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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I bought the Blu-Ray and should get it tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a good Beatles-related movie after the AtU "debacle".
  2. 2 points
    It was mentioned in the episode about the shirt ripping that goes on, and that maybe that's Dylan/Neil's fetish, but it feels like feet are a much bigger fetish on display in this film, There are so many inexpiable shots of feet in this film, most notably during the car accident scene, when we linger on feet for a good long while. That foot focus leads to a fun mistake where, during the shirt-ripping sex scene, where Dylan is on the left and his wife is on the right, but when they cut to their feet, the feet on the left have bright red toenails. Now, from the color of the jeans it's obvious the shot is backwards, but it's enjoyable to add "paints his toenails bright red" to Dylan's unique traits. Also, looks like Dylan really liked his hospital stay, as he had the same blinds and carpet installed at his house.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but does Boardroom Therapist actually share any information about Dylan with Emily? She's definitely the one who initiates the contact to tell him Dylan is not taking his medication. Ultimately, she ends up telling Boardroom Therapist about Dylan's hacking to keep the pills flowing, but I don't recall BT telling her anything about Dylan or his treatment. The Dylan/BT/Emily relationship is made more confusing by the fact that it seems like Dylan is refusing to take psychiatric medication (for obvious reasons), but Emily is apparently abusing the pain medication that was prescribed after Dylan's accident. I think that conflation adds more to the theory that this is broadly anti-drug, anti-alcohol, anti-psychiatry movie — anything that interferes with Breen's messianic brain is in league with the forces of corruption, fraud and hypocrisy.
  5. 1 point
    If you shoot inky from your stinky, you're a squid or so I thinky.
  6. 1 point
    Someone has had sex on camera on that couch and I'm only 25% positive it wasn't Neil Breen
  7. 1 point
    Sorry for being late in posting my own thoughts here, but I wrote a whole piece on 2019 in movies. I wanted to wait until I saw UNCUT GEMS and LITTLE WOMEN to write it, but I had to get it done before the New Year so that just wasn't possible. Both films prrrrrrobably would have made the list. Peruse if you feel like it https://www.film89.co.uk/the-film-89-year-in-review-2019-part-6-john-arminio/
  8. 1 point
    OKAY! Back with my pick! Decided to go with one that's been on my list for a while. Something that has been near and dear to my heart for a long time. So without further ado, I present to you:
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I will go to my grave upset over the number of laptops this man owns.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    We have different definitions of what a gem is. For those who are willing to go further into the Breeniverse, just know that this is his masterpiece. Pre-Fateful-Findings films are just as crazy, but not as " good ", and his later films get nastier and more bitter, and are much less enjoyable " enjoyable ". Neil Breen is a very angry multimillionaire. Neil Breen saw 6 Underground, and he both wished he had made it and also lived it IRL. Neil Breen believes he is Ryan Reynolds. PS - The kissing sounds... Ewww.
  13. 1 point
    There are lots of little things you can pick on in this film because it is clearly an amateur low budget production. Notably when he's in his hospital bed after being hit by the car there are lots of little things to point out. The fact it's clearly a spare bedroom (as Paul said hospitals don't have carpets), the fact none of the IV are hooked up or set up properly, the fact none of the equipment is on or why there are three oxygen tanks, or even why is there just a laptop in among all the medical equipment. These are all little things done with their limited space and budget to try and look hospital like. At least he was trying and put some thought into it. What I do take major issue with though is his face. So he's suffered major head trauma and they have made a special bandage for him which is literally just covering up half his face. Granted I'm not a doctor but I would think if you were to bandage the head you'd bandage it all and not make a special mask. Even if you were to make a mask I'm sure you'd make one that doesn't completely cover up both nostrils and the mouth. Surely if you did that you wouldn't then put a nasal oxygen tube on top of that bandage mask with no way to enter the nose thus rendering it useless. And in the far off chance that they do bandage the mouth and nose fully and place a nasal oxygen tube on top of it all, surely they wouldn't then put a full nose and mouth oxygen mask which covers no airways on top of all that that. Yet that's what he did. Those are the high level decisions that make Neil Breen perfect for HDTGM.
  14. 1 point
    For anyone who hasn't watched this yet and plans to I watched it at 1.5x speed and doing that it almost matched the pace of a normal film. Towards the end of the movie there is an insert shot of a digital alarm clock going from 11:59pm to midnight and although I have no evidence I feel almost sure that Neil Breen waited until that time of day to film that rather than realizing he could just set the clock.
  15. 1 point
    How can you .Labyrinth in a classic.Bowie's Goblin King is a icon.
  16. 1 point
    Which is an obvious riff on the infamous line attributed to Churchill -- he was at a dinner with a lady who called him a drunk, to which he is said to have replied "And you, ma'am, are ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning, and you will still be ugly."
  17. 1 point
    Ebert's response to that is still one of my favorite burns in history: "although I am fat, one day I will be thin, but Mr. Gallo will still have been the director of The Brown Bunny"
  18. 1 point
    Whoa, that makes me feel like a senior citizen. Did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger was a movie star before he was a governor?
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