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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I was actually thinking that at first but thought maybe it was too weird. BRAIN TWINS! I didn't go the black magic route I just assumed she was like an immortal being which is why she couldn't take her kid with her. So she popped back into his life did NOT like what she saw and decided to ground him . God what I would have given for a scene where he petulantly screamed something about her not being his real parent/ her not having the authority to punish him . I like your idea much more though.
  2. 3 points
    Cant wait, the episode has already been recorded and reports from around the time say that it was “funny”.
  3. 2 points
    I'd just like to point out that while it might be horribly impractical, it would technically be possible to drive from New York to Machu Picchu. Peru is in South America, so you wouldn't have to cross any oceans. The only thing I questioned was crossing the Panama Canal, but it appears there have been two working road bridges across that since 2003. All clear for the bus to Machu Picchu!
  4. 2 points
    I love it! I don’t want to step on your toes, but how do you feel about this: what if Kendra was his mom? She leaves because she’s fed up with their nonsense, dives into black magic, and glamours herself to look like a teenager. This might explain her fixation with Kyle and his father...
  5. 2 points
    I loved the cuckoo bananas progression of Lindy and “Hunter’s” meet up. When she first arrives, Lindy yells into the house that she’ll “tase” him if he comes near her. After this, “Hunter” brings her supper and attempts to explain what’s going on, and she tells him to fuck right the Hell off. Then, weeks later, she just casually walks in on him while he’s watching Korean television and is like, “So are we ever going to meet or what?” I also thought it was funny that when he brings her dinner, she steadfastly refuses to open the door for him, but the next couple of times he knocks, she opens the door within seconds, and he scurries away. It’s like the movie suddenly forgot who was avoiding whom.
  6. 2 points
    You know what I found distracting? The way the prosthetic didn’t quite get attached to his face in the corner of his right eye. Sometimes due to the lighting you could see a big gap there. Should’ve filled the space with more silver caulk.
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    Ok so it's totally not really possible but you know what would have been great if at the end we see a flashback of Kendra talking to the mom about Kyle and his dad. The mom doesn't know that she's a witch and somehow the two meet and start chatting. And the mom will confess how worried she is that her son is going to turn into an utter BEAST like her ex husband . Which could be the reason for Kendra to specifically go to that school and to enact that curse. Trying to think about what a good meet cute for the mom and Kendra could be . Like maybe Kendra is a waitress and the mom is always really nice to her or something. Or because this is a dramatic ass movie and in fairy tales fairies in disguise and in distress reward people who help them maybe the mom stops to help her somehow because "I've got a son you're age". Thoughts on my new Beastly crackfic?
  9. 1 point
    It’s because he’s supposed to look grotesque while also being hot! I feel like the producers and creative team were like “oh we can’t make him a furry beast. Alex Pettyfer’s too beautiful to cover up; he has to stay attractive. What’s hot but also disturbing? I know: tattoos! Tattoos are cool! Also barbed wire! But maybe he should also look deformed. So let’s add gaping wounds and scars, that makes him look tragic. But then let’s put the barbed wire in the wounds so it doesn’t seem as gross! Because we need girls to think he’s hot!”
  10. 1 point
    But I think it has to be the same thing because it’s clear that Kyle is the way that he is because of his father. His last line in the movie is requesting that his new intern isn’t a “dogface” or “dumpy frump.”
  11. 1 point
    Well the catch is if his father is cursed then he'd lose his job. They would never have somebody in his condition anchor the news. Out of job means no more income and the fact that he has three houses, a live in maid, a live in tutor, and who knows how many other expenses this would all come to an end. Kyle being the shallow and selfish prick he is, face it he didn't learn any lesson that won't be forgotten in a week, would only think about his well being and straight up help his dad for no other reason that he wants access to that cash and what it offers.
  12. 1 point
    They really make a meal of that poem, huh? I would really love to get my hands on NPH’s syllabus. Apparently his lesson plan was: assign a single poem (of the student’s choosing), provide zero instruction or guided discussion, leave your students to perpetually re-read the same poem over the course of - what appears to be - months so they can make goo-goo eyes at each other. There will be no other classes.
  13. 1 point
    It's insane to me that Nola and Will's complicity is just given a pass. It's one thing to open up their home as a sanctuary to a person in need, but they know full well that Kyle has ulterior motives. Not only that, they don't even really believe in the whole curse thing in the first place. So, from their perspective, they are just holding this teenage girl against her will at the whim of their spoiled boss' son until she expresses her love for him. That's deranged. Shouldn't there at least be a discussion of, "Yes, she's in danger, but maybe the cops are better equipped to offer her protection?" They don't even have a stake in it! It's not like in the cartoon where they are under the curse too. Heck, they don't even know that they might get anything out of it. They just know that this troubled girl has been dropped off on their doorstep - who explicitly tells them that she doesn't want to be there - and they are just like, "Yeah, we know you're being held against your will, and you're miserable, but have you checked out Hunter's abs recently?"
  14. 1 point
    This scene is weird because NPH says earlier in the movie "miracle only". What miracle gave him his sight back? Hunter and Vanessa Hudgens kissing?
  15. 1 point
    Exactly! She's also running for president right? Why not have her giving a speech at the beginning before his. Have it be about things that will be better for the environment or whatever the position is and have the people react positive to her. Then Kyle comes up and makes fun of her and gets people to turn against her because she's ugly and he's not. Boom, that simple. Sadly, a lot of the reason I don't think this is done is they were too afraid to have people actually dislike Kyle too much.
  16. 1 point
    Absolutely! The central issue isn’t really about being a better person, it’s about having a girlfriend and (I guess) being a somewhat adequate boyfriend. That’s it. Those are the terms of Kendra’s curse. She doesn’t really give a shit about Zola or Will. Which leads me to another question: is Kendra even a good person/witch? She’s supposedly teaching him a lesson about being less of an asshole, but is she really any better? It would be one thing if she was a good person with a good heart that he was just treating like shit because of the way she looks, but she seem to be just as much of a misanthrope as he is. She’s not exactly shown making people happy or anything. She’s always just off by herself in a corner. Just because she’s less popular and dresses less trendy, I’m supposed to buy that that somehow makes her...what? Better?
  17. 1 point
    Kendra gave him a second chance/more time because he gave the rose to Lindy, he did something kind and innocuous that made someone else genuinely happy (although it was something that didn't really matter to him). Basically, he was nice to someone less fortunate. On that note though, Lindy was a scholarship student. In the book, she is pulled from going to the private school in order to go live with Kyle/Adrian/Hunter, and then after he frees her she has to slum it up at a bad public school in her district. So by that logic, how on earth in the movie is Lindy allowed back at the private school? She's missed enough school that she definitely would've lost her scholarship and wouldn't be able to go to Macchu Picchu. Why does it have to be Macchu Picchu? Why can't she be striving to attend Colombia or something?
  18. 1 point
    One of the things that really annoyed me about this movie and is was solidified in the alternate ending played was that Kyle really doesn't ever do anything that isn't for him. The whole point of this curse was to change him into a better person and for him to start thinking of others than just himself. He does this exactly once, when he asks for the Olson twin to cure NPH's sight and get green cards for Zola's kids. Yet when it comes to Lindy everything is about his want for her to fall in love with him. He's already stalking and obsessed with her when he steps in with her father to kidnap her. After he kidnaps her he starts showering her with gifts to make her like him. He builds a greenhouse not because she likes plants but again so she'll like him. It is not "Oh she likes this, I'll do it for her" rather it is "I'll make this so she thinks I'm into that too and she'll like me." Then after the whole letter debacle he stops talking to her flat out without a thought or care about her thoughts, feelings and wants. He unfairly lets her deal with that letter and the baggage that comes with it while dealing with her father dying all alone because "she called me friend and now my curse won't be lifted." If he had really changed he wouldn't have cared about the curse being lifted or not. He should have by that point learnt his lesson. At least in the alternated ending played he sacrifices himself for her, for once putting her ahead of himself and his wants. Yet it the version we get he decides he'll let her go on a trip she's been planning and saving for years for as an act of self sacrifice but only after it was too late to lift the curse anyway. I guarantee within a week of getting his looks back he's back to being a self obsessed asshole.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Actually I've always seem it as the witch/ fairy being... Fey and the old school rules of not missing with or offending the fey because they Will Fuck Your Shit Up. Not because they are evil per say just very touchy. Back then guest rights and civility/ courtesy were VERY important and you didn't refuse someone hospitality. Especially if you were a royal that was kind of your job. So I've always found the witch/fairy justified in most versions (ESPECIALLY this one) at least from her point of view. The Fey are supposed to be rash outlandish people. It would make perfect sense for her to do that. Honestly this dude got off easy.
  21. 1 point
    Has anyone read the original version of Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve? It was published in 1740 and is apparently the oldest know modern version of the tale. It's like an actual novel I guess, it's been on my list of things to read for forever. I guess after she died another woman Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont pretty much stole it, and rewrote it to help teach English girls morals. Which might be where we get some of the stuff we have in it now because I knew the OG was weird and involved the Beasts mom going away to war and him turning down the fairy's sexual advances (I thought she showed up like a creep on his doorstep like in the movie) but everything else was a surprise. From Gabrielle's Wikipedia: "the Beast, a prince, lost his father at a young age. His mother had to wage war to defend his kingdom, and left him in the care of a rather evil fairy. This fairy attempted to seduce him as the prince became an adult. When he refused, she transformed him into the beast until someone would agree to marry him without knowing his past or that he was intelligent. In a neighboring kingdom, Beauty is the daughter of a king and a different fairy. Beauty's mother broke the laws of fairy society by falling in love with a human, so she was sentenced to remain in the fairy land and Beauty was sentenced to marry a hideous beast when she grew up. After Beauty's mother disappeared from earth, the evil fairy unsuccessfully attempted to take Beauty's life and marry her father. Beauty's aunt, another good fairy, intervened and changed Beauty's place with the dead daughter of a merchant for Beauty's protection, then placed the Beast in a magically hidden castle until Beauty grew up." First off I'm on the Beast's side no means no asshole! Secondly that's some Adore level shit trying to bang the kid you raised. Why does Beauty have to be punished for having a mortal father? Speaking of did he know his (wife? Baby mama?) was Fey and that she locked away in punishment for loving him? Or does he think she up and abandoned him ?cuz that's got to suck losing your wife then suddenly finding who you think is your kid dead (I assume that he doesn't know the aunt's plan).
  22. 1 point
    Had a blast going to this show in Brooklyn, my first HDTGM live experience. Wouldn't it make way more sense to have Vanessa Hudgens' character HATE the beastly guy in the beginning when he was a handsome jerk, only to fall in love with him while he's Mr. Beastly? That way there is some progression for both characters by the end. Instead she's just in love with him the whole time, even when he was an asshole. The big dramatic reveal ending from her perspective: Oh, this random beastly guy I've fallen in love with is actually the guy i was already in love with in the first place? Cool.
  23. 1 point
    I dunno if its just me, but i feel that the Second Opinions are starting to move away from " LOL crazy ", and into " Oh... Oh no " or " Drugs are bad " territory. Some of the latest ones have been... unsettling
  24. 1 point
    I thought maybe something awesome had happened to the app and everything would be different, but uhh I think this is all we get.
  25. 1 point
    Not an official update, BUT: Because of some Facebook conspiracy theorists who doubted the existence of Paul & Amy's 100-sided dice, they put up a clip of them rolling it for a future episode on twitter. They rolled #50, and were like "coming next Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid!" Problem was, they were reading the wrong list, and that movie is not #50 on the 2007 list, so I held off adding it. Amy just put on twitter a correction that they will be doing the actual #50. For our purposes, it's not currently clear if it's following Apocalypse Now or there's something in between. But I figure if anyone wants to watch the first two LOTR films in prep, there's some good lead notice now. EP 18. ET (#24) EP 19. HIGH NOON (#27) EP 20. APOCALYPSE NOW (#30) sometime soon: LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (#50)
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