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  1. 3 points
    Late to the party, but I thought I'd share my Titanic experience. When the movie was released, I was 18 and living abroad in a small city in Italy. I don't know if the film was received with the same level of mania in the States, but it seemed like the entire country of Italy collectively lost its shit. They went bananas. Shops started selling flags with DiCaprio's face on them, which people actually flew out their apartment windows, and the club remix of "My Heart Will Go On" was inescapable. I heard a rumor, which I never bothered to confirm, that the town where DiCaprio's ancestors lived renamed their town square "Piazza DiCaprio." My friend was obsessed and carried around a binder with film-related images from magazines. We attempted to make her a Rose dress for Carnival, but given that neither of us knew how to sew, it didn't go well. Personally, I enjoyed the movie, but I don't LOVE it, although I did enjoy the movie-going experience. At the theater in the town I lived in (one theater, one screen), you could buy one ticket and stay as long as you wanted. I had missed the first few minutes, so I was able to stay and see the parts I had missed. They also added an intermission to every film, no matter how long, so everyone could go into the hall and smoke. So very Italian.
  2. 2 points
    The original theatrical one. I believe they've said they will always do the original theatrical version of whatever movie they do.
  3. 2 points
    Sorry guys, I have been totally swamped. I'll be above water in a few weeks. Thanks for your understanding.
  4. 2 points
    Lord of the Rings is the next film after Apocalypse Now, according to the Unspooled twitter
  5. 2 points
    hey yall just wanted to make a post to look at some things on my account here, dont mind this post
  6. 1 point
    One thing that was especially interesting was that Kelly not only shoots a man, but actually shoots him in the back. It’s really interesting to watch that character go from complete pacifist, to accepting violence in self-defense, to accepting violence as a preventative measure.
  7. 1 point
    ET hits more nostalgia buttons beyond just seeing the movie as a kid. The house's location was filmed very near my childhood home. Whenever we passed it or referred to the area it was as "Eliot's house." (Just watched High Noon which used Iverson Ranch which was also near my home. I can always recognize it immediately.) I was a Ride Operator for Universal Studios Hollywood during my college years. While my primary job was on the BTTF ride (and later, Jurassic Park) we had to be trained and we had to cover shifts for ET The Adventure as well. (Feel free to ask me anything!) I remember the ride was "unofficially" a sequel, of sorts, where you had to "help" ET get back to his home, the Green Planet, because "only his healing touch" could save it. So many questions and implications about the movie. LOL. The ride vehicles were these collections of bicycles on an overhead track so you could fly over the city and through hyperspace and stuff. There was another alien named, Botanicus, who was ET's mentor/teacher or something?, and he welcomed you to the Green Planet, with baby ETs and living plants that would dance and sing because their planet was saved. At the end, ET would greet you personally because you gave your name to a ride operator before the loading platform. And yes, bored or disillusioned employees might program "different" names to make ET say some "different" things. I'll always remember the specially-designed pine scent that was piped into the forest scene, making the whole ride smell pungent. It was either pleasant or nauseous depending on how long your shift and mandatory overtime was.
  8. 1 point
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