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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/18 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Hey guys... I've been meaning to tell you that this discussion inspired me a few weeks ago and I won the top spot in this contest because of it. http://www.cracked.com/pictofacts-1132-the-surprisingly-weird-aftermaths-20-famous-events/ So Thanks y'all! You're the best
  2. 4 points
    @horse'sdms Hey could you help me think of a side dish to make for thanksgiving?
  3. 3 points
    And don't forget Raging Bull for Boxing Day.
  4. 3 points
    sean name dropped tim treese in today's pro version. perhaps it's a signal that the popcorn gallery is making a return. a boy can only dream.
  5. 3 points
    The Thanksgivings I attend here in KY are usually lacking in green vegetables not-covered-with-cheese, so I selfishly usually bring one or two along! Here are two favorites that are imo easy to pull off. I can help you think of fancier things or things that are more rich also if these aren't to your liking. Also these recipes won't make you buy a bunch of spices you may or may not have on hand. I'm making this post as if you you're like so many of my friends who don't cook often so sorry if it's insulting at all. I think Alton Brown's recipes are usually trash (if you want a reliable Food Network recipe source, it's Ina Garten), but his very simple holiday Brussels Sprouts dish is perfect. Brussels Sprouts with Pecans and Cranberries The recipe says "1 pound fresh Brussels sprouts, rinsed and trimmed" then tells you to shred them yourself. Trader Joe's sells pre-shredded 10z bags of brussels. I accidentally made this recipe with just 10oz when I first discovered this and it was still fine, but I usually buy two bags like a good boy who follows the rules, plus there are lots of people at my meals. Any old supermarket probably has them too, I definitely recommend buyin em preshredded because all the electric shredding things I try always turn everything, yes, even brassicas, to mush. If you have a Trader Joe's nearby you're in major luck because I love their dried cranberries way more than Sun Maid or whatever you're going to find at the mass market store. But TJs makes you buy a huge bag of pecans so there's extra three bucks lost if you don't use them often. Brussels are good because they're not often in casseroles so you're less likely to compete with your sister-in-law for side dish supremacy. Here's a green bean recipe from Chrissy Teigen's first cookbook, that absolutely slaps. That's a great cookbook I've made so much stuff out of it and only a couple of duds. It requires a 12" skillet and some means of covering it, so hopefully you have that. Buttery Green Beans Ingredients: 1 pound of fresh green beans, ends trimmed if you don't buy the bag of pre-washed ones. This means cut off the little stick part on the one side and any mushy dark green parts. This kind of takes a while but I think it's fun 1/4 cup of sugar 2 tbsp. of butter 1/4 cup slivered almonds. Sliced almonds are also just-as-good. I usually buy raw and toast em myself so they're nice and brown but who cares! Salt and pepper, to taste First toast the almonds if they're not already roasted. Put the same skillet you're about to use for the beans and set it on medium heat, no need for oil you just want the heat. Now occasionally flip em around or otherwise stir them and do your absolute best to keep paying attention to them because I always burn them. You want them to turn a nice brown to dark brown color and smell nice. If you're like me some of them will be kind of black because you get so bored at this point and that's fine too. In a large skillet, combine 1 cup of water + the 1/4 cup sugar + some Salt Bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar is dissolved Add green beans, cover + cook until the sugar water begins to reduce, about 9 minutes Uncover + stir + continue cooking for 7 minutes. Don't worry about these times too much, the previous step is forgiving but this one is where you could mess up your dish by not cooking enough. You really want all the liquids to turn into a glaze here so make sure there's lots of boiling and steam coming off and keep cooking till the beans, well, get glazed! As in coated with the shiny sticky sugar water. The recipe in the book concerns itself without getting the beans from getting mushy, well if you're making this in your kitchen and taking it somewhere they're going to kind of look like shit when you get there, but they will still taste good. Transfer to serving dish and + top with butter + pepper + almonds if you're making them at the same place where you're going to eat them. Otherwise, melt the butter and do the seasoning in the skillet away from the heat. ------ A note about taking these dishes to someones house: I have a bunch of the glass/Pyrex leftover containers and when I make these they both just go in there. Then I just take its lid off at the place and people can serve out of the very plain-looking glass bowl and I don't care that it's plain. Also keeping them a little warm somehow is nice but don't worry about it too much cause they're both fine if they cool off. Put them in any bowl and cover and take em over though who cares it's nice that you're bringing something! Oh yeah and all those salt and pepper to taste things... in regards to these recipes at least, If you taste it and it doesn't taste like much, it probably needs salt. Maybe I'm broken but to me, if you can't think to yourself "oh yeah you can tell there's salt in here" than it doesn't have enough salt. If you do indeed start from a pound of vegetables I would start with a teaspoon of kosher salt (a bit less by volume of regular table salt) and maybe have to add more. This does require actually eating some nibbles out of the skillets before you pack it up and head over. Same thing for pepper but luckily you can also see the pepper. You probably want to be able to see little black specks after mixing for both of these dishes.
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    Hi if you celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, may I please encourage you to cook something to bring to the celebration if you weren't already? It's very fun to do this please do it if you want I can help you think of something to make
  8. 2 points
    Funny episode. Reckon Reggie be the permanent third boy.
  9. 1 point
    REGGIE WATTS joins The Boys to prepare for the Hollywood Handbook Haunted House.
  10. 1 point
    Kevins new pasquetti joke could be poscorn.
  11. 1 point
    Just read it. Well done! (On both #7 and #1)
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    She made the Family Stone and I love that movie to my soul. Fight me.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I'm glad we're doing this. Obviously, Star Wars on the week of May 4th. Saving Private Ryan on D-Day. Yankee Doodle Dandy on 4th of July. Chinatown for February 5 (Chinese New Year). Toy Story for the release of Toy Story 4. North By Northwest for Presidents' Day? Sunset Boulevard for the Oscars? Intolerance for MLK Day? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for April Fool's Day? Some Like It Hot or Tootsie for International Women's Day? Dr. Strangelove for the apocalypse?
  16. 1 point
    The popcorn gallery, I do believe it is time for it now! The popcorn gallery: if you weren't aware, it's a segment on Hollywood Handbook where Sean and Hayes let the viewers (of the audio) ask the questions. Not to be confused with a peanut gallery which is usually a group of noisy brigands and roustabouts, because this analogy is more relating to the subject of movies. Coincidentally, the movies is the reason it was called the popcorn gallery; Sean and Hayes letting the viewers doin all the questions, yeah now, it's time for the... pop coooooorn, gallery, oh yeah!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    This is my first stop for all HH news and information. Dalton, you’ve affirmed that decision yet again. Thank you.
  19. 1 point
    This show is magical.....for reals. It's the best! A couple appearances by some of the earwolf standbys would have done the ratings wonders I'm sure. The Trevors were where it's at though!
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