Late to get into this, my apologies. I realize that the point of a lot of art school projects is to be transgressive and to test boundaries, so I probably shouldn't judge this too harshly. With that said, comparing it to other art school music output at the time, like Talking Heads or Devo, even if those bands didn't do full-length movies like this, it doesn't really hold up to those standards. There's definitely some Monty Python influence as well, what with the animation and nonsequiturs, and one can imagine how popular Monty Python was amongst college kids in the late '70s. I realize that a lot of this breaking of narrative form is to be pointless on purpose, but with the real life animation style here, including the racial and ethnic stereotypes, I don't really know what they were trying to say at all. Maybe some esoteric point about how those cartoons were racist? I doubt it. I think "offensive to be offensive" stuff is fine for high school and college kids, because they are testing their own boundaries and trying to find their voice, trying to discover what societal limits are compared to their own . That's important for our development. But that doesn't mean it will make a good movie.
But yes, the music was good.