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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/18 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    Just because I don't have a fancy avatar doesn't mean I don't love the show. I'm posting here so early in an attempt to prove this. I think the show be funny good and fun. Peace in the middle east
  2. 5 points
    you should all consider subscribing to masterclass on stitcher premium, and get ready for season 2 which launches this wednesday. get a free trial with code "MASTERCLASS". shonk teaches writing to bang this season, you won't BELIEVE what happens next
  3. 5 points
    "Little" Esther is actually a "big" deal in my opinion. I think it's time she change her name to Big Esther because she's a corker
  4. 3 points
    LITTLE ESTHER joins The Boys again to become the show’s brand ambassador.
  5. 3 points
    Is Ben finally gonna become the ByeBye Man?
  6. 3 points
  7. 1 point
    This makes a lot of sense. The wikipedia article is kind of vague and just says they didn't trademark the slogan or hand symbol. And I'm wondering why they had horns for a gopher mascot.
  8. 1 point
    I'm sorry to say but I wasn't really in love with this movie. A lot of that has to do with the "love" story between her and Patrick Dempsey. It is just so forced and and it comes out of nowhere and the whole turn at the end is centered around it and it just doesn't work for me. The idea is there that Giselle is falling for the real world, that she likes it and it is starting to change her. That's great, but then she goes from having zero interest in Patrick Dempsey and him in her to her seeing his chest hair and being in love. It's just so sudden. Then for the rest of the movie, despite immediately reuniting with her prince, she's just so hung up on him but I have no idea why. James Marsden may be a bit dim but that's partly because he's from this fantasy world. He literally does nothing wrong other than not knowing what a date is which a middle ages prince wouldn't either. Maybe because it the fall in love scene comes on heels of her doing a big song about getting Dempsey and Idina Menzel together. Also, if the Queen knew Patrick Dempsey was Giselle's true love and they loved each other, why wouldn't she encourage that as a why of stopping her and the prince marrying? Seems easier than poisoning her and trying to kill her.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Hoooo boy, Scorsese is one of my all-time favorite directors, and my dad's family so New Jersey Italian American that he when to fucking elementary school with Ray Liotta. My dad's older sisters would bring them cookies and milk after school when they would come over and play. Goodfellas is in my blood! "I need some chocolate chip here, Tommy!"
  11. 1 point
    If you enjoy Laura (and you better or, really, what the hell are you doing here?), I encourage you to check out Where the Sidewalk Ends from 1950. It re-teams Otto Preminger, Gene Tierney, and Dana Andrews from Laura for another bit of noir deliciousness. It's not one of the Great Films the way, in my opinion, Laura is, but if you are a fan of the genre, and are enraptured by Gene Tierney, it's definitely worth checking out.
  12. 1 point
    Hi Esther, Was it hard picking between two handsome podcast hosts (or a handsome podcast host and handsome sidekick) for a romantic interest in your show or was it a no brainer and was it because one didn't know what offer only was? Follow up, how is hot chicks been?
  13. 1 point
    Dear Fred, Well, It's that time of year. My son is all ready and excited to graduate again, but I'm not sure how to celebrate. Do I buy him a new gaming system or just take him out and treat him to a nice dinner? He keeps saying that he hates either option, but you know how teenagers can be. I'm probably going to skip both and throw him a backyard pool party. What do you think? Thanks for your time and for all you do for us, have a great day! Your friend, Henry
  14. 1 point
    Rumours that next ep is double length and will be entirely made up of the popcorn gallery. The boys NEED lots of questions to make this work. The guest is a “famous Esther”. My guess is Fred.
  15. 1 point
    You guys want me to bring in the crisis actors to fluff the old forum stats or should we do it ourselves? How do you think they keep getting those prime ass advertisers for the boyz? A: prime ass reads by the boyz. B: those stats where erybody listens to the boys. C: all the not drunk driving I’m now doing. IN that ORDER. HEY GUYS. buy some boner cream already.
  16. 1 point
    This place was popping like a bag of genuine popping corn back in the day. Then, like with all bags of popping corn, the weak kernels couldn't take the heat again and got burnt all up. Some of us are all that's left, the skellingtons if you will. Sure, it's scary, but all are welcome to this ghoulish popcorn party..... If you dare! Hahahahah! If you didn't turn away from being spooked too hard then you passed the test and have officially been jumped into the HH forums gang. Congratulations! We will remove any tattoos that might affiliate you with other podcast forums and give you a different one that is actually much cooler if you ask me.
  17. 1 point
    Fuck - Donald O’ Conner. Out of the 3, I’m most curious about him. Marry - Debbie Reynolds. I’m looking for long term companionship and compatibility and I think she has it. Sadly, kill Gene Kelly, but at least we have Fred Astaire?
  18. 1 point
    While I love Singin' in the Rain with all my heart, I definitely don't think it's a perfect movie, and I would not put it in the Top 5 greatest films of all time. Well... frankly, I don't like ranking movies this good above or below each other. My Top 100 American Films would be arranged in chronological order because I just think choosing if Raging Bull is "better" or "worse" than Singin' in the Rain is a nonsensical choice thought up in the non-Euclidean geometry of R'lyeh. They are two distinctly different movies meant to illicit different reactions and geared towards different audiences. It's like asking If you prefer shirts or pants. We can have both, and it's better that we do. In that spirit, is Singin' in the Rain really so much better than, say, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes or American in Paris? I really don't think so, but it's an arbitrary distinction anyway. For me, seeing Gentlemen Prefer Blondes as part of the Musical Mondays club, it came as a complete surprise. I had no idea I would enjoy it so much, and enjoying it with a group of Wonderful Movie-Watchers like yourselves was an extra treat that made me enjoy it all the more. Singin' in the Rain comes with the same baggage as Citizen Kane, of being one of The Greats. Does it deserve to be on this list? I think it absolutely does. But it is not perfect, as others have said, with the Broadway Melody feeling rather overlong and out-of-place, despite its brilliance. I could watch the title number or "Make 'em Laugh" a thousand times and still love them though. Lastly, I would never deride anyone for loving Mamma Mia, but I do think it is rather unfair to criticize La La Land for a lack of originality in the same breath as praising a jukebox musical composed of songs from a single band.
  19. 1 point
    Alt comedy bullshit makes me madder 'n a tongueless fella at a lollipop factory
  20. 1 point
    got some tickets to see joe mande live after hearing the caliber of his material on the podcast. i cant wait to hear these great bits irl. VERY refreshing after so much alt comedy bullshit on this network
  21. 1 point
    Great job Dalton. Bet his new stand up style is basketball. And a NHTSA ad to boot! Now that’s the way I like to see my tax dollars spent!
  22. 1 point
    I know this is a joke but once someone referred to me as Ms. Photo so I wouldn't think it's impossible for this to be true. (FYI my name is not Photo)
  23. 1 point
    I just assumed Cakebug Tranch was your real name. Now my whole world is upside down!
  24. 1 point
    Glad to hear it was intentional and not a mixup from the recent forum upgrade. I agree with Cameron H. I couldn't get used to Kit Walker. If you had also changed the picture I would have never remembered you were CakeBug.
  25. 0 points
    re: Re: Huh?: huuuuh? Heh heh, okay, but seriously, I was huh'ing at what happened, not what you meant. I recently took a gander at an older forum thread and I gotta say I don't believe it! My first thought was it must be doctored. Crisis actors that couldn't cut it as Hollywood actors. But then I thought maybe I missed the boat and it make me sad so I'm now thinking again it's lies or maybe aliens? Honestly I don't know what to think! but I know what not to think. Join me in not thinking it!
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