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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I'd probably copy your list but move Rear Window to the top. It's one of my favorite Hitchcock movies. I agree with what Paul said that it kind of sits in the middle of what Hitchcock does best and might not be the best representation of his career for this list.
  2. 2 points
    You want to talk about vampires (slayers)?? Two words: BIANCA LAWSON! She played teenagers in tv for 20 YEARS. The woman has not aged. At 18 playing Kendra on Buffy so I want to say 97 /98? Now the vampires walk among us and they have fantastic skin!!!
  3. 1 point
    It's also because there's not much left to correct/offer after the show-- I thought it was funny, lively, and covered pretty much everything crazy about it. Not much more to do but laugh and nod in appreciation.
  4. 1 point
    As you know @taylor anne photo and I have been rooting for Queen of the Damned to finally get it's due and take it's rightful place in the HGTM Pantheon. Apparently Averly has deemed it not HGTM material according to Paul. I disagree and think that it would be much better than this film. I'm not sure if it's because of Aaliyah's untimely death or if she truly doesn't understand the joy of it's silliness. I think we would have had at *least* two pages on the fashions alone. But I digress. I personally just don't understand why they picked the 5th movie in a series where there's some pretty serious backstory involved. It's hard to talk about a film if you can't understand the context. I honestly don't know if it's even fair to mock some of the stuff because while it's a bonkers film I feel like some of the bonkers stuff would make sense if we knew the backstory. I get that the films and the stories they tell might be dumb but in the context of those stories they make a kind of sense. So It does feel kind of weird that we are dissecting this when we have no understanding of the world or background of this series. Yes this film should be accessible to people, and again this movie is bonkers, but a part of me does wonder if we had covered say movie number one or another self contained movie like I, Frankenstein (or my beloved QotD) would we have a better discussion about the movie and understand it more? Is it fair to go after this movie for things we don't understand when it clearly has a complex worldbuilding and story arc over movies?
  5. 1 point
    How does everyone rank the Hitchcocks, now we're done with all four? For me 1. Vertigo 2. Psycho 3. North By Northwest 4. Rear Window
  6. 1 point
    But he generally asks their opinions on the phone calls, which is what he’s saying he wants. I also think it’s weird since I feel like it would be far easier for him to pull up Earwolf on his laptop/phone/whatever rather than dealing with phone calls and trying to mix them into the ep. Like, “I can’t look at the forums because I’m not in studio.” LOL But, like I said, it’s not like Blood Wars lit up the forum. It’s not a big deal. We’re barely at two pages and it’s mainly us saying that the other movies (or I, Frankenstein) would have been better picks and Scott Speedman/Stapp conspiracy theories.
  7. 1 point
    I have not watched an Underworld movie since seeing the first one in theaters in 2003. Like many of you, I also remember that movie being terrible and then also being baffled that they seem to have made 5 or 6 more of them. Not having caught up on any of the subsequent lore, Underworld: Blood Wars was pretty much unintelligible. I also don't recall a whole lot about the original movie, other than it had vampires fighting werewolves, only the movie does not explain for quite some time that the people it calls "Lycans" are actually werewolves. So when I heard the vampire characters talking about "lichens" I assumed their enemies were some kind of tree fungus.
  8. 1 point
    Ooooh, if that impresses you, then you definitely need to check out the podcast Travolta/Cage. Available wherever you get your podcasts.
  9. 1 point
    It’s like my mom thinking she can only access her email from work.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I have a friend who really enjoys the Underworld series. When I told her I was watching it for the podcast, told her all of my grievances with it and she said I was being nitpicky for the sake of the show. I haven't listened to the episode yet, but I was at the live taping and had some notes and some memories of things I wanted to bring up: Did anyone get the impression that the movie really wanted to set up that the werewolves weren't the bad guys and it was only the vampires that had recruited Selene? Between the main Lycan having a romance with that one vampire and his insistence that had no plans to kill Selene's daughter, it seemed as though they were leading to a late reveal that he was really on her side and they'd team up. The movie spent a lot of time flashing back to a number of things that had just happened. It seemed like it was put together on a very slim budget. Blood Wars was the first live show of the night, the second one (no spoilers) was a very expensive film so the difference in that regard was really noticeable. I wrote "What kind of sexy talk is this?" I don't remember what that this was in regards to. Also, "Thomas" was a very boring vampire name.
  12. 1 point
    I do remember watching the original in theaters, but I was surprised to find out there were five of these things! Wow. That made me look up Wikipedia for the original movie's release date, and it was 2003?! I'm terrible at math, but that seems like seventeen years ago. That's when I looked up Kate Beckinsale. She was born in 1973?! I think we know who the true vampire is, and yes, June, it seems they do live among us!
  13. 1 point
    I came here to say this too! One more vote, guaranteed no disappointment.
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