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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    So if Mirror Ralph has any sort of interior life within the mirrors, I guess we can assume that Harry Potter is his favorite book series and Evil Dead II is his favorite movie?
  2. 3 points
    Did anyone else find it odd that being a “Rockula” had no real bearing on the plot? Like, I think the band pretty much disappears altogether after the rap (not that I blame them). I think it would have been more interesting if somehow the band was more instrumental (nailed it) to breaking the curse.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    “I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.
 I want to kiss your lips
. I love you. I am in love with you,” Jeff Bezos now confirmed Handbook Head
  5. 2 points
    Like the paintings at Hogwarts / the wizarding world? Because I'm here for this. I want to see what goes on in mirror land now
  6. 2 points
    I just need to say Bunicula was an amazing book series and I have zero shame that I bought one of the books at the last book sale I worked for my library.
  7. 2 points
    Synchronicity AGAIN (Pro Version): "Rum Cookies" -- not only did my girl make rum cookies, but then we had friends come over to play board games and I haven't been drinking because of sugar-cleanse and I put rum in my ginger kombucha and smoked too much herb and couldn't even finish the board game before I had to go to bed. Anyway, here's proof: I mentioned it in my last pen-pal letter.
  8. 2 points
    So apparently Melissa Joan Hart is a giant asshole who told her kids that if someone doesn't believe in Jesus they aren't good people.... So fuck her. A transcript from a podcast she was on called Journeys of Faith with Paula Faris "We don’t know if these people are good people. We don’t know if they believe in Jesus,” she said. “And he really took the Jesus part to heart.” After Hart’s son made friends with a Jewish boy, he asked his mother, “If you’re Jewish, how do you get to heaven?” Hart said she had some “heated” discussions with the Jewish boy’s mother after their children reached sixth grade: “Some problems came out of that,” she said, but did not elaborate. Hart said that she reflected upon the warning she gave her son, but did not say whether she regretted it or not. “When the mom called me with a problem in sixth grade I was like well, ‘Do I regret telling my son that we don’t know if people believe in Jesus, so we don’t know their character?'” she told Faris. “‘Is that a wrong thing to say? Did I set my son on the wrong path or was that the right thing to say and I should defend that?” Yeah Melissa teaching your children to be antisemitic bigots is a fucking problem! Teaching your children that people who don't follow your religious beliefs aren't good people is a problem!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?! Frankly I don't think someone who thinks that only their religious group is good simply because they are members of the same religion, are very good people. I tend to judge people by their character and actions so what do I know.
  9. 1 point
    To Amy's quibble that Munny shot terribly with his pistol initially, but was perfect in the final shootout, I think that tied into what Little Bill was saying to Beauchamp. Little Bill was saying that it didn't matter how quick someone was on the draw or how well they could shoot with nothing on the line, it mattered whether they were able to keep their cool and make the shot they needed to make with their life in the balance. The conversation was directly about that poor schmuck English Bob killed who shot himself in the foot trying to draw and still almost outdueled the drunk Bob. The implication during that conversation is that English Bob was the kind of sharpshooter who was worthless with his life on the line, as we saw when he didn't trust himself to outshoot Little Bill in the jail but had no problem picking off birds from the train. Little Bill sees himself as the perfect gunfighter (a Tim Duncan, if you will), whose ability to stay calm and focused and execute the fundamentals have served him to that point. But Munny transcends this, being better than usual under pressure (like Michael Jordan, perhaps). The threat and thrill of violence and the danger of being killed is something that fueled him for so much of his life, so after fighting against it so long, he not only succumbs to it, but embraces it, if only for the moment. At any rate, I like this film quite a bit, and was much more in agreement with Paul in this episode. Unforgiven will almost definitely be higher on my personal rankings of these films, and probably in the top 40. (I've got it slotted in at #11 so far.)
  10. 1 point
    Alert! Paul and Nicole Byer were on the Good Place this week. (West Coast, you still have time to see it live.) I was unprepared for how much I would squeal when I saw Nicole.
  11. 1 point
    Tom, do you want to ahead and give us your pick so we can talk about it next week?
  12. 1 point
    No Simpsons references to this specific movie, but some great Eastwood parodies: "It means he gets results, you STUPID CHIEF!!"
  13. 1 point
    Unforgiven, Taken, and John Wick all play into the fantasy that many men have( which I have sometimes myself) that they live in society by society’s rules by choice. That if someone breaks the rules of society, they can operate outside those rules and even better at it than whomever has wronged them. Will Munny has chosen to be in society. When he is finally driven by Gene Hackman to abandon his civilized ways, he has the power destroy everyone and take over the town. It’s a fantasy like inn taken that older men really find comforting. “If I was pushed, i could do anything”.
  14. 1 point
    Is this a Mary Poppins situation? Or is Mary Poppins a Rockula situation....
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    SAME! I didn't get that at all! I mean I didn't get the damn music video until the legit showed the tv and the fact that it was a music video cause the whole time I was like why are these people just walking around with these homeless children?! But this does bring me to another point too - so he actually sees scenes from the music video in that weird dream he had where he was watching her perform but then the pirate swooped in to kiss her and now I'm wondering, does he see the future?
  17. 1 point
    I should clarify that I was surprised Thomas Dolby was so goofy. I didn't know anything about him except for She Blinded Me With Science, so it appears he was having a lot of fun. I just didn't understand the character.
  18. 1 point
    The actress in the Bat Dork outfit also played ET.
  19. 1 point
    In the commentary and interviews they mention that during the cryogenic attempt on Mona, Stanley is singing a cover of Tom Lehrer's I Hold Your Hand in Mine. I love that song and totally missed it in the film.
  20. 1 point
    look! a speeding car followed by cops? seems to be evading police
  21. 1 point
    The end (pop-up question mark) Written and Directed by Adam Scott Cast Jude Adam Scott Adam Jude Law Mayor Moomoo Brad Pitt Velma (voiced by) Morgan Freeman Fred (voiced by) Freddy Prince Jr Ponti-ï»żï»żï»żï»żï»żRï»żï»żaidï»żï»ż Adam Scott Young Adam Justin Fields Mr. Kennedy Scott Lawkerman "Scooby Theme Remix" performed by Jennifer Lopez Speacial Thanks to Morrissey Shot on location at the abandoned fishery No animals were seriously harmed in the production of this film An Adam Scott Joint ©2019 All rights reserved Ant-Man will return Music that I forgot to start at the beginning of this post (maybe 'Life is a Highway'?) trails off...
  22. 1 point
    You'd image every time he sees his appearance it'd be startled from just randomly being shifted to a new location from the limbo it was stuck in of the past location. Imagine the hell of Ralph just walking pass mirrors in general. Like he's just randomly popping here and there and completely unaware of what's going on because Ralph didn't notice the mirror. Like if Ralph was in the mall and there was a mirror in a shop across the way and he's caught in the reflection of it, just shopping away, while his reflection has to exist super tiny and with no one around to notice or care about him. I guess he could explore the mall on his own in that case.
  23. 1 point
    It does bother me, in that moving actual Lead performances to Supporting categories means that spots are taken away from actors doing great work in less-visible roles, and those are often actors who can't command top money or get their pick of scripts -- i.e. exactly the kinds of actors the Supporting categories were created to honor in the first place. It's especially egregious when there's a big star like Emma Stone appearing in nearly every scene of The Favourite and somehow being categorized as "Supporting Actress." Nonsense.
  24. 1 point
    My cousin told me they literally have lines where he says, "I'm bisexual," to which he is met with, "No you're not, you're gay," to which he then says, "Oh okay." That's bierasure. Gay men have in fact married women before so literally their entire thing is saying he was never actually attracted to Mary Allen, he just married her because he was supposed to and then he realized he was gay. I mean that's literally what I've been hearing people say about him after seeing this movie. There have even been articles written about how long they focus on his marriage to Mary Allen that they are trying to "straightwash" him. It's fucking ridiculous. So no offense but don't try and tell a bisexual person that they aren't erasing his bisexuality. Even with a PG-13 rating you don't have to tell a man that says he is bisexual that he actually isn't.
  25. 1 point
    I refused to see Bohemian Rhapsody the minute my cousin told me they erased his bisexuality, and then I found out that Bryan Singer is still credited as the movie's director and that him being fired literally had nothing to do with the fact that everyone in Hollywood knows he's a sexual predator then I was hardcore out.
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