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Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

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The Holy Grail, vasectomies, Jason’s old band, and more on this week’s minisode! Paul goes through Corrections and Omissions for Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf, gives a special rec in Paul’s Pick of the Week, and the Movie Bitches review Justice League. Plus, keep an eye out on our Twitter and Facebook pages for more info on next week’s movie!



Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepublic.com/user/howdidthisgetmade

Where to Find Jason, June & Paul:

You can see Jason, June, and Paul in The Disaster Artist in theaters now.

Paul’s new comedy Drive Share is available on Go90. Paul can be seen on A Futile and Stupid Gesture, Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later, Opening Night, and Veep. You can see June and Paul on NTSF:SD:SUV:: on HULU. June stars in Grace and Frankie on Netflix, as well as Lady Dynamite alongside with Jason.


Jason can be seen in The Good Place, The House, The Lego Batman Movie, How to Be Single, Sleeping with Other People, and is still indeed in The Dictator.

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SaraK, you did it! They're coming to Chicago!


For the people who have been to live shows, how do they notify people when tickets go on sale? I want to make sure I get one.

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SaraK, you did it! They're coming to Chicago!


For the people who have been to live shows, how do they notify people when tickets go on sale? I want to make sure I get one.


I knew I was partially psychic.



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SaraK, you did it! They're coming to Chicago!


For the people who have been to live shows, how do they notify people when tickets go on sale? I want to make sure I get one.


Their newsletter and Twitter.

Maybe I'll get tickets to the Chicago show...

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Kit Harrington? Paul, really? Pretty, pretty but so dumb Kit Harrington to play the LEGEND Chrisopher Lee? Paul, what are you smoking? Harrington WISHES he had one tenth of Lee's talent and charisma. I'm sorry but no, no, no.. Cast Harrington and it would end up on the show.

I may be just on a Dr Who hit but I could go with Peter Capaldi. Right height and oozing charisma

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I think it's awesome they are making very hard to find movies easier to see with vimeo. I hope that continues.



Their newsletter and Twitter.

Maybe I'll get tickets to the Chicago show...

Hmm. I don't particularly like following things on Facebook and I don't use Twitter. But I guess I can make an exception to try and get tickets.

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Just to add on to the "No on Kit" movement... THE DUDE IS TOO SHORT


Hot? Yes absolutely. Tall? He's my height. 5'8'' is not the presence you need to capture the 6'5'' Christopher Lee.

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Hmm. I don't particularly like following things on Facebook and I don't use Twitter. But I guess I can make an exception to try and get tickets.


Well, don't come crying to me when I swoop in and poach your tickets. ;)

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Well, don't come crying to me when I swoop in and poach your tickets. ;)/>/>

I'll give you up to face value for up to one ticket.

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I'll give you up to face value for up to one ticket.


It's the least I could do - especially on your birthday!

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I think it's awesome they are making very hard to find movies easier to see with vimeo. I hope that continues.

i think it was pete the scudman sceduzy ,,, scedusie? ... seducy? ... scudese? ... put it up for us. thanks pete


he's at @2xTheCrazy on twitter if you want to drop him a line and say thanks

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Kit Harrington? Paul, really? Pretty, pretty but so dumb Kit Harrington to play the LEGEND Chrisopher Lee? Paul, what are you smoking? Harrington WISHES he had one tenth of Lee's talent and charisma. I'm sorry but no, no, no.. Cast Harrington and it would end up on the show.

I may be just on a Dr Who hit but I could go with Peter Capaldi. Right height and oozing charisma

Just to add on to the "No on Kit" movement... THE DUDE IS TOO SHORT


Hot? Yes absolutely. Tall? He's my height. 5'8'' is not the presence you need to capture the 6'5'' Christopher Lee.

Trying to think of tall, skinny, deep-voiced Brits ...


Cumberbatch? Redmayne? Hiddleston?

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Trying to think of tall, skinny, deep-voiced Brits ...


Stephen Merchant?

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It's the least I could do - especially on your birthday!

I really couldn't figure out how you knew this until I realized I must have put my birthday in when I created an account here.

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I really couldn't figure out how you knew this until I realized I must have put my birthday in when I created an account here.


Also, I'm a creep.

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Wooo Chicago! I hope everyone who wants to go can get a ticket. I wish I could go and then spend the rest of the night stuffing myself with Portillo's.


I used to confuse Freejack and New Jack City, so I never watched either of them out of an irrational aversion to Emilio Estevez. Freejack wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

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Casting the young Christopher Lee is hard because there are no current 20 something actors I can think of with such gravitas in their voice. However, if I were the producer I might push for Nicholas Hoult. He's fairly tall, so the height and build are pretty good. He's also British. However, I think if you are going to focus on the war aspect, Hoult could start of as fresh faced and youthful and by the end transform into someone who carries the weight of war on them and be convincing throughout.

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Stephen Merchant?


*Face Palm* That's just so wrong. Not a fan of the Cumberbatch but for looks/build a pretty good call

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Guy's you are missing the obvious choice for young Christopher Lee. Nicholas Cage.

Let's see:

Academy Award Winner

6 foot (so tallish)

Can play British (Season of the Witch)

And sure he's in his 50's but add some of those CGI effects to make him look like he did in Vampire's Kiss and you're good to go.

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Trying to think of tall, skinny, deep-voiced Brits ...


Cumberbatch? Redmayne? Hiddleston?

Robert Pattinson


I know but if you look at his post Twilight work (Rover, Good Time, Cosmopolis), he's working to shed that image. Maybe in 5-10 years the public will recognize him as the legitimately good actor he is.


Let's remember Christopher Lee didn't start getting famous until his mid 30s in the Hammer films. So, Pattinson has time to age into being respected actor formerly best known for playing vampires.

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Robert Pattinson


I know but if you look at his post Twilight work (Rover, Good Time, Cosmopolis), he's working to shed that image. Maybe in 5-10 years the public will recognize him as the legitimately good actor he is.


Let's remember Christopher Lee didn't start getting famous until his mid 30s in the Hammer films. So, Pattinson has time to age into being respected actor formerly best known for playing vampires.


I was just having this discussion the other day. I don’t think the issue with RPats and KStew has ever been about their acting so much as Twilight itself. If you look at their acting outside of that franchise, it’s clear what they’re both capable of. I think any fault in their acting in the Twilight films is on the directors and should not be a statement on their abilities. They are only doing what they’re being told to do - and in that regard - they do an admirable job.

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I was just having this discussion the other day. I don’t think the issue with RPats and KStew has ever been about their acting so much as Twilight itself. If you look at their acting outside of that franchise, it’s clear what they’re both capable of. I think any fault in their acting in the Twilight films is on the directors and should not be a statement on their abilities. They are only doing what they’re being told to do - and in that regard - they do an admirable job.

I agree. But Christopher Lee was still good in Howling 2. So, is bad writing, directing, editing Pattinson's and Stewart's fault?


Also, let me throw out Hugh Laurie as a possibility.

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So, is bad writing, directing, editing Pattinson's and Stewart's fault?



No, it’s not. We seem to be saying the same thing.

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No, it’s not. We seem to be saying the same thing.

I think I worded it badly.


Even in bad movies like Howling 2, Christopher Lee is still impressive. But in bad movies like Twilight, Pattinson and Stewart are bad. Lee was still professional even in crap he hated. Can we say the same for both Stewart and Pattinson? So, I think some of the blame for their performances in Twilight is on them. We can't say it's all the writers and directors.

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