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Episode 120 β€” Live from Portland / Law

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Hop onboard a LIVE Swamp Rocktacular episode of Professor Blastoff straight from Portland! We go down memory lane as Tig, Kyle, and David recall the origin of Swamp Rock before introducing special guest Aaron Reichenberger, law student & Editor-in-Chief of the Willamette Law Review, to discuss law. We’ll learn how certain dilemmas can drastically effect the outcome of a court case, if you can indeed sue yourself, a surprising fact in another edition of β€œWhat’s Nuts?”, and the connection between air quotes & bunnies!

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What was up with the audience?! Wow. Constant heckling and I kept hearing a group hissing. Com'on Portland!

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Yea - I just moved from Portland to Seattle. ... That Portland audience was disrespectful and really want to apologize to the crew.


And I must say, Seattle is quite welcoming, even to us Portlanders - so thanks Seattlite. :)

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Ouf! Just want to join in condemning that audience...The guys (and girl) were way too nice to them!

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Surly indeed. Although there were certainly some good members of the audience, especially the one who thought to ask to see Kyle's calves.

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A lot of those audience members were unfortunately not familiar with the podcast. They were there because of Tig, whether they heard or saw her on This American Life, or heard her LIVE set. As a blastronaut, I was quite embarrassed to be a part of that Portland crowd. A few of those audience members were impossible. I honestly didn't think this episode would see the light of day. On the positive side of things, it was great to see how well David, Kyle, Aaron and Tig handled it. Although, those audience members were such penises, the hosts were still able to push through it. They didn't crumble. They're all professionals. They're so good at turning awkward and uncomfortable situations into pure joy.

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Despite the crowd, I think this was in the upper half of live episodes because the hosts really brought it. Lots of great bits and they rolled with the punches well.

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Hate to pile onβ€” as I largely don't mind some of the more outspoken audience experiences SO MANY podcasts I listen to have hadβ€” but yeah, in this instance, I was thinking the whole time, "Jesus Christ, Portland. Everything I've heard about the city and its people is stuff along the cool lines, but you guys sound like the ABSOLUTE WORST."


Tig, Kyle, David, Aaron and of course the guest were all champs in spite of it (albeit the guest's brand of humor was not to my liking, but still, no reason to boo, hiss, etc), but yeah, jesus christ, portland. Go fuck yourselves for being jerks.

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I don't get peopl coming to these things and behaving like that. What the heck is the point of shelling out your money just to be a moron? I can be a moron at home. Alone. (sobs)

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Oh...and I truly did not like the constant sarcasm from the guest. Some people can pull that off and it be funny, his just seemed like a little boy trying not to be the butt of any jokes by any means possible.

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Oh...and I truly did not like the constant sarcasm from the guest. Some people can pull that off and it be funny, his just seemed like a little boy trying not to be the butt of any jokes by any means possible.


Agreed! I was definitely not feeling the guest early-on. But then when the audience started resorting to such douchebaggery, I forgot most of my reservations about the guest and was in full-on hate with the stupid audience members! So I guess they were good for that.

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I was there, and while it's true a few of the crowd members were being penises, I felt like it generally had a great energy, and most of the people there were just as pissed at the douche bags as you all. I think it was just a matter of a few people having a few too many drinks (I know I did), but we all had a blast(off) and the guys (AG) were freakin' top notch.

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What?! Ah come on! People hissing and booing at these shows now?? Live shows are over! OVER!!


Hey Portlandia thanks for ruining live shows.

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I was there, and while it's true a few of the crowd members were being penises, I felt like it generally had a great energy, and most of the people there were just as pissed at the douche bags as you all. I think it was just a matter of a few people having a few too many drinks (I know I did), but we all had a blast(off) and the guys (AG) were freakin' top notch.


Yeah, that was my thought too. A lot of boozy suzies were in the crowd. And the guest was a good friend of David's... so, I don't think the hosts had a problem with him.

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I'm from the New Orleans area, and N.O. apparently has a reputation for bad crowds at concerts and comedy shows. And its a bummer because I know the majority of us locals aren't the source of the reputation - its just a few drunk or high jerks mixed in who ruin things for the rest of us. As such, I'm giving the city of Portland the benefit of the doubt regarding the crowd in this particular show.


Kudos to Aaron, David, Kyle and Tig for keeping things rolling despite the vocal minority.

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I was there, and while it's true a few of the crowd members were being penises, I felt like it generally had a great energy, and most of the people there were just as pissed at the douche bags as you all. I think it was just a matter of a few people having a few too many drinks (I know I did), but we all had a blast(off) and the guys (AG) were freakin' top notch.


Apologies, happyamosfun, if I offended at all. My intention was not to slam down all of the crowd. It was the few bad apples that were ruining it for everyone, and those were of course the crowd members I took issue with.

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