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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Karl Urban is NOT using his real accent in portraying Billy Butcher in The Boys. Karl Urban is from New Zealand and naturally has a New Zealand accent. Butcher is from London and speaks with a Cockney accent.
  2. 1 point
    Yeah I enjoyed hunting a bit though doing so also gave me some of the closest moments to pissing myself as that game has a knack for scaring the hell out of you with animal sneak attacks, whether it be from snakes, gators, or damn mountain lions. Then you also got to worry about cultists playing possum, cannibals trying to eat you, or any number of the fricking serial killers running around the old west. The only downside I found with that game was the lack of simple fast travel as that map is goddamn gigantic.
  3. 1 point
    Never look a gift cat in the butthole.
  4. 1 point
    If elbows and sphincters were croissants and sprinklers and I like less than half of you half as well as frozen margaritas
  5. 1 point
    Hey Y'all, I made a quick video for my theme, "This Is Paul's Help Line" that was on this weeks episode. Check it out if you want to listen to the same thirty second song, over and over and over. Peace, Ted
  6. 1 point
    I didn't wind up finishing the movie yet, but that note for the insert was funny. So far it reminds me of a Ti West movie with more humour and a dumber central idea. I did play some RDR2 and learned how to hunt. Hard to say if it will become the kind of time-killing exercise for me like its sister game Grand Theft Auto V, where I enjoy jumping in the back of a train and trolling police helicopters to see how long I can get and keep a 5-star wanted rating while being carried around the city.
  7. 1 point
    Velocipastor is pretty nutty and I was sold as soon as the "insert burned car" or whatever popped up on the screen. As for RDR2, that was a truly amazing game that still hasn't had all of its easter eggs and hidden gems discovered in it, plus you can literally spend hours doing countless things that don't do anything to progress you through the game as Jason was doing by fishing and hunting, and still feel fulfilled when you stop playing.
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