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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/20 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Thanks everyone! I got sprung today (thanks to the Rita Hayworth poster and my tunneling). I have to wear an IV pump for 6 weeks to deliver antibiotics to my PICC line 3 times a day. That's going to be a major pain.
  2. 1 point
    Advice for callers from Florida! A woman falls under a train and triggers June's panic response, but they are both ok. And, should Paul watch the Resident Evil films? Paul also offers advice on the Paul Help Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for Underworld: Blood Wars, and checks in with Devin and Cody for recommendations on how to spend your isolation time. Plus, find out which movie will be covered next week!
  3. 1 point
    As a potential replacement for rabbit for HDTGM Classics, has anyone used netflixparty.com? I haven't used it and I'm not sure what HDTGM movies are on Netflix at the moment. It might be our next best option.
  4. 1 point
    I think that was his initial reaction (to suck it up), but then he re-evaluated and seemed to see the issue from your POV. He kinda covered both bases, is how I heard it. The outtake was awesome. I’ve really appreciated all of Paul’s efforts to keep us entertained. I just binged the first season of Black Monday during a free Showtime trial. It helped me get through a rough week. I will probably wait until Penny Dreadful is on to subscribe to Showtime (I’m finding free deals to take advantage of in order to keep my streaming bill affordable), but I really enjoyed it. Recommended!
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    No, you’re good. For some reason they stopped creating threads for this and Unspooled. We’ve all just been taking it upon ourselves to do it. Thank you for doing it
  7. 1 point
    Hope nobody minds that I went ahead and started this topic, it didn't seem like there is some kind of rota for it so I hope I didn't overstep. As for the mini-episode, thanks Paul. For many of us, I think having the things we love still coming along at the usual times is a comfort for that stupid part of the brain that generates anxiety. Should you watch Resident Evil? Ordinarily I would say yes, at least for the very first one, which I thought was OK at the time. But, depending on how you feel about watching a series of films based on videogames about a biohazard, it might be a bit much for now. But if you're up to it, the first one is a solid horror picture, and much like Underworld, the quality drops off after that.
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