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Episode 63 โ€” Relationships

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Sometimes life has its brutal moments so itโ€™s always good to talk things out and tell your family and friends how durn much you love them. Take a journey with Tig, Kyle, and David as they discuss how relationships start and why they sometimes end. Along with what is considered cheating, what is a turn off and if flowers are dorky. Donโ€™t worry, this episode contains no boner danger.

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What a shocker. Tig, you are so tough, and every time I think how amazing you are doing, you end up getting hit harder than before. I hope this is over with soon.


And I am glad you guys talked about flowers, because I had still thought of them as romantic. Kyle's anecdote about giving out flowers gave me like a sixth sense moment, where I saw a series of flashbacks of women receiving flowers, and their reactions suddenly had a whole new meaning. Thank you, Professor Blastoff.

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Too short you guys.

I set my alarm for 3 am (EST) every tues because I love you all so much (even AAron) and I need this elixir of your banter to guide my day.

I was clenched up man when Tig began her horror. David, you are so wise, I feel she has had so much bullshit recently that maybe she is setting off other tests.

I love you Tig...I feel extremely positive for you.

Kyle...you are so eccentric and loving...even if you shout it.

Show idea: I worked at the old Largo from 98-2000. I find it strangely compelling that almost every comedian is staunch in their belief of atheism or scoffs at the fact of no God. Can you expound? I think Patton is one of these nay sayers. Personally, i was raised Catholic/now agnostic. Much love, Michael M

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When I first listended to Tig's comedy I laughed SO much, which made me listen to this podcast. Now a year later it's part of my weekly routine to listen to this group of people having fun. All of you guys are great, and I wish Tig all the best!

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I'm getting real sick of bad things happening to Tig. I'm going to start getting indignant on her behalf.

Pulling for you Tig.

David and Kyle, amazing as always.


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Much like Tig's experience at the hospital waiting for her doctor, I was very much thinking, "What is this even about? Tig's fine. Tig's totally fine. There's no way." And then the doctor finally entering, and then Tig completely forgetting anything the doctor has just said, well, that happened to me once before, and it just happened in real time with Tig's story while I was listening. I had to rewind the podcast to re-listen to what just sounded like white noise to me at the story's conclusion.


I'm a testicular cancer survivor, and after two years of observation I was "in the clear." Around the time I finally got to stop taking quarterly tests, my friend then got cancer. The news turned my legs to jelly, my stomach dropped and I nearly threw up (he's ok now). This feeling was replicated just now while listening to the podcast. I'm grateful I was sitting down.


I don't have much to express right now other than outright concern and support. You guys are the best, you're my podcast buddies, I hope it's nothing and want it to be nothing with all of my heart, and I really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY hope Tig's Teats turn out ok (them are li'l titties).

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We all love you, Tig. (Yes, you guys too.) Let those of us who pray, pray HARD for healing and recovery for our dear friend. And those of us who don't pray, think good thoughts and send out positive energy to her.


It's easy to tell when someone has a good heart. Tig's good-natured humor is a gift to us all and we want to give back. I am asking Kyle, David and Aaron to hug Lil' Tig for me. She could not ask for better friends than those guys, but there are legions more out here who want to lift her up until she is well. May God bless all in the hatch! xxoo

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What an emotional kick in the junk. My oldest daughter, Elizabeth, found me in my office softly crying after the show was over. She asked me what was wrong and I explained that someone I consider a friend (who I'll probably never meet but still care about as does my wife) is very sick.


She picked up her doll and asked me the person's name. After I told her, she smiled and said, "No. Tig will be okay soon. I like her name. Tig."


Can't argue with that medical science, so kiss my @$$.

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We love you, Tig!

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god. fucking. dammit.

My heart goes out to all of you guys.... and Tig's teets.

I'm so glad that she has such a great group of friends for support. but how fucked is this?!

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Welp, that's been heartbreaking.


So bummed to hear about Tig's latest problem. Like the guys said, there's a decent chance that it will be nothing, and a good chance that she'll ultimately be fine if it does turn out to be cancer, but still, hearing about her physician's indifference was pretty infuriating. I know doctors use their best judgment, and I'm sure that not needlessly freaking people out factors into it, but it seems like you'd want to err on the side of caution.


On a lighter note, I hope the "main topic" (ha ha) of the episode isn't too ignored/forgotten, because it was really good. Kyle's tales of youthful awkwardness are always a delight and it was nice to hear about David's new-ish relationship. During the part where they were talking about cheating and Tig jokingly asked if Kyle's girlfriend is a serial cheater, it would have been the funniest thing ever is he had said, "Well, there was this thing with Matt Damon..."

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Tig is okay.

That's all I have to say...

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Hey there tig, just writing in to say we all love you. Aaaand you look beautiful (in little kid voice)

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We are all very upset with you tig, kidding. I dont know what to say. I cried several times today (im a man). We love you so much.


If you dont have the insurance to pay you know we have your back, aaand front.

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Tig, we all hope you're going to be okay. Whatever we can do to help, we will. You are too damn wonderful! Please keep us updated.


...also, what a goddamn trooper to record the podcast right after all this!

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Tig, I'm sure zillions of people will have stories for you about their experience with this but add me to the pile. I went through stage 2b breast cancer a couple years ago (not saying you have cancer for sure but if...). It was terrifying but they have come so far with treatments for breast cancer. Chemo and the subsequent surgery and treatments were no where near what I thought it would be. I worked most of the time without much issue. It was hard but not insurmountable. Cold comfort I know, but for me knowing I wasn't alone got me through the fear.


You are strong and surrounded by people that love you. That is strong medicine in itself. Hang in there and breathe and try to just take it day by day.


Sending you tons of good energy and support,

Crescent Prah

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Sending good thoughts out to our wonderful Tig. No matter what the prognosis, you'll get through it and we'll all be here cheering you on. Sometimes bad luck comes in big, terrible piles and it just makes your life suck for a while. I've been through years like that; it's hard to believe that miserable things will ever stop pouring down on you, but in my experience they do (eventually).


Great episode, even with the sad stuff. The fact that Kyle will never run out of embarrassing stories really cheers me on tough days. Just hearing him talk about how that girl was always carrying around $1 bills... Oh, Kyle. Never stop being you!

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I also hope Tig is doing alright. I feel a little odd wishing someone well whom I don't know, but I enjoy the podcast and how everyone shares their personal lives with the listener, so it's hard not to feel like I know them. I saw she had to drop out of her most recent planned Conan appearance and the Montreal gig, which were both mentioned in the podcast. Her facebook page mentions that they were due to medical issues, though it does say she's "doing fine." I can only imagine what she's had to go through. My mother's going through the recovery process from life-threatening cancer, and her diagnosis was very sudden and unexpected. It also happened right around the time when Tig discussed her previous illness and sudden loss of her mother, so it hit close to home with me a bit more than it otherwise might have. So, this most recent news of Tig's affected me similarly. All I can say is, I hope Tig get's through whatever this is as fast and pain free as possible, both physically and mentally.

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hello to all and especially you, Tig. I almost wrote to you back when I first heard the episode where you discussed the passing of your mom, as it hit me very hard (my mom died on April 26th, the day after my 52nd birthday). Given this week's heart-wrenching topic, I felt the time was now.

thank you, Tig, for helping me to feel a little less alone in my grief. people around us do their best to console us and tell us that they know how we must feel. and bless them for their well-intended words, but unless they're starting each and every day with the thought 'oh, my God, she's never coming back', then, no...they really can't know how it must feel. but it is true that Time heals all wounds. I just wish Time would fast forward to the point where I'm not sobbing like a lost child every time I let myself think about her.

So, since you helped me, dear girl, allow me to return the favour by offering my two cents; should the diagnosis prove dismal, get second and even maybe third professional opinions, don't allow your mind to trick you into thinking bullshit thoughts about how this is somehow a 'punishment' for bad behaviour, and, above all else, handle your business, ie., see a lawyer about a will if you haven't already. Then, do the things you've always wanted to do, go to the places you've always wanted to go to, and be sure to tell your loved ones all you've wanted to say to them.

some may say that such advice is depressing or pessimistic. I say these are the things that we, flawed and mortal as we may be, can control and have a say in that which transpires.

I wish you all the best, Tig, and be kind to yourself. you've earned it.

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Good thoughts coming your way Tig! Great show as usual. It's very dramatic comedy as of late.

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I have to admit, this episode made me tear up a little bit. I felt a little weird being so upset about someone I've never met, but I feel like I almost personally know Tig, Kyle and David. All of us Blastronauts are rooting for you... Much love.

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