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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Wow, someone was a real Paul Poopypants about C&O’s this week In our defense, it’s not that we’re “missing the point,” but when the insanity of a movie is essentially one note, and the hosts and their guests expertly singing that note for an hour and a half straight like a quartet of Pavarottis, it’s sometimes difficult for us come up with an interesting harmony or counter melody. We do our best with the material presented, but sometimes it’s slim pickins. We’ll try harder next time
  2. 2 points
    So since we were talking about Clueless in last week's episode I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing an old favorite non musical movie once or twice a month? Like Musical Monday but instead we would watch a film that is a classic/ old favorite/ childhood obsession ?
  3. 2 points
    I haven't seen Prom Night II in a while but since it was made in Canada, it was one of those movies that was on all the time on The Movie Network in the late 80s/early 90s. The title comes from an old rock and roll song by Canadian musician Ronnie Hawkins, and I feel like maybe he is IN the movie? I'm not looking this up to check. My recollection of the film is that it wasn't very good, but it's not really a big mystery as to how it got made. The first was a surprise hit and the burgeoning home video market (and pay TV) wanted more. I'd be much more interested in an episode about a film like Pin, which was also Canadian, also on all the time, but more like a low rent Cronenberg movie than this dull ghost story.
  4. 2 points
    Prom night was a weird series in that the first was standard slasher fare complete with ultimate Scream Queen Jamie Lee Curtis, but then they immediately go into supernatural horror for the next two, and followed by a final film that went back to slasher territory. They had reshot this film to make it a Prom Night film as a way to hopefully recreate the success of the first film, which while wasn't a huge hit earning 14 million, was at least profitable, but this didn't even earn 3 million, and they still made two more for some reason.
  5. 1 point
    Musical Mondays seems to be kind of morphing in that direction anyway. Maybe it’s time it evolved? Maybe call it Forum Favorites?
  6. 1 point
    I was able to watch it on YouTube
  7. 1 point
    I'm not buying your little act and I doubt anyone else is either. You are either the most clueless newb that ever newbed or you think you are cleverly using rhetoric to troll people about rape. Ignorance is forgivable, because the ignorant can at least learn from their mistakes. The other option - being a rape apologist MRA fuckwad - is not forgivable, and not welcome in any civilized place. Since you "apparently" created your account for the sole reason of making the "joke" you made, my money is on MRA fuckwad. And no, I'm not interested in your protestations of innocence. Apologize sincerely and without reservation, if you are indeed human enough to do such a thing, and move on. Either way, I'm blocking you.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Maybe this movie is just a response to Nihilist Arby's, since even if you die after roast beef, you can actually come back as your daughter
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    My dad died while in high school and about 3-4 months later (I went through a big haze the semester following and can't keep track of what happened when) I was really depressed and a friend asked what was wrong and I obviously replied, "I'm just really sad about my dad," and she said, "Hasn't it been long enough?" (I now can't even remember the exact quote but I definitely remember thinking "she's right I should shut up about it." IT WAS ONLY 3-4 MONTHS LATER.) Your son has way better friends lol.
  12. 1 point
    Topher had the same critique of Big on this episode that RedLetterMedia had on Half in the Bag: Shazam, which debuted earlier in the week. Like RLM, Topher has also spent way too much time thinking about the Star Wars Prequels. In conclusion: Is Topher Mr. Plinkett's heretofore unknown 3rd son?
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Rose Red is a significantly more fun movie based on the Winchester Mystery House.
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