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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/18 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    MAX SILVESTRI joins The Boys again to discuss desserts for when you’re being bad.
  2. 7 points
  3. 6 points
    i dont know what this jordan characters whole deal is but so far every ep shes been on has been a goddamn humdinger
  4. 6 points
    Does anyone know the term for a butt doctor? or a doctor that can look at your butt? Pediatrician? Asking for me, not for a friend. I've grown butt cheeks over my ears and can't listen to the show.
  5. 6 points
  6. 5 points
    hayes and sean should "release the gas," so to speak, on these forums by doing a popcorn gallery, much like when you open the popcorn bag after microwaving it and all the steam comes out.
  7. 5 points
    Not to be pedantic, but every doctor is capable of looking at your butt, and believe me I've tried. Most just don't know what to do with it. I have a medical (marijuana) license, so I am also qualified to look at butts, but just as confused and disoriented when I see one. I've heard that a lawyer is officially a Juris Doctor so I'd start there.
  8. 4 points
    When I was a kid I saw a magazine that kind of suggests that some people even look at butts just for fun. Lol, don't ask me why but for reals, they do!
  9. 4 points
    here’s me listening to the ep: “LOL”
  10. 4 points
    I did appreciate that the movie made me consider issues within the black community without having to include a white experience. I'm glad I watched it, as I've only seen 2 of Spike Lee's movies before. But it just doesn't work as a musical for me.
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Just want to clear up this point above. I listened to a Spike Lee interview about School Daze and he says that "a" brother died during pledging, not that "his" brother died.
  13. 3 points
    Agreed. I also didn't find any of these really tied up in the end. I took the "wake up" scene to basically say that everyone needs to wake up from the notion extremism and an unwillingness to work together are productive. I think that whole message could have been better conveyed through one of the story lines, but instead Lee tried to pack in as much as possible and it became overrun with side issues.
  14. 3 points
    I think I would have appreciated it more if more of the movie was like that, but it just comes so late in the game. I think it was like 30mins into the movie or something. By that point, I had completely given up on there being any kind of big Musical numbers and then this scene comes out of nowhere like PLoW! And then, there's really nothing like it for the rest of the movie. I just don't feel like it worked overall - especially because the whole natural vs. straightened hair dynamic had just played out in dialogue. It was like, "You know that thing we clearly just talked about for two minutes? Well, now we're going to sing about it for another four - shifting the tone and style of the movie inexplicably - and bring no new insights." As I've said above: I appreciate what it is he's doing (or trying to do), but I just don't think it works.
  15. 2 points
    This was the clip I was talking about lol
  16. 2 points
    This is what hurts the movie most. He's trying to make three different movies: a musical, a metaphor for society encapsulated in a college, and just a weekend in the life of a college. Each of these would be great movies but not all together.
  17. 2 points
    My problem (or saving grace) was that I have been watching this movie in ~20 minute increments for 3 days now. So when the Jets/Sharks dance fight of hair came on, it didn’t feel like I had been waiting for 30 minutes. And yes, it did delight me that this dance fight was between the 2 female groups about hair rather than the fraternity vs Dap groups about their politics, which I was expecting them to do tbh.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Yes, West Side Story way more than Grease.
  20. 1 point
    I know we're all supposed to shit on John Wayne for his abhorrent politics but I'm going to defend him on a few points. Everyone loves to proclaim that he was a coward during WWII because he didn't serve but 1. He was deemed too old and had prior injuries that had previously ended his athletic career 2. Republic Pictures threatened to sue him if he left his contract with them (read up on it) and 3. There is documentation that he enlisted in the OSS but the letter of acceptance went to his estranged wife's house and she never told him about it. Whether or not you find these excuses compelling, I would still hold off on exclamations of cowardice. And while I find High Noon to be true on an emotional level, Wayne is correct that it is not anything close to the reality of the Old West. There are numerous instances of outlaws riding into small towns to rob and terrorize the populace and without fail the town always banded together and shot them to pieces. For examples, read up on what happened to Jesse James and his gang in Northfield or what happened to the Daltons in Coffeyville. Considering the time High Noon takes place in, most of the men in town would probably have been veterans of the Civil War and not ones to run from a fight. It's not a slight against High Noon because I don't think authenticity was the goal. Also, Parke's info regarding sheriffs and marshals is a little off. There were US Marshals but most Westerns aren't about them. Sheriffs actually had a higher standing than the marshals we picture in Westerns. Sheriffs were the law for entire counties, while marshals were the law for towns only.
  21. 1 point
    Late to the party, but I thought I'd share my Titanic experience. When the movie was released, I was 18 and living abroad in a small city in Italy. I don't know if the film was received with the same level of mania in the States, but it seemed like the entire country of Italy collectively lost its shit. They went bananas. Shops started selling flags with DiCaprio's face on them, which people actually flew out their apartment windows, and the club remix of "My Heart Will Go On" was inescapable. I heard a rumor, which I never bothered to confirm, that the town where DiCaprio's ancestors lived renamed their town square "Piazza DiCaprio." My friend was obsessed and carried around a binder with film-related images from magazines. We attempted to make her a Rose dress for Carnival, but given that neither of us knew how to sew, it didn't go well. Personally, I enjoyed the movie, but I don't LOVE it, although I did enjoy the movie-going experience. At the theater in the town I lived in (one theater, one screen), you could buy one ticket and stay as long as you wanted. I had missed the first few minutes, so I was able to stay and see the parts I had missed. They also added an intermission to every film, no matter how long, so everyone could go into the hall and smoke. So very Italian.
  22. 1 point
    Tom Scharpling is an anagram of 'ranch pig molts'.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I never put metal shavings in my dishes because they can be real Gum Cutters. Really surprised nobody made that joke.
  25. 1 point
    Sorry I party, sorry I rule, sorry Steve Harvey had sex in your pool
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