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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Yeah so I finally watched this movie last night with friends and that scene boggled our minds as it comes out of nowhere, especially as Cade is supposed to be the good guy of the two brothers. Then once we walked it back logically it is easily the biggest long game foreplay we have ever seen in a movie, because not only does he have that rushed attempt at trying to set up a meeting with her after bumping into her, they do it in front of the homeless guy so that they have a witness, and then the dude comes back to that spot to confirm with the homeless guy that he's been "stood up." If the end game is just to bang after some very physical rough housing, why go back to the homeless guy? Also I can see if there was an episode for this movie, a majority of it would be dedicated to this scene.
  2. 1 point
    I get it. I remember around Hard Ticket to Hawaii time, I wasn't overly fond of the pics. However, Paul has said in one of the minis that they kind of go through phases. If they do too many big budget movies, Cannon movies, dramas, ninja movies, etc. people complain. In other words, no matter what they pick, they can't please everyone all the time. And if that's the case, then they might as well just pick movies that they feel like doing -- which I think is ultimately great for everyone. I honestly don't think there's anything more to it than that. I'm pretty much a HDTGM completionist, and I try to keep current with them as much as possible, but I have also gotten to the point where if I'm not super excited about the movie pick, I don't jump through hoops to make sure I watch it before the episode drops. Like, I don't blame you if you're disappointed with their picks, but I promise it won't be long until they are back to doing something you are into.
  3. 1 point
    It’s a metaphor. It’s just too bad that Gene Simmons was so miscast.
  4. 1 point
    If I had a dollar for every taller brawler who hollered at my dog Mauler for not wearing a collar, I could quit this life of squalor and become a scholar, or a composer like Mahler.
  5. 1 point
    If Euripides’ Shorts, I'll rip-a dat ass
  6. 1 point
    I tried to watch the movie. I really don't understand what Tom Selleck and androids have to do with Joan Jett.
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