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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Starring Burt Reynolds (circa Evening Shade), Angie Dickinson and the girl who played Farris' girlfriend, Mira Sara bring to life this campy horror/ thriller. If you enjoy nosy neighbors, creepy mechanics, a confusing kidnapping plot, a well full of dead bodies, and a plethora of bad Ozzy Osborne references then this is the movie for you! Check out the trailer here http://youtu.be/gCYH578EyOI. Burt Reynolds and the people who play his family are at their scenery chewing best! This is truly a How Did This Get Made must do!
  2. 1 point
    So Michael’s blood contains the Corvinus strain. According to an Underworld wiki “The Corvinus Strain, the parent strain of the Vampire and Lycan Strains, is a recessive genetic anomaly that, when inherited in its active form, gives its carrier immortality and superhuman strength, while additionally possessing the capability for another stage of mutation when subjected to gene-fusion. Thus, the Corvinus Strain uniquely has the ability to sustain and harbor both viruses carried by Vampires and Lycans. This anomaly is the only known gene that is capable of combining properties from both the Vampire and Lycan strains that would otherwise destroy themselves on contact due to the incompatible components contained at their cellular level.” I don’t really have much to add other than Corvinus coincidentally looks too similar to Coronavirus. And as such, I now plan to quarantine myself from any more of these terrible movies.
  3. 1 point
    What I still don't get is how Scott Speedman thought he was too big to return to this series.
  4. 1 point
    Paul is in "Lovett or Leave It" today, in case you need more podcasts for your quarantine.
  5. 1 point
    It basically reboots the series as Resident Evil, this movie, and then they discard most of it in the fifth. I remember hoping at the time that all of these trash scifi/supernatural films would merge into a shared cinematic universe.
  6. 1 point
    I love I, Frankenstein! If I remember correctly, tight around the time Twilight came out, Bill Hader did an interview where he was saying that SNL did a skit about a sexy Frankenstein, and then I, Frankenstein was released a little while later. Kind of like life catching up with their jokes. I, Frankenstein is so much like (the first) Underworld they even had Bill Nighy in it playing virtually the same role.
  7. 1 point
    I don’t think it’s mentioned in this episode, but the team behind the Underworld franchise tried to recapture the magic in yet another crazy-ass patchwork of action inanity in the form of I, Frankenstein (which, if I’m remembering this correctly, is based off of a comic book created by one of the Underworld writers). It’s basically the same premise as Underworld but with demons (bad guys, obviously) battling gargoyles (good guys, I think... ?) in yet another centuries-long underground blood-war-battle-feud-gothic-drama thing, with Frankenstein’s monster, Adam (I see what ya did there, writers!) caught in the middle. Humanity (or is it dignity?) is also at stake, too, maybe.
  8. 1 point
    Can we throw The Crow (the first one) in this mix, too?
  9. 1 point
    Well I for one am glad that Paul's mom enjoys Madame Secretary. Truly the more I learn about her the more I am fascinated by this enigma of a person.
  10. 1 point
    From what I remember of the 4th movie it's all about how humans have discovered lycans and vampires and hunted them to near extinction. Selene who has been in some kind of coma(?? )wakes up in like a government facility and keeps seeing things from another person's perspective and she thinks it's Michael but it turns out to be her daughter who has been like raised / experimented on in this government facility? They end up escaping a bunch of shit I assume but honestly can't remember. These movies are wild. I'm pretty sure I watched this while sick at home high on Nyquil as you should
  11. 1 point
    Yeah but it fails at world building in such spectacular fashion while those have found the right formula to excel exceptionally well. That's only if she can take him "Higher." I never saw this film but have seen the others in the series and I realize that the prequel is easily the best of the series because it's Michael Sheen acting the fuck out of a horrible story and making it palatable. The first one is insane for how quickly they try to create a world filled with lore and backstory but try to focus on Kate Beckinsale being in a skin tight bodysuit. There are interesting ideas like getting memories from a person's blood, which was an idea introduced in the first one when the vampires are going to bring their next leader up to speed on current events after a hibernation period, but then they started using it every 10 minutes in the sequel and it was quick diminishing returns.
  12. 1 point
    This joke took at least an hour off my life, well done Cameron
  13. 1 point
    Underworld III is the Halloween III of the series. Better than people tend to report and just really weird compared to the others. I like it too. My wife and I went to see it and made out for the first time afterward, so that was cool.
  14. 1 point
    I was OBSESSED with the first movie, Queen of the Damned and Buffy as a nerdy tween girl. Honestly these movies are what a 2000's Hot Topic would be if it could be a movie and I love them (and Queen of the Damned) for that ridiculous fact. I'm not even going to touch how stupid crazy the prequel movie was.
  15. 1 point
    Sure, he’d greet her with “Arms Wide Open.”
  16. 1 point
    Would Felicity move across the country for Scott Stapp? I think not! They are totally different!
  17. 1 point
    This for the win! I just realized: Underworld is like John Wick for goths, or Fast & Furious for manic depressives.
  18. 1 point
    The second is pretty great. I think my least favorite is Awakening, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. The point is: these are perfect movies and anyone who disagrees with us are dumb-dumb wrongheads. Oh, and Scott Speedman and Scott Stapp are 1000% the same person, right
  19. 1 point
    The first one is my favorite, but I did enjoy the Rube Goldbergian sideways helicopter death scene from the second film. I remember think that was almost too clever for this series.
  20. 1 point
    Rise of the Lycans is still my favorite. I’m not sure why...
  21. 1 point
    I have no idea what the allure of these films is, but I’ll never hesitate to watch one. I remember sheepishly introducing my wife to this series, and to my surprise, she really likes it, too. Underworld: spellbindingly “bad in a good way.”
  22. 1 point
    I haven’t listened to the episode yet, but I’m with you. I probably watch these once a year () or so. I also agree, that it’s weird to pick this movie over the first one. There’s nothing in this movie that’s particularly crazy that isn’t present in the other movies, and you know they’re going to have questions about the universe (all of which is pretty well established in the first movie). It just seems to be making it needlessly harder on themselves. So, yeah, the movies are garbage, but I enjoy them. And if they make another one, I will buy it gleefully.
  23. 1 point
    Sadly... me. I have no idea why I like these joyless, excessively dark (read: nearly impossible to actually see), self-serious, and impenetrably plotted Underworld films. I remember Patton Oswalt once saying, “I don’t believe in ‘guilty pleasures.’ If it makes you happy, you shouldn’t feel guilty about it,” and immediately flashing on watching this series of movies (repeatedly) and feeling nothing but inner shameful guilt. This shit is like something an ADD-riddled teenager would come up with. I dunno why I do this to myself, honestly. This film is like Chicken McNuggets: comfort food for the soulless. I’m truly surprised that Jason, Tall and June picked the 4th film in the franchise for the podcast when the first film is brimming with so, so, SO much batshitfullness. Besides establishing this world, the first Underworld film is simply a hot fuckin’ guilty pleasure mess: Michael Sheen as the head lycan; Selene shooting out the floor beneath her in a circular fashion to make an escape that would take longer than simply jumping out a window; the introduction of bullets that contain “sun light”; the entire movie takes place at night—all the time—in a weird, constantly wet hybrid American-Eastern European city; one of the writers of this film appears prominently as a hulking lycan with a vocal range so deep it can drop panties the next village over; vampires using plaster busts for shooting practice; Bill Nighy as a vampire elder in a sewer claw fight with a vampire-lycan hybrid; lead actor Shane Brolly’s painfully awful line delivery; the term “death dealer”; etc. So, yeah...
  24. 1 point
    The reveal that June never saw Harry Potter made me laugh. I would love if you guys did a watch-along episode like on NEWCOMERS. When June is confused and asks all kinds of questions and Jason just seethes.
  25. 1 point
    If you look at box office, Underworld really doesn't make that much worldwide. According to Wikipedia , number 4 got the best results ( 62M US, 160M WW ) but that was against a 70M budget. If you discount the first one, most of them kinda just scrape by. And if you compare it with Resident Evil, it's nowhere near as successful - The five Underworlds had a combined budget of around 207M, with a BO of 540M, while Resident Evil had a combined ( six films ) budget of 288M, with a worldwide BO of 1.230M. Yup. One billion. Who's watching these films? Maybe China? I dunno. Is Underworld a money laundering operation? Probably. Fight me/Don't fight me. Also, " If you want a freaking story sit down with my wife and watch Lifetime " - Me, a gay European man.
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