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  1. 2 points
    Basically, this is Memento, but Guy Pearce is John G (Joey Pants). The protagonists of both are amnesiacs who murder people based on manipulated memories of a murdered wife.
  2. 2 points
    I did not watch this movie. My understanding of Bloodshot from the comics was that he was brought back from the dead and now was really impossible to stop. And he had red eyes. That's all I remember. When they were talking about the wife and how it would be more interesting if they hadn't been married and it made me think of X-MEN ORIGINS WOLVERINE where it turns out Silverfox was not killed by Sabertooth and she had been manipulating Wolverine all along. And then I thought, "is this a WORSE version of that movie? Because that is famously the worst Wolverine film." So they took a comic book character, the plot to Wolverine, added in the scientist from IRON MAN 3 and were like "we did it! It's great!" (I am now obligated by feminism to point out Guy Pearce was not supposed to be the villain of IM3. Disney corporate objected to the original plan of having the female scientist--Maya Hansen--be the villain saying they wouldn't sell toys or some nonsense. So they demanded it be rewritten. An I rewatched it recently and the theme of hiding behind a fake male villain, the Mandarin, and being the puppet master would've been so much more interesting if it was a woman because she felt she couldn't get ahead in tech another way. So we were robbed.)
  3. 1 point
    Hi Wil, i know that this isn't your job, and thank you for starting the thread, but can you please edit the title so that it features the episode number, something like Episode 238 - Bloodshot ? It will make it easier to search/locate the ep in the future. Not trying to be a jerk, just legit asking. Thank you I've not seen this film, i'm not paying for it nor planning to stream it illegally. Is the ep fun? I usually prefer to have seen the film before listening, but i'm having a hard time lately with all of the COVID limitations of... everything, and if this ep is very dependant on the film-watching experience i think i'll give it a pass. Also, if someone can recommend any movies about puppies and/or kittens just hanging out and being happy about their lives for 90+ minutes with little to no dialogue it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  4. 1 point
    Yes! Then the Country Bears talk can go in there too instead of tangent, and tangent can be reserved for truly bizarre stories.
  5. 1 point
    Once it is revealed that they keep rebooting Vin to kill each of these guy, the implication is that they keep the story the same and that Vin responds the exact same way each time by remembering after drinking, stealing the jet, etc. So does that mean he is punching that load-bearing column every time? If so how is it not completely destroyed by now? Are they having Phyllis and the other office drones repairing it every time he is getting rebooted on that table?
  6. 1 point
    My 3 big questions / points: I’m really confused why Vin’s abilities were deemed more elite when it comes to killing the other tech partners vs. those of the three super humans. Also the “legs guy” and “blind guy” were successful in capturing Vin when he went rogue; so then they in turn are elite enough to take out some hired guns and a tech billionaire. In that the simulation in Vin’s head must be beyond perfect and not feel like a dream… did the engineers actually create a full sex scene between him and his wife? And if so, the engineers most likely had to watch the entire thing each time to ensure there are no glitches that could cause a disruption for the next assignation. Finally, another connection to this movie trying so hard to be a marvel film… is that didn’t we already see Guy Pierce play a genius with an ulterior motive? Iron Man 3… PS: As a reminder everyone, the infamous “Gish & Gertz” shirt is on sale and ALL profits are going to Feeding America. You can buy it here: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/8894703-hdtgm-gish-and-gertz?store_id=120640 Also Ms. Gish is 100% in on it!
  7. 1 point
    Thanks, Graham. Yeah, it sucks, but it is what it is. While I was grateful to have that job while I did, being laid-off has essentially afforded me a new opportunity to pursue a career in what I actually went to school for: creative writing (articles, reviews (record and film), interviews, etc.) Despite the current pandemic, I'm going to remain optimistic in forging a new career path that utilizes the 15 years' worth of creative writing, editing and story planning experience I've built up. Three weeks of being out of work is depressing and demoralizing enough; I'm ready and motivated to get back on my feet.
  8. 1 point
    Three weeks ago, I was Covid-canned from my J-O-B of nearly five years, so I decided to drown my sorrows in some shoegaze-y noise-pop. In the interest of trying to stay creative and motivated, and made this mix and I am sharing it with anyone on this board with a ear towards static gossamer noise-pop: Enjoy!
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