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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Uh I think you mean the one and only Miss Scarlett from Clue!!!!
  2. 2 points
    I like to think of this as Miss Scarlett's origin story. Or the missing link between Cinderella (my favorite version, btw) and Miss Scarlett. Prince Charming would also make as good a stripper name as Ricky Rocket. I love Lesley Ann Warren.
  3. 2 points
    I couldn't figure out who the main character really was at first, who I'm suppose to root for ( the constantly drunk horny friend of hers clearly ) , and why no one else thought this was clearly the premise of a horror film. Also the man bun's in awful thongs were upsetting and this strip club is full of violations. I feel like I have a cold sore and mono from watching this movie.
  4. 2 points
    What the fuck did I just witness? I cannot WAIT to hear June's take on this.
  5. 2 points
    the Vimeo link for A Night in Heaven isn't up yet (as far as I can tell) but a 240p res version is on youtube. Haven't watched it all the way through, but it seems to be complete. I've replaced the link with a DVD resolution version. enjoy.
  6. 2 points
    I missed my 3,000th post so I'm gonna yell one more time... PAUL, DO QUEEN OF THE DAMNED!!! PLEASE!!!
  7. 1 point
    I spent the first few minutes wondering what year the movie was supposed to be set in. Unattentive pity-party husband and Leslie are real throwbacky; pretty much all of the adult characters are. I hate plots that could be solved in seconds if people just talked to each other. Loved Slick though.
  8. 1 point
    This is exactly how I feel about the LotR movies. They're definitely well made and enjoyable, but I feel no desire to even re-watch Fellowship for this podcast. I just feel like, meh, okay. I appreciate it, but I'm not in love with it, and I don't have much to say about it beyond that.
  9. 1 point
    yeah, I was really confused as to what this movie is trying to say. The gender politics are all over the place which sorta makes sense, since everyone is fucking everyone.
  10. 1 point
    @gigitastic update There's a much higher res version here:
  11. 1 point
    Thank you for this! I think this is going to be an amazing movie because my (ironically skittish) cat Godric heard one second of the opening music and ran the fuck out my room like the devil was chasing him. He's clearly a film critic with delicate sensibilities. Only AFI's top 100 and Unspooled for him! That or he just hates synthy digital sounding music. Either way my cat has better taste than I do and he literally only wants to eat dry cat food.
  12. 1 point
    Psycho - Shudder Raiders - Amazon Prime African Queen - Netflix
  13. 1 point
    My wife told me it was because I was kind and wise, but analytical to the point of stagnation and full of self-doubt. I told her she was Boromir. She was upset at first, but I explained it’s because she’s brave, caring, and would die defending the ones she cares about, but she would 100% be corrupted by the ring out of a desire to do good. She thought about it for a second and was like, “You’re totally right.” Lol (It’s also worth mentioning that I’m a Ravenclaw and she’s a Slytherin )
  14. 1 point
    So inspired by Taylor Anne's devotion to one of the greatest music videos of our time Queen of the Damned I tried to find a listical from syfy.com's Fangrrls on it and I just discovered that there was a tv movie on the motherfucking FURBIES!! It's called Furby Island and it looks like the stuff of nightmares. You can get it on YouTube for free and I think I might have found what I'm doing this weekend should I want to scar myself for life. I distinctly remember having one as a kid and needing to lock it in my closet because it wouldn't shut up and then being so scared of my now possessed closet I had to sleep with my mom in her room. This movie looks scarier than what being alone in the dark and hearing a weird robot chirping to itself from my closet felt like to an already terrified 8 year old. Would anyone else be interested in watching this monstrosity?
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    A greater question: which characters are Paul and Amy? I'll go with Aragorn for Paul, as he is leading us with insight, advice, and ability Amy is Gandalf of course
  17. 1 point
    GIVE US SEXY VAMPIRE QUEEN AALIYAH PAUL! Let us have rock star Lestat (I can't even type that without laughing) in a band that I think he names after himself (which is the MOST Lestat thing ) ! This movie is nothing but open shirts, (p)leather , velvet, and mesh with a truly awful soundtrack. It's an early 2000's Hot Topic made sentient and it is EVERYTHING! WE NEED TO DO THIS MOVIE
  18. 1 point
    I haven't listened to the episode yet because I'm soooo behind on my podcasts (just literally listened to Apocalypse Now about two hours ago) but I'm sad that I don't get as excited for LotR as a lot of others do. The movies are beautiful and I do enjoy watching them, but after seeing them I'm like okay cool those were good movies and then I move on. Generally I'm all in with movies like these, like I mentioned in my first comment in this thread I am a die hard Harry Potter fanatic, so it's not like I'm not a fan of this genre, but I just really can't get any more into LotR other than loving the actors and loving the scenery. I wouldn't take it off of the AFI list at all even with that thought process though. I think it does absolutely deserve to be there for the cultural explosion it created and for how well they are made. It's just not the fandom I'm part of.
  19. 1 point
    went to this live show and Hayes brought the 'yeauh' guy up on stage to do one big YEAUH into the mic but the guy kind of blew it so they must've cut it out
  20. 1 point
    My biggest fucking gripe with them cancelling the original Law and Order is how fantastic Linus Roache was taking over for Sam Waterston. He was an absolutely perfect fit for the show, and Sam Waterston being promoted to D.A. just seemed like a brilliant way of keeping him on as they introduced Linus into the role.
  21. 1 point
    Just watched this on Amazon and can't recommend it highly enough, it's that good. For how insane it is it has a perfect 80s feel and amazing performances from Cage and Lonus Roache, and a great cameo from an always awesome Richard Brake. Cage doesn't really say anything for the first hour, allowing others to build the story up, so when Cage becomes the focal point there is a range of emotions he has to work through to get from point A to point B. He is nuts in this but in a way that makes sense for the movie.
  22. 1 point
    My favorite part of The Net is the master computer she has to use at the end is of course located in the center of a fucking convention hall.
  23. 1 point
    And to think, all those chumps on the street got to see his carcass for free!
  24. 1 point
    Poor Gabriel Byrnes. He's so much better than this movie, and his performance gives the impression that he's well aware of this. I'm glad Hereditary released to such acclaim, everyone in that movie did a fucking brilliant job. I really liked his performance in particular. It really is amazing that someone watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and thought this was a logical direction to head in to match that success.
  25. 1 point
    I watched Platoon soon after watching Apocalypse Now. I had to laugh that both starred a Sheen doing voiceovers during Vietnam. They also both end in Cambodia.
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