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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The description on IMDB: In the far future water is the most valuable substance. Two space pirates are captured, sold to a princess, and recruited to help her find her father who disappeared when he found information dangerous to the rulers. A real Space Opera with sword fights, explosions, fighting robots, monsters, bar fights and time warps. Cast members include: Robert Urich, Angelica Huston, John Carradine, and Ron Perlman Ron Perlman. In only his second film appearance ever. The description above doesn't even begin to describe the craziness of this movie. Giant White Afros. Space Herpes. Eunich Machine. Such a fun, fun movie.
  2. 1 point
    As someone who isn't much of a baker, are the times they get to make these cakes realistic? Could a professional baker who never saw these particular cakes make one of them in the time given? Because 90 minutes to recreate the massive designs seems impossible.
  3. 1 point
    I don't know what it's like to lose a dad but I lost my mom and went through a six year period where someone close or related to me died every year. I second @taylorannephoto that if you ever want to talk to someone about anything I'm here. I also know that talking about how you're doing constantly can be draining so if you just want to enjoy shifty films that's ok too.
  4. 1 point
    For me, I didn't watch it and it's been well over a decade since I saw it. So, I don't have much to say except in very broad strokes. Plus, it really is the probably definitive narrative film on the holocaust both in reputation and merit. There are other good ones (I remember really liking The Shop On Main Street), but outside of The Pianist, I don't think there are others that come close in the general consensus. As others have said, I'm curious (and shocked) how this came to be the introduction to the holocaust for Americans. The statistic from Amy seems unbelievable. Roosevelt even ordered footage be filmed to prove it happened. So, how were we unaware? I was going enough that, in 1993, we probably wouldn't have discussed the holocaust in school in gory detail. I know we watched some documentary in church youth group around this time but maybe we wouldn't have without Schindler's List being released. But I feel like I certainly would have been aware of the holocaust without this movie.
  5. 1 point
    I just saw it today and he’s a delight! As to be expected I suppose, but he’s so gentle with the bakers. They do a good job with kind but funny guest judges
  6. 1 point
    I really love this movie, hopefully I’ll be able to pop in this week! Cameron, I’m so sorry for your loss.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Double fired because I didn't even know Nailed It! had new episodes.
  9. 1 point
    I am so hoping this means there has been or will be some Zouks-Byer romancing.
  10. 1 point
    Aye. I've been trying to really find the right words on this one. I couldn't bring myself to re-watch it. I was too young to see it in theaters when it came out, but I remember watching it in school, and the one time one of the TV networks showed it in its entirety. It was my first real introduction to the holocaust and I hadn't known anyone who was Jewish until college. What stuck with me the most was not just the gruesome deaths, but Schindler's breaking down at the end about how many more people he could have saved. But it's been about 25 years since I've seen it and I'm still not quite ready to see it again. One thing I've been wanting to discuss is that I can't quite put my finger on whey Schindler's List became the introduction to the Jewish story and the Holocaust?
  11. 1 point
    I'm interested in whether the lack of discussion on this movie is due to people choosing not to/not getting a chance to watch/rewatch it, or due to a general lack of differing opinion or lack of desire to engage in the usual banter over such a serious movie. (Or maybe everyone is out shopping or otherwise enjoying the holidays, or just taking care of end of year business. I put it on while I was grading finals, so I might have missed a chyron or two.)
  12. 1 point
    A couple personal stories to add, in keeping with the theme of Schindler's List as an entry point into not only the Holocaust for the uninitiated, but also Jewishness. The first two stories tangentially have to do with me liking nice non-Jewish girls in college in the nineties. Undergrad: I asked a girl to join me to hear Elie Wiesel (author, Nobel peace prize winner, Holocaust survivor) speak on campus. He gave a profound talk on the nature of evil and how to confront it. After the talk, students lined up to ask questions. My female friend got in line, but once someone else stepped up to the mike and asked "What did you think of Schindler's List?" she sat down. "That was going to be my question," she said. Grad school: I asked a freshman girl out, who I didn't realize was Mormon. She somewhat naively didn't realize I was Jewish, despite certain facial features and my last (and first) name. Once I explained that I was Jewish, literally her first reaction was to ask, "What did you think of Schindler'sList?" As for context in which to watch this movie, it probably wasn't the best timing when I returned back to the dorm after seeing it for a second time in theaters, this time with several non-Jewish friends who were shocked to their core. SNL was playing in the student lounge, and it happened to be this skit with Heather Locklear as host, during this exact moment: Needless to say, I wasn't in the mood to find it quite funny at the time. I've since come around and can appreciate it within the context of an absurd SNL skit...but in 2018 it sadly doesn't feel quite so much like a comedy bit any more.
  13. 1 point
    I screamed because I am hoping for some serious Wig Talk. Also you are all FIRED for not telling me Zouks is in the New Year's episode of Nailed It.
  14. 1 point
    Ah yes I'm totally good for the next one! I hope Fister comes back tho cause I miss him on the boards.
  15. 1 point
    Moreover, this is specifically what Schindler's List is about. It's the whole metaphor of the girl in the red coat, that something about this individual stood out to Schindler for some reason, and that image stuck with him and drove him to do what he did. (Yes, the movie presents his motivations as more complicated and ever-shifting than that, but at root that's what it is -- he distilled the whole thing down to individual people he cared about and wanted to save.)
  16. 1 point
    I thought the exact same thing!! I've seen Practical Magic more times than I can count, and that's where my mind went every time they mentioned it.
  17. 1 point
    With the gang covering "Holiday in Handcuffs" next, I have to give this a bump for Melissa Joan Hart's only theatrical headlining film role to date.
  18. 1 point
    Yes Please, Ice Pirates HDTGM!
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