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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/18 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    This is my Oliver! Named as such because we found him abandoned by his litter and he was basically a little street rat (Aladdin was also a name we considered). We got him exactly 2 years ago and he went from looking like he was days away from dying to this beautiful perfect healthy little asshole.
  2. 6 points
    They so Disney-fied the shit out of this that it literally took me being in my 20s to realize this was based on Oliver Twist. Whoops. I think I was at work and I had just gotten my Oliver (pics coming soon I promise) and my coworker asked if I named him after Oliver & Co and I said "No, Oliver Twist..." and he just stared at me until it clicked and I went "Holy fuck I'm dumb" lol!
  3. 4 points
    I don't know why, but I was crying when he's in that box by himself. And I'm thinking "am I going to spend this entire movie upset?"
  4. 4 points
    Do you guys think the only reason Oliver was not chosen over his brothers and sisters was because he's ginger?
  5. 4 points
    Yep. I heard the song and thought "This sounds like Huey Lewis. I thought this was supposed to be Billy Joel music." You're right. It has some places where the animation isn't great. When it's good, it's really good though. I kind of like the unpolished feel of it though it's not as unpolished as say Aristocats. I'll also confess I watched most of this while making supper. So, there was a fair amount of just listening and not watching the screen intently and might have missed some of the flaws.
  6. 3 points
    I can't figure out why he was left behind at all! Orange tabbys are universally beloved! Black cats are the ones that have the hardest time getting adopted and left behind (which is why I'm so protective of my own), so it may have had more meaning if Oliver had been a black cat? But then again the animation may have looked more flat if he was one solid dark color.
  7. 3 points
    I was too. When the box fell apart in the rain I almost lost it. I guess it's because I got kittens a year ago and now can relate much more to his plight.
  8. 3 points
    The initial song was very different to me than the rest of the movie. I thought the movie was going to have a completely different tone. I'm not complaining. I watched this three times over my 3-day rental period so you know I liked it anyway.
  9. 3 points
    Also at first I did not realize that Dodger was Billy Joel and thought it was Michael J Fox trying to do his best New York accent for like the first 20 minutes or so.
  10. 3 points
    I really miss this kind of animation. Not just 2D hand drawn but the fluidity and style. It looks great. I mentioned this on letterboxd but I'm not entirely sure why people talk so much about Billy Joel in this movie. He's perfectly adequate which isn't a ringing endorsement but the vast majority of popular animated movies use celebrity voices that are equal to Billy Joel's performance here without getting the same level of criticism. I'd certainly complain about Cheech Marin more than Billy Joel. I just don't get it as a common criticism. I wouldn't have even noticed it as a possible point of complaint if I hadn't heard so many "lol Billy Joel" kind of stuff about this movie.
  11. 2 points
    Wow, those are some horny dogs... We watched:
  12. 2 points
    Look how fat that eggplant is! Interesting. I thought Eve made up the story (or at least heavily embellished) the Lloyd affair. I thought she "spilled her beans" to Addison, thinking he would publish it in his column and really breakup Lloyd and Karen's marriage.
  13. 2 points
    I didn't even recognize it was Huey Lewis. I remember when this movie came out and everyone was making a big deal about Billy Joel being in it. Yet Bette Midler has a large part as well and I never knew she was in it!
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    YES! That's why I thought Eve's blackmail plan was a little half baked at first because I was sure that if Karen came clean to Margo about it all she would forgive her. Margo at that point seems to be the kind of person that would hold a grudge no matter the intention. But in the restaurant she does seem changed as a person, a little more open and forgiving as she's worked through her demons. I think this change in attitude combined with her deep love for Karen would make forgiveness a little easier on her part. I am more wondering why Karen would stick by her Lloyd after everything. I mean he put her through the ringer, and while it might be easy to chalk things up to "oh Eve was manipulating him" considering he was going to run away with her and they were having some sort of affair, Karen sticking by him and Margo and Bill sticking by him is more questionable to me. I guess if they can forgive Lloyd then Margo can forgive Karen.
  16. 2 points
    True. By the time Dodge shows up the backgrounds get a little more consistent to the style.
  17. 2 points
    Another thing - do you think Karen ever came clean to Margo about the car? On one hand, they're best friends and I'd imagine keeping a big secret like this would be a burden on Karen, but on the other hand, if Margo ever found out, I don't think she would forgive Karen - or at least it would take a long time before Margo came around. And I can't post a ss of this scene, but in the scene where Karen was painting, did anyone else catch that she was doing a still life of a bowl of bananas and a big fat eggplant. That made me chuckle.
  18. 2 points
    Personally I thought a the animation for the was inconsistent. The matte backgrounds at the start of the film were in such a different style as the animation it just looked odd to have them together. It got better as it went along and sequences like Rita's song everything was clicking together but there were just bits here and there were elements were at odds. Another scene when the butler was driving in the car there is a very harsh line between his face and the animated background behind it. Maybe I'm just being nitpicky considering that The Little Mermaid came next and this was at the same time as Roger Rabbit so I was expecting a bit more.
  19. 2 points
    Good point. Perhaps its more accurate to say I'm bummed that it seemed that marriage was tipping point in her character arc. On the other hand, I could write a novel about the feels I have about Margo and Bill's relationship. It feels really genuine to me in a way that movies of that era usually don't. Maybe it's the chemistry they had on screen, but also the script. She says that Bill is in love with "Margo" the actress, not Margo the person, but she's wrong. He sees her for who she really is, like when he tells her that he loves her because of some of her traits and in spite of others because they're "her tools" for navigating the cut-throat stage world. He's notably younger than her, but he's not a plaything to her. The really respect each other. They fight a lot, but they communicate. They're honest. I love that about the two of them. For all of the acting and performances and airs that people put on both on the stage and off, they seem most genuine with each other. I'm just in love with the two of them in love with each other. And relevant to nothing, I also loved the whole "incomplete forward pass" line. Great turn of phrase.
  20. 2 points
    I ain't scared of you [expletive/redacted]. What's the deal with Windex? I tried spraying it in my hair and the wind still came and messed it all up... It had no effect at all. Kick it! This is just a peak at my new character. It's a mashup of stuff that turns out not being so good, but I still do it 'cause I just do what I do. Epilogue: Henry's new character died immediately after posting this. He is survived by all those who knew and loved him.
  21. 1 point
    Ben Schwartz of Solo Bolo fame joins Scott to talk about his new film Blue Iguana, which commercial would make a great movie, and the last album they bought physically. Then, Phil Shorts the Puzzle Master and Hypnoto the Mesmerist stop by to talk about designing word searches and using the dark arts to lull people into a state of mesmerization in that order.
  22. 1 point
    I totally agree about the chemistry between Margo and Bill - it's not a huge surprise that the actors themselves fell in love on set and got married - but did anyone really think that Margo and Bill were gonna live "happily ever after"?
  23. 1 point
    It was like hearing Jessica and Will do comedy while running through an obstacle course.
  24. 1 point
    Why are people giving Paul crap about not emphasizing that these are “American” films? It’s the AMERICAN Film Institute! It’s literally the name of the organization. It would be like saying, “We are here at the Cheesecake Appreciation Society where we’re going to be discussing the best cakes ever made. And when I say ‘cake,’ I just want to clarify that I specifically mean ‘cheesecake’ and not carrot.” Please, let’s not give our hosts a hard time over this
  25. 1 point
    I want an "Is Opera Hard?" t-shirt.
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