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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    a movie that races to cram in every 'drama' hot-button wrapped in new-age sci-fi and expects Ashton Kutcher to pull it all off. featuring - cancer - mental institutions - incest - pedophilia - amputation - suicide - and the SINGLE MOST INSANE ALTERNATE ENDING OF ALL TIME (which, I really hope they would find a way to watch and weigh in on. It's on the bluray/dvds)
  2. 1 point
    This is streaming on Netflix. Murderous tire that uses mind control to kill things. Lots of breaking the fourth wall and meta bull shit to create a WTF movie. It's really awful so I am sure Jason might go bats watching it. It's really shitty but I think with your collective powers you could produce an entertaining show. Keep up the good work. Seriously, this is my favorite podcast.
  3. 1 point
    I can do Friday evening or probably any time Saturday. Sunday is possible too, I'll have to check my schedule though before I promise anything. I'll try to make it available across the weekend though as much as I can. Everything you need to know beforehand is in the poster!
  4. 1 point
    The rooster is even more prominent in other versions of the poster:
  5. 1 point
    Is the bottom right Terence Howard (sp?). I know he's in it but it doesn't quite look like him to me. The grandfather of his character in Hustle & Flow? Will we hear It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp done in 1920's jazz style?
  6. 1 point
    I have no idea what this movie is about but there's a chicken on the poster and I'm utterly intrigued so I'm in. I am obsessing over this chicken. I'm going in full June Diane Raphael on this one you guys and I can't wait!
  7. 1 point
    11/15 Ep. 27 - Mr. Smith Goes To Washington 11/22 Ep. 28 - Sophie's Choice 11/29 Ep. 29 - A Clockwork Orange 12/6 Ep. 30 - Rocky lots of movies about fighters
  8. 1 point
    The scene in the beginning where Building Man was demonstrating the Pearl's cameras, making it look like they were standing in the middle of the sky---I don't know about you but I would have done some combination of scream/faint/crap my pants. The Rock was like: "Hm." Also I enjoyed the graphs of the jumping-from-the-crane trajectory, but I really want to see stats about how quickly one could actually climb a crane 98 stories into the sky. This movie makes it seem like 6 or 7 minutes and the dude has a prosthetic leg.
  9. 1 point
    I was just making some Outkast references is all, but I can see how it would come across crazy haha
  10. 1 point
    If people subscribe to Starz Video Channels on Amazon Prime they can see it for free. It might be available via Starz on other platforms. Also, apropos of nothing, shouldn't this movie be called JFK? Idlewild Airport was renamed JFK after the assassination. (It always throws me for a second when I hear Idlewild mentioned in Goodfellas.)
  11. 1 point
    Sooo what's cooler than being cool? Let's watch the ATLiens from Stankonia, two dope boyz in a Cadillac. Aquemini. The most SpottieOttieDopalicious movie I could think of for this series:
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Correction! The quote from Botha is "Light a man's house on fire, and you find out what he really LOVES", not what he really knows. Which makes more sense. And I guess the fact that no one has yet commented on how The Rock climbs 100+ stories up a crane in, what, 15 minutes? just proves how much the Fast and Furious movies have suspended everyone's disbelief on The Rock's superpowers.
  15. 1 point
    Okay, I’ve thought about this some more and I would like to re-adjust my stance on this (again). I now disagree with Paul (and my previous post) because by only allowing one movie per director that suggests that the director, and no one else, is responsible for a movie’s quality - and that’s bullshit. I mean, it would be one thing if every director worked with the same cast, crew, and scriptwriter on every film, but since that’s not the case, disallowing a film because it shares the same director ignores the contributions of everyone else who worked on that film. For example, even if all the other elements were the same, I doubt Raiders would be on the list if it starred Gary Busey or Rear Window if it were written by E.L. James.
  16. 1 point
    I mean the voting rules could be that you are only allow to submit one film per director thus forcing the voter to decided which they such should be on. Then which one got the most votes if that level was enough that film makes the list and the rest of their titles forfeit. So for example if Jaws got 320 votes and ET got 300, both would qualify it for the list but because Jaws was the highest for that filmmaker, it goes on and E.T. and his other films stricken. Again just a silly theory to try to get a wider variety of things on.
  17. 1 point
    I watched this last week and I’m having trouble remembering everything, but I think the issue is that the problems with the building could only be because of that iPad. Since no one knows it was stolen from him, and it required his facial recognition, it looks like he’s responsible. So it’s not coverage of of a theft, but of a terrorist on the loose. Which, incidentally, was a big source of humor for me when the crowd starts getting on his side. They’re essentially cheering on what they think is a terrorist...
  18. 1 point
    I think I missed a significant plot point, so if someone could explain, that would be great. The bad guys' plan was to steal The Rock's iPad on the ferry, right? But then later, they needed The Rock's face to unlock the iPad. So if the theft on the ferry was a success, how were they planning to unlock the iPad?
  19. 1 point
    So I was skeptical about the nighttime panda feeding and thought maybe the movie meant red pandas which are nocturnal and crepuscular (and the cutest things on this planet) but I wanted to do some research. It turns out that the movie might be correct! I don't think the Hong Kong zoo has a nighttime feeding . I don't even think they have pandas. I know there's a sort of panda theme park but I don't think it has anything to do with the actual zoo. Regardless according to this article( http://thewildlife.wbur.org/2015/08/07/pandas-dont-play-by-the-rules/ ) about research done by scientists from MSU (always nice to read something that isn't about horrific scandals for a change. ) pandas have three peak times of activity: Morning, Afternoon, and Midnight. " In a statement from MSU, research associate Jindong Zhang said, “We cannot simply say the panda is a crepuscular creature. Giant pandas show complex activity patterns that are closely related to food quality and water availability,” Zhang said. “They need to eat food more frequently, such as at midnight, since the nutrition quality of bamboo is low. The study of the activity patterns of pandas opens a door to discovering the unique adaptations of pandas to their environment.” " So there you have it. My insane brain is FINE with people running around a burning building willy nilly, cutting steel cables with an ax, and jumping off a fucking crane but nighttime panda feeding , that shit needs to be fact checked!
  20. 1 point
    I want a hilarious comedy about a thief accidentally stealing a fancy Business Lady vibrator instead of the high tech McGuffin they were hired to get now
  21. 1 point
    .Kimi Yes!! Unless they have a bad guy in H R or are in charge of hiring/ what was the plan if The Rock didn't get the job? Were they going to take out his competition so he's the only applicant? Also wouldn't it have just been easier to stack the deck of applicants with bad guy contractors you paid off to infiltrate the company so that you would know for sure you would get the iPad? That way you don't have to fight anyone at all.
  22. 1 point
    Sorry got posted twice by accident so enjoy this gif!
  23. 1 point
    Why yes, I would like to travel across America accompanied by Jason Mantzoukas...
  24. 1 point
    Mike Myers does it again. Nothing like the book and with since really odd dialogue not fitting to a kid's movie. You're sure to enjoy it.
  25. 1 point
    The idea of using brakes as a murder weapon reminded me a lot of a really shitty movie starring Leelee Sobieski and Stellar Skateboard:
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