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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    What’s Professor McGonagall doing in Downton Abbey?? Is the Abbey in Diagon Alley?
  2. 3 points
    I was confused by that. But I think what happened was, he had gotten surgery to get a different face before coming to the house. And then at the house, he was on the phone and he was trying to get ANOTHER surgery to change his face AGAIN.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    When I tried to volunteer at a school to tutor I had to ALWAYS sign in .They were very strict about that. I'm pretty sure in high school you had to be on a form to be able to pick us up in the daytime like if say I got sick and my grandma needed to come get me.
  5. 2 points
    At my son’s school, everyone has to sign in electronically with their relationship to the student. Last time I checked, “sexy drifter” wasn’t an option, but maybe you could write it in under “other.”
  6. 2 points
    Especially the kid - Luke? - he sold out his sister for this stranger. Yeeesh.
  7. 2 points
    I think they were all in the same program and Dave really did make a promise to the dead man to look after his family, but to escape the program he had to get surgery to look like Dan Stevens? Not sure if ithelpshim much except he could be a stickler for keeping promises? In conclusion: I dunno.
  8. 2 points
    I absolutely hated how quickly the parents believed "David" over their own daughter. They've known him for a minute, and they immediately side with him. In fact, their entire attitude with him is nuts. They have them picking up their son from school after knowing him for less than a day; they invite him to come to the principle's office when the kid is about to be expelled. I'm sorry, none of this would happen. Ever. No way. And if the movie was trying to make a point of saying, "yes, this is unusual, but they were disarmed by his charm," it needed to do a much better job explaining why they felt so comfortable trusting him so completely so quickly. In fact, that's a big problem I had with it. I think the movie fails for me because it shows the family trusting him so readily, but it also needs to convince the audience that he's trustworthy too. It's tell not show writing. They trust him because the movie says they do, but they never really make a convincing argument why they should.
  9. 2 points
    This is kind of what I thought but it only adds more questions. Why did he get surgery to look like the dead guy's friend? Did he even know this guy? How does befriending this family help him?
  10. 2 points
    1. I'm all for Downton Diddy now 2. How do you not know the QUEEN of Downton Abbey? if you only know one thing about the show know Violet!
  11. 2 points
    "Ooh wah, ooh wah, Downton Diddy. Tell us about the boy from New York City."
  12. 1 point
    It worked for me. He's pretty good looking. I think the initial point of the movie is a weird take on how veterans and families of veterans are screwed over. Dave is their son and they are his family since he can't return home. It's not that Dave is charming, it's that Dave fills the void of the dead son. So, they accept him regardless of logical response to a stranger or his charisma. They kind of dump that idea after half an hour (at least for the audience) because we know he's evil once the father's coworker dies and he attacked the kids in the bar. By then, I think the movie wants us to think of Dave as this weird, programmed weapon in a Rambo First Blood "look what they did to me" way. I don't think the movie accomplishes either of these goals, but I think that's what they are aiming for. I think they were trying to elevate an action thriller as opposed to, again, First Blood with is trying to make a action thriller out of a drama on vets returning home (although, I don't think First Blood totally accomplished it's goal either).
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Hm haven't done the car line. I guess I've always walked in. One time I signed them out, but that was when I got them from an after-school program a couple hours after school had finished. Another time, it was right at the end of school, I waited at the gate with a mass of parents, walked in to the yard when the bell rang/gate opened, they found me and we walked out and home. I wonder if I flaunted the rules now haha. But it was a pretty chaotic scene! They're similar age as your son, I think they were 7 and 9 when I did this a year or so ago.
  15. 1 point
    One thing that maybe could have helped is if they showed him being friends with the son in the Army. That might've helped us as viewers buy his moving so quickly.
  16. 1 point
    That’s what I mean. The movie tells us that he’s charmed us, but for this to work, not only does he need to charm them, he needs to charm the audience. I mean, maybe he did for some? I don’t know. I’m notoriously hard to impress. I don’t trust anyone who jogs for miles, but doesn’t sweat a drop.
  17. 1 point
    I've picked up my nieces at the end of school no problem without any sort of anything. I reckon that if I picked them up in the middle of the school day or something, they would have checked? I'm thinking maybe it's due to public school? I think when they were in private daycare, then I had to sign in to get them. They're little though. I don't imagine they'd make someone sign in to pick up a 17-year old kid, would they? (I guess they should.)
  18. 1 point
    It would also help if they actually made him charming
  19. 1 point
    I forgot about the principal's office part. That seemed crazy to me. I don't have any children but don't schools now keep a record of the student's guardians? So they don't release a child to someone without custody or whatever. I would think discussing expulsion of a minor with someone who isn't a legal guardian is a big deal even if the parent is present.
  20. 1 point
    The sweetest of peaches, the bitterest apple - they both taste the same when they come out your craphole.
  21. 1 point
    I agree with this. Just make sure he gets blonde hair. Holly likes blonde hair.
  22. 1 point
    Thanks! I get it, I wasn't watching every movie they did before this. Just have so much free time thanks to quar. This one has more responses than the previous 2, so things are trending upwards!
  23. 1 point
    Honestly, I watched the preview on YouTube and wanted to pull my hair out after 21/2 minutes. I’m sure the show will be hilarious but I think I will skip this one. I still like your poll!
  24. 1 point
    Ummm... who? I’ve seen a little Downton, but am more familiar with this:
  25. 1 point
    Halloween is very middle class, dear.
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