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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Cameron, I'm very angry at you right now.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    I would also like to point out that - based on the lyrics - he’s less “Rockula” than “Nerdula.” And while he’s clearly not a singer, I noticed Dean Cameron (Ralph/Rockula) co-wrote a number of the songs.
  4. 2 points
    This is why I just can't like this movie. Sure there's some enjoyable things in its goofiness, but they just seriously WERE NOT TRYING. The levels of "not trying" are unforgiveable. You have to at least have one sentence about who the mirror guy is. About why garlic, crosses, and killing aren't part of his makeup. There's nothing. It just ignores common lore and I'm supposed to buy it? In fact, it's so disparate from vampire lore, I'd argue he's NOT a vampire. I don't know what he is exactly, but it's not that. He just lives forever, has fangs, and can turn into a gross bat person.
  5. 2 points
    I only know this because Almostaghost and Polly told me but he gets blood delivered. You bring up something that really frustrated me. He likes garlic. Crosses don't bother him. He can go out in the sun (with sun block). He has a reflection. Presumably he can't glammer because otherwise he'd win over Mona instantly. He's barely a vampire. A lot of vampire stories play with or ignore some of the lore. That's fine. Sometimes it really adds some interesting depth. Rockula ignored pretty much all of it though. Some of it is needlessly brought up. The scene with him explaining he likes garlic didn't need to be there. The scene with crosses not bothering him didn't need to be there. The sunblock scene could have taken place at night (but I'm fine with it as a joke in a vampire movie). If you're going to break one major part of the mythology for your movie, you can't actively drop the rest of it too.
  6. 2 points
    That’s a great point. What exactly does he eat? Like I get they get blood bank deliveries, but he says he faints at the sight of blood. He’s also really fond of cooking with garlic. So, can vampires actually eat whatever they want and just choose to murder?
  7. 2 points
    Bosch on the pro version made bang rodgman look like a baby back bitch
  8. 2 points
    This ep was a total BANGer!!! It was also very clear and not confusing at all
  9. 2 points
    sean is just TEASING us at this point, using a sound drop that is oh-so-similar to a popcorn gallery sound drop when kevin walked through his bead curtain.
  10. 2 points
    I’m so glad Engineer Devon tipped me off to the “Ads Version Hollywood Handbook”. No more juggling apps, thanks Devon! Although this was perhaps the worst possible timing, if the boys are being forced to abandon their hilarious Santa Man/Moriarty/Elf Giles characters. Wait, I misspoke, Kevin isn’t one of The Boys...or is he? Hell, Bang Rodgman is practically one of the boys at this point. Anyways, I hit the skip forward and backward buttons just like you told me and the episode sounded like shit. I dunno how many more phones I can buy if you’re gonna keep making episodes like this.
  11. 2 points
    It’s funny how Charlie Brooker made the best tv show (screenwipe) and the worst one (black mirror). I guess that was his most fiendish twist of all. funny ep. Ithink i’ve now heard most of the scenarios.
  12. 1 point
    I liked this enough because the goofy charm works but you're right. He's not a vampire. He's a shapeshifter or a were-bat I guess. In other stuff that ignores or changes mythology, they typically give some kind of reason. In Salem's Lot, crosses only work if you have faith. In Twilight, vampires don't go out in the day because sparkling gives them away. Even Vampire Academy makes up something playful when it violates vampire rules. In Rockula, most that stuff is shrugged off. I'm glad I don't remember this because I have the exact opposite of a foot fetish. Please put on more socks and shoes, people.
  13. 1 point
    I refused to see Bohemian Rhapsody the minute my cousin told me they erased his bisexuality, and then I found out that Bryan Singer is still credited as the movie's director and that him being fired literally had nothing to do with the fact that everyone in Hollywood knows he's a sexual predator then I was hardcore out.
  14. 1 point
    Especially since he doesn't kill for blood.
  15. 1 point
    I love how quickly Ralph forgives his mother (on Mona’s behalf, too) after admitting that she’s been the mastermind behind 15 or so murders.
  16. 1 point
    Vampire lore generally holds that you stop aging from the moment you turn into vampire. But Ralph and his mother are vampires. So, what happened? He wasn't born a vampire because he's 22. How did they both become vampires? Was it the same vampire attack? Did one turn first? Did one bite the other? What I imagine happened is his mother turned vampire first. She couldn't live without her son and turned him.
  17. 1 point
    Maybe his mirror self is just a lifelong Duck Soup type mirror gag on Ralph?
  18. 1 point
    I loved how his long haired band mate during “He’s the DJ, I’m the Vampire” was only onstage to give him high fives.
  19. 1 point
    lol fuck those decisions Green Book is this year's The Help or Driving Miss Daisy. It's watchable and the performances are great (duh it's Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortenson). Bohemian Rhapsody is not good. Other than the Live Aid section, it's garbage. Rami Malek was bad. People calling it a cookie cutter music biopic are giving it a bit too much credit in my mind.
  20. 1 point
    At first, I thought it was just a lazy device to have him be able to vocalize his thoughts without VO. And it's been done before I think. Then he has two women with him. And he dresses differently. I'd probably let it slide if it was a funny enough joke. And vampires can't even see their reflection. Setting aside that the movie plays very loose with vampire mythology, something needs to be addressed for who the mirror guy is.
  21. 1 point
    Mirror Guy is such a main part of the movie, I can't fathom why they wouldn't even attempt to explain him
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Fuck joe hartzler and Fuck the doughboys for giving his misappropriated hate filled speech a platform. Creamed chipped BEEF. RIDE OR DIE.
  24. 1 point
    Whoa that is NOT what I expected Bang Rodgman to look like. Note to self: Do not search for images of "Bang Rodgerman" at work. Very bad! Not good!
  25. 1 point
    This episode was ‘sub-optimal’ as they say in the medical imaging field. Better than Scott Anchorman’s tap dancing though. That dude’s soft shoe is a wooden heel.
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