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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I know the corrections and omissions are meant for the main show, but I wanted to point out that Grace Jones’s May Day from A View to a Kill was not the Bond villain with killer thighs (although it wouldn’t surprise me if she has killed people with her legs before). It was actually Xenia Onatopp (played by Famke Janssen) in Goldeneye.
  2. 2 points
    Programming note: Earwolf is migrating its files to a new hosting service and, as a result, every HDTGM episode is currently available for download. If you want to save them before they once again disappear behind the paywall, now would be a good time. You can plug the new feed URL into an RSS reader or see this set of direct links to every mainline (i.e. non-minisode/rerelease/bonus) episode:
  3. 2 points
    I just wanted to say how proud I am of June for getting arrested today at the weekly climate change protest. I'm miffed that all the articles about it talk about Robert Kennedy Jr. Like we care about him when Actress/Activist June Diane Raphael is in the mix! I feel like that should be the next teepublic shirt.
  4. 1 point
    Gol Dang! Com-Bang makes me want to thrust a hard fist of humor into the heart of the mundane, and pull out a handful of chuckles!
  5. 1 point
    Double Dragon is available to stream on Tubi. It also streams through my heart 24/7.
  6. 1 point
    I think I've seen this movie thirtysomething times, but I never remember literally anything from it or who was in it other than The Rock. Anytime I see it playing on cable I'll watch, thinking maybe this time I'll retain something from it, but I never do. I never do.
  7. 1 point
    Need to hear the team do this one. It's a perfect contender
  8. 1 point
    It's been a hot minute It's time for... How Did This Get Named? Well this is a pretty straightforward one with a bit of a twist. So the phrase "body of evidence" is idiomatic and does translate into other language with the serviceable body double meaning. So do you call it that language's equivalent phrase and ignore the body reference? Nope. You double down on it. So in Japan Body of Evidence is simply... Body Simple and to the point right? Where is the interesting twist? Well the following year Madonna had another movie come out, Dangerous Game, and you do you want to know what that movie was called in Japan? Why Body II of course! There is no connection between the two movies other than a starring vehicle for Madonna. Just riding that high of popularity. It should also be noted the title "Snake Eyes" which is an alternate name for the movie anyway is the sub-title of the film making it "Body 2: Snake Eyes"
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