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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    they say good fences make good neighbors but a nice shed makes the best neighbor in my humble opinion. love to look out the window over the sink while i sip my coffee in the morning and admire my neighbor's shed. ive never been inside and lord willing i never will but just knowing its there keeping his lawn mower out of the rain fills me with ineffable joy
  4. 1 point
    Although the person who wrote the review about this movie and their experience with hitting puberty and watching this movie was completely over the top, it reminded me a little bit of the feeling I got when looking at my mom's copy of this record back in the day. I'm perplexed by it now.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I was at this show and wanted to raise my hand and ask a question but chickened out and didn't, so I'm going to say my piece here. I really wanted to know more about that nun. Where was she flying to with that loaf of bread and other groceries? Did the car bring her to her plane after it dropped off Giorgio or did she get stuck there on the tarmac next to his plane? I would have preferred a movie about her travels. It was bound to be better. Also, Paul's Italian accent in this episode was flawless.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    The budget was $19 million, and it made just $2.2 million at the box office, meaning that Yes, Giorgio makes it into the top 10 of least profitable HDTGM movies! Just below Steel, but just above Gigli. See https://hdtgm.info/ for the details.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    There were only two joys I got from this film... the first was perking up towards the end of the film and exclaiming... "Is that my boy blue?" Sure enough, the old man on the gurney is the same actor who portrayed Blue in Old School. The second joy I had, is knowing the editor warned us at the very beginning of the film that this was going to be a painful watch. Right after Giorgio's first song in the church, we cut to a little boy yawning. If that isn't a sign to the audience that they better buckle up for this horrendous experience... I don't know what else would be.
  11. 1 point
    "I like a bigger boy." ... "I like a bigger boy."
  12. 1 point
    Let's all comprise. Kevin stays and Jordan becomes everyone's favorite engineer. I mean, first time on mic and she breaks out that leaf blower sound effect! She's HH bound all the way.
  13. 1 point
    What would be really interesting but painstakingly hard to put together is a series of sequels dedicated to maybe just the top 10 films of different countries based on that country's AFI equivalent or critics circle chosen greatest films. Not only do you cover the classics of various countries but it is an interesting look into what each country values in their films and what films other nations overlook.
  14. 1 point
    1. I think you mean Raymond Burr version of Godzilla unless the is a Steve Martin version I don't know about. If there is a Steve Martin version, I definitely want to see that. 2. I'm sure I've complained about it before but I agree that I wish non American films were represented. I get why the AFI limited it to American films but there is a literal world of cinema. For a number of these movies, I can point to a foreign equivalent that is debatably as good. And if we needed to include an influential, giant monster/kaiju movie, Godzilla over King Kong all day every day.
  15. 1 point
    After a brief hiatus, I got so excited to catch up on HH when someone told me that there were lots of Chef Kevin bits and segments on the show now. Imagine my disappointment when I tuned in to find out that he had NOT actually been dismembered.
  16. 1 point
    And to think, all those chumps on the street got to see his carcass for free!
  17. 1 point
    So if you account for inflation a $20 show in 1933 would be the same as paying $387.68 today to see a show. And what exactly does that money get you? You see Kong on stage chained up and barely able to move while you have a movie director doing a lame one man show in front of it. Not to mention for two cents the next day you could see a picture of Kong and not have to listen to the Denham.
  18. 1 point
    White privilege in action: Bring a monster to New York, have it escape, eat/kill lots of people, cause billions of dollars in structural damage, require air force assistance, and no one says a goddamn thing. Denhem wants to get to the front of the crowd to view the carcass, and everyone is just like "Ooh! That's Mr. Denhem. He caught the creature you know..." Not a single person is like "A car was thrown through my living room window and my wife was dropped to her death you shit-stain!" Honestly, I think Denhem should have seen some repercussions in the film as it would have made his journey would have somewhat mirrored that of Kong's. That way, when he says"It was Beauty that killed the Beast," he's not just talking about Kong, but the nature of obsession. (i.e. how Kong's obsession over Wray was just as self-destructive as Denhem's obsession with fame and fortune.)
  19. 1 point
    More from that classic Simpsons episode:
  20. 1 point
    It’s RAINING! It’s going to get out of control! Damn you, Zephryus! Why must you curse my curb appeal!
  21. 1 point
    I am not a fan of the new multiple emoji response system. As the current #8 top poster for "most reputation" I need to know if a trophy earns more reputation than a "huh?" face.
  22. 1 point
    I loved this funny episode of the show but the new forum is very scary.
  23. 1 point
    I feel grateful to have access to a forum full of other HH fans because in my irl experiences of listening to the podcast with other people, it feels like being a lone fan among the live audience in this episode. Now I know to just mention Andy Richter and they'll perk up a bit!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Not over Purple Noon*, you heretics. *Which was not even mentioned! For shame.
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