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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This seems like another candidate for HDTGM. Gerard Butler vs. a comet.
  2. 1 point
    Might not be too likely with Tommy MiddleD in the film, but this is a bad one. Film Review: ‘Replicas’ Rampant silliness and gaping plot holes test audience patience in Jeffrey Nachmanoff's sci-fi thriller. 'Dead people really don’t like to wake up and find their memories have been stuffed inside something that looks like the mechanical marvel from “Ex Machina.”' https://variety.com/2019/film/reviews/replicas-review-keanu-reeves-1203105370/ ‘Replicas’ Film Review: Keanu Reeves’ Robo-Clone Thriller Flirts With Unintentional Laughs Reeves’ mad doctor tries to bring his family back to life in a ridiculous tale that replaces emotion with shouted technobabble https://www.thewrap.com/replicas-film-review-keanu-reeves/ 'Reeves’ Will Foster is first seen waiting for a donated brain that is being brought to him via helicopter, and director Jeffrey Nachmanoff (“Traitor”) cross-cuts between Reeves anxiously staring at his watch and the brain being rushed into the facility. During an operation to place this brain into a robot body, Dr. Foster is asked, “Do you concur?” by a colleague and Reeves cries, “I concur!” in that ineffably stilted but enthusiastic Keanu-ish way.'
  3. 1 point
    The song is actually taken from Benjamin Britten's opera of Dream. I will keep that in mind for a future pick.
  4. 1 point
    Now for less of a tangent. Baz Luhrmann did a musical version of Oberon's monologue at the end of the play. I've always liked it as hopeful that I could find somebody some day. That's taken a backseat but I still enjoy the song. Here are the words of the monologue. Some lines were cut for the song but the overall drive is there.
  5. 1 point
    It turns out the Shakespeare's Globe theater also released a version a week or so ago. I THINK they leave plays up for two weeks but am not sure.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    With everything going on at least there are no miners trapped in a mine right now.
  8. 1 point
    Stop sitting on Chris Cross's apple sauce, he's hungry.
  9. 1 point
    Off-topic. The (UK) National Theatre is putting up a filmed performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, from today at 2 p.m. Eastern to next Thursday just before 2 p.m. The performance itself looks amazing but I love this clip for putting modern touches into a classic play. Even if you're not interested in the play at all please view this clip. "Unlock your calendar I beseech you."
  10. 1 point
    Phew. I was worried Richard Pryor did something horrible I hadn't heard about yet.
  11. 1 point
    It would be he. I wasn't sure where people fell on separating his work and his actions.
  12. 1 point
    Yeah the whole thing of the Wizard was it was a commercial for Nintendo and all it's remembered for is that line about the Power Glove and how ironic it is now: "it's so bad," and the fact that it followed a trend in Hollywood of person on the spectrum being a savant in some niche activity. There is even some fucked up ideas with the bounty hunter who specializes in chasing kids, the way the kids escape in a casino from said hunter is for the girl to scream that he groped her, and that the stepdad who hired the dude basically tells Fred Savage's dad and mom, now that guy's wife, that he is only hiring the hunter to catch the savant and that Fred Savage can basically get killed by cannibals for all he cares. It was Richard Kelly who I give props to for trying to make a multi-media experience for the film by having the first half of it's over arching story be a graphic novel. Unfortunately that wasn't promoted so well and if I recall came out after the movie flopped so no one really gave a shit about it, though it does set up what is shown in the movie rather well, though it doesn't help the movie's overall quality. And considering that the organizers of Cannes somehow loved the DVD screener sent to them that they put the movie up for their top prize, prior to the uncut version being torn to shreds by critics, makes me wonder what else could have been cut in order for the final product to be released. And still with that scene, it's still not the most batshit moment of that whole movie.
  13. 1 point
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