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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Wait, Paul is a contestant?? I need to catch up! We watched the holiday season last year because we saw Jason was on it, and I flipped my shit when I saw one of the contestants was my fave writing teacher from college (not in the ep with Jason though). Pretty much binged the whole thing in a day. Such a good show!
  2. 3 points
    Almost better than that, Paul is a CONTESTANT!!!
  3. 2 points
    Oh shit! I only watched the first episode so far. This makes me want to have an episode with Paul, June and Jason competing against each other.
  4. 2 points
    Nailed It is back with new episodes and Jason is one of the guest judges again.
  5. 1 point
    I definitely felt that way about a lot of Alvy's jokes on this rewatch. I do think that much of the character-based humor still works, but it's a bummer when Alvy has the last line and it's something unnecessarily negative. (A couple quick examples: When the dude on the street says that he and his wife use a large vibrating egg, that's a fantastic laugh line, so it's a little uncalled for when Alvy immediately calls him a psychopath. The gag with Christopher Walken's monologue leading into him driving them to the airport is great, and doesn't need Alvy's "due back on the planet Earth" retort.) And although the character is made to be unlikeable, I actually don't think that was Allen's intention in these situations, since as Tony Roberts said in the interview, Allen always saw himself capable of having the funniest final word, but that wasn't the case a lot of times. As you said, and as we've said over and over on this podcast and forum when discussing comedies, finding humor is subjective and personal. But that said, I still find so many of the side characters to be incredibly funny, particularly Shelley Duvall's and Janet Margolin's characters and how they show a sort of farcical intellectualism. A lot of the LA party humor still works (what with the discussions of taking meetings and Jeff Goldblum's fantastic single line). And a lot of Alvy's humor works when it's pointed at himself rather than at others. I want to say that leaving all of Allen's controversies aside, I really love this film, as Amy and Paul do. My biggest issue is my own difficulty at leaving Allen's controversies aside. Whether he's innocent or guilty of what he's been accused of, the fact of the matter is that I can imagine him being guilty, and that sours my view of his work at least a little. I also understand how people who believe he's not guilty would view his work differently, or even people who take the position that this work occurred before his alleged actions. I still voted for inclusion, because I do love the film, but unfortunately, I don't see myself returning to it as much as I did before 2014.
  6. 1 point
    I got turkey up my ass, I ain't one for bluffing. Though Thanksgiving passed, this bun's for stuffing.
  7. 1 point
    According to what we see in the movie, the Soul half lets a person turn into a ghost being who can possess other people's bodies, and the Body half makes the user impervious to physical harm. There's zero information indicating that the Body half can possess bodies, and it wouldn't make sense. Jimmy is just a frigging idiot at that moment. And on that topic, the use of the medallions bothers me, specifically the Body half, because as we saw, it made it so Billy could survive crashing through a concrete wall (I assume they were going for concrete since there was rebar?). A person normally wouldn't have enough force to break through a wall like that, so I can only assume the Body medallion made Billy's body rock hard. But then a moment later Shuko-Jimmy punches off bits of the wall bare-handed, which I don't think he should be able to do since there's nothing indicating that the Soul half grants physical superhuman abilities. Likewise, Billy procedes to beat the shit out of his possessed brother. The one who has a magical body strong enough to crash through concrete unscathed beats up his own brother whose only "power" is just that Shuko is controlling him. This should have been the fight to the death. Jimmy should be dead lol
  8. 1 point
    At the end, when Marian and Jimmy let Abobo drive, Jimmy tells Marian that it’s Billy in Abobo’s body. But didn’t Jimmy have the “possess other people’s body” part of the medallion? It really ruined the movie for me.
  9. 1 point
    They had to use the metric system. How else would we know it was THE FUTURE!!!
  10. 1 point
    I know this topic was covered in the podcast but I want to share my first hand experience with this. My family was a camping family. We tented for awhile then eventually upgraded to a camper. Every long weekend and most of the summer was spent camping. We tended to go to the same campgrounds all the time and they were great. Then the ownership changed and they started putting in cabins and such so it was time to find new camp grounds. Now this was the late 80s and early 90s so sure enough if the campgrounds had a pool right next to it was a small shop full of cheap candy and the odd arcade machine. What child would not want to play games when surrounded by nature? We are camping one long weekend and there is a boy in the site next to ours who is about the same age as me so we start talking and decide to hang out. We explore the woods, rides bikes, etc. but eventually we pop into the shop for some snacks. There we see the arcade cabinets. There was Double Dragon and the game looked like fun. We go back to our camp sites and get some quarters and run back to the machine. The two of us start playing the game together. It was a real fun game. We were having a great time. "Look out kid I just met!" "No worries, got your back Cam Bert!" I think we only needed to continue once maybe. We were doing great. We get to the final boss and he was tricky but we quickly figured out how to beat him. The boss was downed and there were high fives a plenty. We look back at the screen and there are our two characters just standing there. The game is still going. We were both utterly confused and didn't know what was happening. We both questioned whether the game was bugged. Then as we were trying to figure out what to do, I accidentally hit his character and noticed I was hurting him. So I just proceeded to start killing his character. The new kid noticed and panicked and started trying to fight back but it was too late. I was already ahead and too skilled for him. I killed his character and the game proceeded to end. The kid was livid. He started shouting and yelling at me and I remember saying "We still beat the game." He wasn't having it he started crying and ran off to his camp site. I eventually made my way back to mine and when I got there my mom was also very upset. She explained that he had got back crying and saying it was all my fault and his mother was upset. I explained to my mom what happened and she didn't seem to care. I explained until I was blue in the face that's what we were suppose to do but she wasn't budging. I was just playing the game and that is what it wanted us to do. This was the game's fault yet somehow I am in trouble? I had to go over to his camp site and surrounded by both our families give him two quarters and apologize for killing him in the game.
  11. 1 point
    So that game image is from the video game adaptation made for the movie's release, similar to how they made Street Fighter: the Movie: the Game for the JCVD movie where they made a Mortal Kombat type game using the actor's images. In the original Double Dragon games, he looked like this: Also of the original game play style, they never had powers in the first game, but you would learn new moves as you defeated more and more enemies. You start with just punch and kick, but soon can do jump kicks, spin kicks, uppercuts, and even kneeing your opponent in the face while holding their head like it was a Muy Thai fight. The ending where you fight your brother was also a common trope for beat-em-ups of the 80s and 90s where two players would play through a whole game only to have to fight each other at the end to see who the better player was. I distinctly remember this being the end of Die Hard: Arcade where for some reason there is only one seat available on the escape helicopter and the players have to fight each other to get it, which is so weird considering you worked together to get there in the first place.
  12. 1 point
    Oh, btw, Alyssa Milano and Scott Wolf fueled a pretty obvious romance during DOUBLE DRAGON. (They later got engaged for a hot minute.) We were tasked with picking up and delivering pictures to Milano from a one-hour photo. We so wanted to take a peek to see what was in those photos, but we didn't. I don't regret not looking - personal property and all. But I kinda regret not looking.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    A couple BTS photos for you. No digital cameras at the time this was shot, so a couple Polaroids I picked up on set.
  15. 1 point
    i had to look up what the video game version of Abobo looked like because I couldn't remember and must say, the film was pretty accurate
  16. 1 point
    I’m thinking the podcast should be called ‘Trashcan Fire’.
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