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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Sorry to get political up in here, but this is important.
  2. 2 points
    Rumours that next ep is double length and will be entirely made up of the popcorn gallery. The boys NEED lots of questions to make this work. The guest is a “famous Esther”. My guess is Fred.
  3. 1 point
    Sorry I party, sorry I rule, sorry Steve Harvey had sex in your pool
  4. 1 point
    Singin' in the Rain definitely sticks very clearly to the central theme of being a movie about the transition from silent to talking pictures. All of the primary conflicts in the movie are centered around that. It's not the most complex thing in the world, but it introduces a major conflict between major characters near the beginning (Don vs. Lena) that is resolved at the end. Swing Time is all over the place, by comparison. They introduce a major plot element (leading man needs to get married), and at the end the whole thing is hand-waved away in baffling fashion. There's no real resolution; it just ends. On dance sequences alone, it can certainly compete with Singin', but for plot and characters it's no contest.
  5. 1 point
    I remember this movie being a slog. All I remember is the ending. Johnny Depo has sex with the devil (?) then goes through the portal to hell (?)
  6. 1 point
    Here's what I'll say for Singing in the Rain over Swing Time. I think in general Singing in the Rain has better music over all. Swing Time is more about the dance numbers which is fine, but Singing in the Rain has more iconic songs which tend to stick with you and you find yourself humming or singing in following days. This makes it a bit more memorable and adds to overall enjoyment. Also, while I will not say Singing in Rain has a much better story, the story for me anyway, just flows better. Swing Time had some scenes that just introduce a conflict and resolve just to move on the the next part of the story they want to tell. I also think the jokes work better in Singing in the Rain as well. I can see how a lot of this comes down to personal taste though.
  7. 1 point
    I just remember being blown away that they were all wearing camo. Like did the commando elites paint them like that or is camoflauge the stock bra and panty combo for all the dolls. Also when I read about the indepedent breakdowns of the newest Tesla Model 3, and they said that some of the components were military spec levels of quality. I couldnt help but think about this movie and worry about an impending mutiny from Tesla cars gaining sentience.
  8. 1 point
    Dear Fred, Well, It's that time of year. My son is all ready and excited to graduate again, but I'm not sure how to celebrate. Do I buy him a new gaming system or just take him out and treat him to a nice dinner? He keeps saying that he hates either option, but you know how teenagers can be. I'm probably going to skip both and throw him a backyard pool party. What do you think? Thanks for your time and for all you do for us, have a great day! Your friend, Henry
  9. 1 point
    You guys want me to bring in the crisis actors to fluff the old forum stats or should we do it ourselves? How do you think they keep getting those prime ass advertisers for the boyz? A: prime ass reads by the boyz. B: those stats where erybody listens to the boys. C: all the not drunk driving I’m now doing. IN that ORDER. HEY GUYS. buy some boner cream already.
  10. 1 point
    re: Re: Huh?: huuuuh? Heh heh, okay, but seriously, I was huh'ing at what happened, not what you meant. I recently took a gander at an older forum thread and I gotta say I don't believe it! My first thought was it must be doctored. Crisis actors that couldn't cut it as Hollywood actors. But then I thought maybe I missed the boat and it make me sad so I'm now thinking again it's lies or maybe aliens? Honestly I don't know what to think! but I know what not to think. Join me in not thinking it!
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