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And I'm just gonna draw a line under this with a picture of this dog



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