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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/18 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Paul mentions how weird it is to have a portrait of the Vice President in a government office. I work for the Feds, and we do have a portrait of the Pres., VP, and head of our agency in each office. The Cheney one was super creepy, and we used to steal it and put it in unsuspecting people’s office drawers. Also, for the first time since I can remember, Trump’s portrait has to be elevated above the others.
  2. 3 points
    Ok - it's a date guys! This Sunday, 9pm EST we will Rabbit Meet Me In St Louis. I will post a link on this thread. All are welcome!
  3. 2 points
    What got to me about this moment that it is basically suggesting that a man can be an utter turd to his wife and churlish to the world in general, but as long as he has one moment to the contrary, all should be forgiven. "Oh, see? His not such a bad guy -- he's doing guerrilla karaoke to entertain his kids! It doesn't matter that he uses his wife's high salary as a cudgel whenever he's feeling called out."
  4. 2 points
    If this movie made one thing clear, the one thing Gilbert Gottfried certainly didn't need was some jerk off parent to start dancing around like a jack ass and overstimulating those kids. I mean, Gilbert's obviously already in way over his head. Does he really need some Elvis-fetishizing, dickhead parent to come in, dance up to the second floor, climb over the safety rails, and slide down a pole like he's fucking Tarzan? What kind of example is that? I guarantee the rest of Iago's day was just trying to prevent those freaking poop monsters from plunging to their grisly deaths.
  5. 1 point
    LENNON PARHAM joins The Boys to help out Chef Kevin.
  6. 1 point
    Honestly I think Kirstie Ally's character and the children would have been better off without him. Get her insane gun toting brother out of her apartment, redecorate, maybe get some therapy so she doesn't end up forcing whoever she dates after to be her children's instant daddy and try to be with herself. This guy was a jerk. She deserves better for both herself and for her kids. You're partner should never make you feel lesser for being a bad ass at work or having a good paying job. Also I get that Mikey might not BIOLOGICALLY be his but he is still HIS SON. He agreed to be his father and that means he's his father 100%. He doesn't get to just throw that away or resent it because he isn't biologically his. ( not that it isn't ok for parents to have moments where they sometimes resent the more stressful sucky aspects of having kids. But that doesn't mean you bail and only show up for the fun parts). I was raised by a single mom who was in the corporate world (my mom was a quality auditor for pharmaceutical companies and blood banks). It's really fucking hard having a demanding job and raising a kid alone. But she taught me that it's better to have an unconventional family structure than to settle for something . In conclusion : Kirstie get rid of the fuck boi cabbie/ pilot, redecorate your place and kick ass at your life! Also maybe leave Scientology? #wheresshellymiscavige
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Fun fact from a corn-industrial complex insider—ethanol-based jet fuel CAN INDEED melt steel.
  9. 1 point
    Well it's one for the money, two for the show. So three years jail time in total for fraud and indecent exposure. Another damning indictment of our lenient court system.
  10. 1 point
    I concur. Back in college, I knew a guy who had his pilot's licence but was working as a retail store's assistant manager. When I asked him about it, he told me he wanted to be a commercial pilot, but you have to log a certain amount of flight time to even be considered for a job like that - which can be both time consuming and expensive. That's why so many pilots are former military as it allows them to accrue a significant amount of flight time at low personal cost. So, yeah, Travolta's dream is to be a pilot, but he doesn't have the means to become one. It's like working as a waiter while auditioning for a acting roles. It would be nice if you could just spend all day every day auditioning, but most people still have to pay the bills.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I've been so busy lately that I've barely had time to keep up with HDTGM, let alone Musical Mondays, but I'll tag in for this even though it's waaaaaay too early for the holidays. My wife [Borat voice] loves this movie but I've never seen it. She'll be floored when I tell her I want to watch it.
  13. 1 point
    I have the same baby holding list but I've added Chris Evans onto that.
  14. 1 point
    I'm giving my baby to two strangers only to hold: Barack Obama, or Jason Mantzoukas.
  15. 1 point
    Sometimes you get to Narnia but more often than not smashing through the back of a wardrobe just gets you banned from IKEA.
  16. 1 point
    You're all so much wronger than it's possible to be wrong. This is a fair dinkum classic.
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