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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I only refer to Frank as "he" because that is the way he is still gendered in the movie, if I'm remembering correctly. But "they" does feel more accurate. Oddly enough, Richard O'Brien (writer and Riff Raff) is super duper transphobic and doesn't consider transwomen to actually be women. Yet, they've also mentioned that they consider THEM SELF non-binary, so they're totally cool with a third gender as long as it extends to them and them only. Frank definitely has something about him that lures so many people in. According to Columbia she was just someone on the street that Frank found and lured her in, and then got Eddie in, and then despite how much Brad and Janet hate being there, there's still something that attracts them. But, also, I definitely think they are all villains in this story. No one except maybe Rocky comes out really clean in this story. Even with Brad and Janet being victims of stumbling across this castle in the night, they are total assholes (ASSHOLE!) and I don't exactly *root* for them throughout the story.
  2. 2 points
    Go big or go home. Don't half-ass it. (He also wrote Stuart Little.)
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I haven’t seen it - haven’t seen it on any free streaming sites yet. But yes, I would also want to see it for Laverne Cox.
  5. 1 point
    P.S. the “White” of Strunk and White is E.B. White, who wrote Charlotte’s Web. That book is a goddamn classic, so maybe just fuck Strunk?
  6. 1 point
    First off, I want to apologize for referring to Frank as a “he” and not a “they.” I am 45 and—as an an English major—just too used to the old-fashioned uses of language even though I’m open to change. Damn you, patriarchy, for enforcing grammar rules I think are bullshit most of the time anyway!!!!!!! Fuck you, Strunk and White (that is an inside grammar joke with which i’ve Impressed myself)!!!!! i’m OK with Frank being the provocative villain (and I think that label is accurate), but I just don’t think they (I’m fucking doing it again and had to correct myself. FUCK!!!) earn that song this late in the movie. That’s why it’s confusing. No one else acts as badly as they (meaning Frank—fuck, this is confusing) do. I was also confused about their duties (I did it!), re: Tay-loe’s earlier post. What exactly were they supposed to be doing? It seems like Frank was doing lavish, fucked-up stuff for awhile. How derelict in their duties was Frank? Why did Riff Raff and Magenta wait until NOW to kill them, instead of before they made Rocky? I realize trying to impose logic on this film is a fool’s errand, but I think it could have used another draft to wrap up some loose ends.
  7. 1 point
    That makes sense, especially with a character like Eddie, who is undeniably a victim, but is also described as a psychopath who might be better off dead anyway.
  8. 1 point
    Is it possible, given the sexual and gender fluidity of the characters within, could it just be no one is a hero or a villain? That everyone is both?
  9. 1 point
    I agree that Frank's a charismatic villain, but their position to the characters they oppose are the subjects of mockery and derision, people who need changed. Brad and Janet are repressed (sexually, socially, etc.) squares, Doctor Scott is conspiratorial and duplicitous, and Riff Raff and Magenta are opportunists who are quick to murder Frank when an opening presents itself. So if Frank is the villain, who is the hero? I know Brad is labeled as "A Hero," but that is almost certainly sarcastic.
  10. 1 point
    In my opinion, Frank is more of a charismatic villain than an anti-hero. We love Frank even as we are repulsed by them. Frank really can’t be contained in any one way - which is why they are ultimately so attractive.
  11. 1 point
    I'm a bit worried about the director of Country Bears. There was sadness in his voice even though he was trying to mask it. It's okay, man. We all do jobs we don't love.
  12. 1 point
    If I’m in the minority, I’ll shut up, but personally, I would prefer the actual episode be left as uncut and whole as possible rather than getting these “deleted scenes” in the minisodes. I mean, I get cutting dead air during the time when Paul is walking from the balcony (those monsters) back to the stage, but otherwise leave every joke/comment in the actual episode. Even if it is not fall down hilarious, I would still rather hear it than have an episode hacked all to pieces. I feel like the StarCrash episode was particularly choppy and difficult to contextualize at times.
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