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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    The Boys try to make MARTHA KELLY famous enough to be a Try Month guest.
  2. 3 points
    Well, the steak looked like it was past well-done, into burnt territory, lol. Also, never forget when LVP stopped Adrienne from washing her raw chicken with soap before cooking it.
  3. 2 points
    I took it as she was washing and fondling that giant steak in the sink of a mobile home while Norman tried to shower, which is a weird sentence to write, and something you're definitely not ever supposed to do: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/food-safety-education/get-answers/food-safety-fact-sheets/safe-food-handling/washing-food-does-it-promote-food-safety/washing-food Food is so important to the story lol
  4. 2 points
    Also, important question - what was in those sandwiches??
  5. 2 points
    I definitely prefer the Lady Gaga version over the '37 version, but imo they're so different. My favorite pairing in the Lady Gaga version was actually the Maine brothers. That really got me. Fortunately I was in the window seat of a plane at the time and nobody saw me lol.
  6. 2 points
    That’s very true. Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, U2, Pearl Jam etc are all doing just fine. Hell, even NKOTB are doing well. They might not be topping the charts, but I’m sure they get that music is, in general, a young person’s game.. Acting makes much more sense. I also wish I understood “Maines’” psychology in general. He’s at best apathetic to fame. He seems be done with it. But when his star is in decline he’s like, “Welp, I can’t take a support position so I might as well end it.”
  7. 1 point
    Matt Fraction's run was so good. I heard about Sex Criminals on the I Sell Comics podcast and then sought out Fractions run after reading it. Just a great book that should have been the tie in to the Netflix world and the MCU
  8. 1 point
    I wanna say the trailer floor steak from earlier?
  9. 1 point
    I DON’T KNOW! Lol It looked like a hunk of liverwurst or something. But really, how do you fuck up a sandwich?
  10. 1 point
    FUCK SAME!!!!!!!! God we haven't even talked about Sam Elliott holy shit. ETA: Also
  11. 1 point
    I'm not gonna lie.... all of my memory except for that final scene at sunrise is in b&w but that can't be possible if I remember her green dress and those red and oranges at the end...
  12. 1 point
    First of all, I’m not sure if Jackson Maine is Victor Wong level of fame But actually, that’s another good reason why acting is better than music. Due to it being a visual medium, I think it would be far more likely to recognize a less famous actor over a more famous musician.
  13. 1 point
    Oh also true story: I got THIS FUCKING CLOSE to having Bradley Cooper sign my Guardians of the Galaxy poster because I snuck into the American Sniper premiere (it was held here because the real family is from here) and he fuckin stopped right at the girl beside me and then left and I was like "Bradley!" and he turned around and said sorry that he really had to go and I swear y'all those eyes struck me right in the soul that's how blue they actually are.
  14. 1 point
    last summer, I went to a comic-con in North Carolina and there was Joey Fatone, signing autographs for something like $30. I almost got one for the office I work at, because why not. Alice Cooper was also t here, signing autographs and doing photo-ops for like $80/a pop, again because why not. That's another area that could have been/could be explored in either path ASIB could take (when it gets remade again in 30 years)
  15. 1 point
    There's always a county or state fair or a music festival that is looking for an old act. Or they switch genres, rockers switch to country, country artists go "Christian". I agree, the acting side makes more sense.
  16. 1 point
    So random thoughts about A Star Is Born in general 1) I knew going in that this wasn't a musical, but I wasn't expecting it to be a film about Hollywood and acting. I guess, since, the others have always cast such a promiant singer in the role, I've always assumed it was about a singer who makes it big thanks to some svengali influence. 2) regarding ASIB18, I felt that Bradley Cooper was drawing a lot on the Dolly Parton/Porter Wagnor story for inspiration 3) The ASIB formula is so established by now that it's almost become a troupe, could we take these beats and apply them to a different field in a movie other than entertainment? Like, could we make a political drama but following the troupe and beats established in ASIB?
  17. 1 point
    Oops, I wrote a PM note here That’ll teach me to post at 5-something in the morning.
  18. 1 point
    I too am not "A Star is Born" person. Not that there is anything wrong with the movie and I realize that this specific version is the original but it is just such a well worn trope of a story for the most part that "small town person wants to make it big" that I just kinda instinctively glaze over a bit. What I did find interesting is that this version the focus is very much on Vicki who makes it big while in the new one it seems more about Maine's struggle and she's kinda along for the ride. Rightfully so because both the focused characters are the more interesting ones. I'm going to be the contrarian and say I thought Bradly Cooper was much better than Gaga in the new one (singing aside because obviously) and yes that's largely in part to him writing himself the more complex character. Again the fact that I said I don't like the typical nobody becomes big type story is probably why I like the newer version more because it is more of a story about this guy's downfall which is a bit more interesting to me. Also new Star is Born I hated the third act, pissing the pants on was not good. Heck, maybe Chappelle on is not all that great. On the flip side I thought the original starts weak and gets better. I think the problem I have with the original is a bit like Taylor Anne that I didn't really feel the connection between the two as much as I did in the new one. They are two different relationships for sure, but I felt like more chemistry was had between Gaga and Cooper. Though for me one of the things I had a big problem in both films is the down turn for Maine were kinda sudden in both. The original handled it a bit better for me. Norman Maine seemed to be on the down turn for awhile, and the people were basically over him. Therefore his career finally washing up makes sense but is still a bit sudden. The new one it never really seems his career washed up or was faded. He got bumped for a newer artist at an awards show but that was about it. He was still selling out shows. So while him being jealous of Ally's rise does seem a bit odd but compound that with his hearing loss and that it kinda makes sense. Kinda.
  19. 1 point
    My vibe, not necessarily in terms of music style or personality, was he was, like, Eddie Vedder levels of famous. Pretty big and respected, but of the old guard. The thing is, I know of Eddie Vedder. If you showed me a picture of Eddie Vedder with Pearl Jam, I’d be like, “That’s the guy.” But if Eddie Vedder walked up to me on the street, I wouldn’t have a clue who he was. I’m certain some people would, but not at the “OMG you’re Jackson Maine!” level depicted in the movie. I think there are very few musicians most people would know on sight. I don’t see Jackson Maine having the crossover appeal to become a household name/face.
  20. 1 point
    He looked like he smelled like rotting beef jerky stuffed in a gym bag.
  21. 1 point
    I agree. I hate when movies try to sell us on couples who, like, never laugh or have a good time. I felt like Esther and Norman were in love. Aly and Jackson felt like they cared for each other, but I didn’t get that “Ooh, they’re meant to be” feeling. If anything, I feel like Aly should be like, “Thank you for the opportunity, but I think we should just be friends.” I mean, look at this mess: I appreciate you like my nose, but seriously, no, thank you.
  22. 1 point
    Yeah, that's because Katharine has an accent all her own
  23. 1 point
    Just a nitpick that it wasn't an English accent. She was doing Katharine Hepburn, and I thought pretty well It's true that we don't see either of them really act in the movies. But I agree with the thought line that it plays at the luck and emptiness of Hollywood, and the movie is more about how their relationship changes with her success. And I think what I liked more about the '37 version, is that we're clear that Ester's dreams are of success. I kind of felt like that with Ally in the new one, at least once she got her confidence. And maybe in their meet-cute we're supposed to understand that she's already given it her try and got shot down. But Esther keeps going, regardless. She still has hope that she's "the one in 100,000" whereas Ally feels like the success just landed in her lap thanks to Jackson, and that giving it up wasn't as big a sacrifice for her.
  24. 1 point
    I think you're chalking a lot of feelings up to one very broad sentiment, and if some people have found connection with her (no matter what the reasoning may be) then has the movie not succeeded? If you don't feel the same, then it really points out that the movie isn't for you, and that's fine, but it's not like you're raining on anyone's parade... And that kinda makes me think like there's really one way to feel about this movie and if anyone feels differently it's automatically because she's a woman... And that's messed up, man.
  25. 1 point
    best jesus statue reaction shots in cinema history
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