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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    That would be amazing. Majestic Theater would be an amazing place to do it!
  3. 1 point
    DAE think the main actor looked like Russell from True Blood? (Sorry for the shitpost lol)
  4. 1 point
    Y'all know I was just kidding about the guests right? Just ask random ones since we don't really know who the guest will be. If someone can make a wise-crack on social media and inspire the 11 hour episode we can bring back the popcorn machine, at least for one ep: "Have you ever had to use a laundromat like a regular person? How does it work?" "Is Graham Norton a cookie or a cracker?" "What's the normalest thing to ever happen to you off-set in a completely normal setting with non-famous people?" "Do you wish that crafty was really arts and crafty instead so you could construct your own food animals before eating them?"
  5. 1 point
    Michelle, that scene in the batman movie where the cats get all on you and then make you become the cat woman creeps me out to this day because of the shot of the one that licks you on the mouth. Did you know how scratchy cat tounges were before you agreed to do that?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Can we get a Mantzoukas/Time Keeper crossover episode? Tick tock, Tick Tock Man!
  8. 1 point
    I listened to this episode today in part because I just finished that book. I'll try just about any movie written about making movies and I've been going through a bunch of recommended ones I can find at the library. I'll admit to skipping the parts about The Graduate because I'm just so tired of hearing about that movie. I remember as a kid how big a disappointment Dr. Doolittle was, though I remember nothing about the movie. I just remember it being on TV and me being excited because Talking Animals! and wow was it dreadful. Like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. No one should make a movie for kids that's so long. But interesting to hear that it premiered at an old Minneapolis theater where I still attend concerts (I didn't know if had been a movie theater decades ago).
  9. 1 point
    How much more splendor can one movie contain in it's VHS box? Small town girl dreams of making it big in the music industry and finds herself enmeshed in an steamy love triangle with creepy awkward, once great, mentor (played by Nobel Prize Laureate) Bob Dylan, and current 80's superstar, Rupert Everett. One of the greatest performances by the 80's Rock Sensation Fiona....before she really hit it big. Some have said that this movie was so bad that it was what led to the director, Richard Marquand's (Return of the Jedi) untimely death. It was his last movie. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5-wWjIwiCA
  10. 1 point
    The science in this movie about ghosts is garbage! GARBAGE I SAY
  11. 1 point
    I like how it apparently just moved like a laser through the room even though it was like this thick cable. There was enough force to cut everyone in half, but not a single person was just knocked over or flattened against the wall or anything.
  12. 1 point
    i think that sea evil pun is reason enough to do this movie.
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