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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Dogs eating popcorn is the hottest ASMR sensation right now (literally, hah!), so for me I'd like to hear Bosch chomping down on some delicious popcorn. I won't even mind if he loudly chews over my popcorn gallery question that I'm sure will be solicited in the forum this week and used on the show next week.
  2. 2 points
    I might be on my own on this one, but I could've used more mastication on this ep.
  3. 2 points
    I'd love to have seen Brett's face after eating that shrimp! Or before! more pictures of Brett please
  4. 2 points
    okay, i gotta geek for a minute here. on last week's spont, matt gourley uttered the phrase "i'm a sweaty toothed madman," clearly a reference to gordon college's improv comedy team, the sweaty toothed madmen. they were started by a fellow named joe buck, who also happened to start the improv team i was a part of at my college. here's where things get nutty, folks. the name of my college improv team was rice pilaf. what did sean say that he was eating on today's episode? RICE PILAF. your boy is riding high today. it's definitely not a shout-out, but i'm taking it to be a shout-out. first i get to do my famous borat character with the boys, now they mention my improv team by name on the show? i am eternally grateful for this.
  5. 1 point
    The Doughboys finally both come to the studio to do another Shrimp-Off with The Boys without the chewing sounds.
  6. 1 point
    Let's find out what JammerLea has picked for this series this time!
  7. 1 point
    I would really think this forum would be blowing up with this gem of an epi. I want to see what happens in the new forum when a thread gets LIT
  8. 1 point
    I wish your name was "the camel" cus then I'd say "who knew a camel could be so thirsty?!", but it's not so why did I even post this?
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Some numbers: Patreon started in Feb 2017 Facebook likes close to 4,000 18 months times at $200 per Facebook like equals $14,400,000 So its safe to assume that Mitch is paying himself $600,000 every month. I've run these several times and it all works out so no need for anyone else to fact check.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    In the video Will Smith, Jaden and other family members hike up a volcano then at the end if the video talk about fear... Some meta stuff right there...
  13. 1 point
    Damn, I thought it was the title to John Oliver's new kid show...
  14. 1 point
    Ha! Itโ€™s nothing official. More that I get impatient to talk to you guys I have been doing well, though. Thank you. Thatโ€™s exciting about your new job. Congratulations!
  15. 1 point
    I voted yes on King Kong mainly for the stop motion special effects. However, personally, this wouldn't be on my list of top 100 films. Besides the obvious racism and misogyny, sometimes it was so slow that my mind kept wandering. When something finally happened, it was usually something being killed. For example, the way they kept shooting that stegosaurus went on forever, it was kind of upsetting. And King Kong is supposed to be a beast, I get that, but he kills everything and anyone and this made me appreciate later adaptations (and "rip-offs" like Mighty Joe Young) where you feel more sympathy for the ape. I guess I prefer my Kong to be more than just a brainless brute who smashes things.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Much like Jason and June, I stopped paying attention for long stretches of this movie, so perhaps I missed something . . . but why were Pavarotti and Lady Doctor tasked with cooking dinner for some large and seemingly important gathering? This is a rich guy who has people he can easily order around to do stuff for him, right? If he had some special affinity for cooking, it sure didn't show in that scene.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    There were only two joys I got from this film... the first was perking up towards the end of the film and exclaiming... "Is that my boy blue?" Sure enough, the old man on the gurney is the same actor who portrayed Blue in Old School. The second joy I had, is knowing the editor warned us at the very beginning of the film that this was going to be a painful watch. Right after Giorgio's first song in the church, we cut to a little boy yawning. If that isn't a sign to the audience that they better buckle up for this horrendous experience... I don't know what else would be.
  20. 1 point
    I just don't know what to do! Should we send them a box of croissants or something?
  21. 1 point
    Completely agree with those thoughts and feelings. As far as world cinema goes save that for their follow up open ended series "Unspool the The World" If we all dream hard enough maybe we can make it happen.
  22. 1 point
    Here's what I would like: once they're done with this list, I would like them to cover the movies that got booted off from the 98 list. Then, if they're up to it, I'd love for Amy and Paul to dive into World cinema. I'd love to hear their take on Bergman and Kurosawa et al. I know Unspooled was always meant to be a macroseries, but the fact that they are already 12% done makes me anxious Of course, I don't actually expect this will happen, but a boy can dream, can't he?
  23. 1 point
    I've (very cautiously) figured out how to make modifications to the CSS and templates, so today I've: Fixed the virtually invisible search box Fixed the dark gray-on-dark gray options in the user menu (top right corner) Added a link to Earwolf.com in the main navigation Let us know if there are any other outstanding issues.
  24. 1 point
    This episode was so frustrating to listen to I ended up turning it off 15 mins into the podcast. This is the same problem I had with The Canon podcast. It's fine if Amy doesnt like the movie or doesnt feel like it should be on the list but I feel like she does this constantly with movies she personally feels are "overhyped" where she refuses to engage on any discussion about deeper themes or things that the other host thought were done well.if I remember correctly she does this alot with Martin scorcese films also. I feel like most of her responses are in the vein of " mehh this is just a movies about guys hanging out in prison". Maybe paul should force her to do the How Did This Get Made podcast for a few weeks so she can really see what a bad movie is. The entire episode was ruined for me because of her attitude and I'm not even a huge fan or Shawshank. I just think if you're going to be such an obvious fangirl for movies like Titanic or old Hollywood movies like Citizen Kane then you should at least engage other people when they want to discuss mo ids they like. Ps I'm pretty sure she said that Streets of Fire was a good movie a couple of weeks ago and anyone who thinks that shouldnt be able to call another movie bad Haha . That movie is terrible
  25. 1 point
    Thank you Shannon, things look great now.
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