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Euripides’ Shorts

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Euripides’ Shorts last won the day on July 22 2021

Euripides’ Shorts had the most liked content!

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239 Good


About Euripides’ Shorts

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  1. Euripides’ Shorts

    Stubblety-Cook? No thanks, I shave.

  2. Euripides’ Shorts

    Stubblety-Cook? No thanks, I shave.

    Stubblety-Cook? No thanks, I shave.
  3. Euripides’ Shorts

    New Catchphrase Suggestions are moving to Twitter

    Seconded. Thank you! It’s been a real pleasure.
  4. Like a fart in the breeze, he smelled really bad if you stood downwind of him.
  5. Would somebody PLEASE update Newfoundland’s name already?
  6. Euripides’ Shorts

    Let he who is without balls trip the first balls.

    Eunuchs, I’m looking at you.
  7. Let he who is without balls trip the first balls.
  8. One pop for yes, two pops for no: that’s the way the locked-in Popcorn Magneto answers questions.
  9. So it doesn’t have to do with that infected area right there?
  10. Dirty dirty, flirty flirty, hurdy-gurdy, mercy mercy, Mother may I? Yes you may.
  11. Why do they call it a nap? No one’s sopping anything up!
  12. Is it just me, or would Peter Panties make a great name for a men’s lingerie company?
  13. Is it just me, or could Howie Mandel be a little nicer to those women when he tells them to open the case?
  14. What’s your name? Who’s your daddy? What’s your social security number?
  15. And thus I propose that William Tell should be the national anthem of Switzerland.