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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I agree with you, Grud, in that I felt like the Musical numbers were out of place. It kind of took me out of the story rather than enhance it. Not to steal from Ghost’s Letterboxd review, but I felt like the movie had a lot of important stuff to say, but the narrative was kind of a mess. It was trying to do too much at once. I admire the ambition, but the pieces just don’t seem to fit quite right. Like, the “Wake Up” scene would have maybe been more effective in another movie.
  2. 3 points
    This movie was significantly less musical than I remember it being from the first time I watched this. And it's kind of hurt by spending so much time on the musical numbers instead of building up relationships or a narrative. For a movie that has a lot to say about colorism, it spends a lot of time kind of just spinning its wheels. I listened to the commentary on this and the are a couple things that were interesting. 1. Spike Lee didn't have much to say. There were several long stretches where he didn't say anything at all which is kind of telling. 2. Spike Lee's brother died during hazing at a fraternity. So, that explains, in part, why the fraternity is functionally evil.
  3. 2 points
    I agree. It's kind of like the whole sub-plot regarding fraternities. I can't stand them, I never could. So I am already biased against movies about them. So I really had to look beyond that to understand what School Daze was saying about what fraternities as they might mean to people of color in the mid-Eighties. That, yes, there was the same toxicity about them that has always existed, but they also provided a place where people felt like they could belong. I liked the "Wake up" scene because it was saying all these things just provide a false sense of belonging (i.e. fraternities, sororities, colorism, etc) and they only serve to further weaken and divide.
  4. 2 points
    The weird thing is that I normally really like movies without much story that cover a short time period. And I do actually like this movie but when you break the narrative the have a song about hair, I think it takes away from that even if discussing colorism is vitally important. I guess I'd personally get more out of it as conversation instead of a song/dance even if the sequence is well done. I think the Wake Up scene works but maybe not as much as it could. But I think it's a message not directed at me since i'm not a black college student.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Sorry guys, I have been totally swamped. I'll be above water in a few weeks. Thanks for your understanding.
  7. 2 points
    hey yall just wanted to make a post to look at some things on my account here, dont mind this post
  8. 1 point
    TOM SCHARPLING returns to make a big change to the show.
  9. 1 point
    One thing that was especially interesting was that Kelly not only shoots a man, but actually shoots him in the back. It’s really interesting to watch that character go from complete pacifist, to accepting violence in self-defense, to accepting violence as a preventative measure.
  10. 1 point
    I have to hand it to the Boys and even Tom. Judging from Instagram and Kelly Oxford’s whooping four days as a tv writer, it’s apparently the most difficult job in the world. Every day she’s posting for advice on how to handle tasks during an 8 hour day or talking about crying in her office. Man. Good for Hayes and Sean that they handle such a horrible job with grace. That’s probably why they do the podcast: for sanity.
  11. 1 point
    There is a specific reason why you can't get to Machu Picchu from New York by bus. It's called the Darien Gap, a dense rainforest / swampland that sits between Panama and Colombia. Fun facts about the Darien Gap: 1. It's home to many endangered species, including the adorable Cotton Tip Tamarind. 2. It's the only reason why you can't drive from Alaska to Patagonia. 3. It's a haven for right wing paramilitaries, who use it as one of the main routes to transport the many tons of cocaine produced in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru into Central America and the US. 4. It's one of the most dangerous segments along the Ecuador-Colombia-Panama-Mexico-USA route that many refugees and immigrants use to get into the US. Obviously, this is where the sequel should take place...
  12. 1 point
    High Noon is a bit low on my personal AFI rankings (like Paul, I found it a good movie but it didn't emotionally grab me as much as others), but I would still say it "belongs" because of the historical importance. The story behind it is fascinating. I'm also not sure that the themes are less relevant today, even absent the Communist scare and HUAC. Liberal/left-wing politics are taking on a similar urgency right now, encouraging people to "step up" and take action because of Trump's election. I've never seen so many heavily-attended political marches in my life. The attitude seems to be exactly what Kane is exhorting people to do in this movie, based on the idea that the "bad guys" can't destroy all of us if we stand together. (And also that part of the reason Trump got elected was because a lot of people assumed he wouldn't and sat it out.) I think maybe the thing that is throwing people off when viewing it through a modern lens is the very "macho" attitude that is just assumed to be the default mode, as that's something that has been questioned a lot in the intervening years. A modern movie might do more to explain exactly why Kane wouldn't be helping the town by just leaving (say, the bad guys give clear indications that they're going to do some bad stuff even without Kane there). Still, I think you can put the pieces together by what is presented on screen.
  13. 1 point
    Yes, this is my favorite (from what I've seen) of the Ford-Wayne collaborations. Great film.
  14. 1 point
    Tom Scharpling is an anagram of 'ranch pig molts'.
  15. 1 point
    There is nothing worse than a podcast getting derailed by a bad sound you can't hear, but also nothing better than a podcast addressing a bad sound you can hear, so big props to engineers Ryman and Devo for making sure the sound was definitely there
  16. 1 point
    hey i already heard this one edit: oh its new. nevermind, will check it out
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Pretty upsetting to hear The Boys have it out on-air, but we all should be so brave to set effective boundaries with our loved ones, particularly when it comes to allegations of a squeaky butt.
  19. 1 point
    the forhims forums. i like the sound of that.
  20. 1 point
    Wish forhims had a forum so I had somewhere to post what I think of the episode (funny)
  21. 1 point
    I'm not a f***ing clown so no, I'm not gonna post a joke EVERY week. Will listen to this ep tomorrow on my way to therapy. Not a joke lolol
  22. 1 point
    Not looking good for this cold I’m coming down with. Hopefully Tom just accepts his role as Jordan’s little bitch and we can move on to the healing stage.
  23. 1 point
    I love this movie. It's disturbing and tonally all over the place, but I love it.
  24. 1 point
    This would be a fun review to listen to. This movie has a serious cult following, but as a movie/plot, it is insane. Literally, insane. So bad it's good.
  25. 1 point
    Currently being remade with Russell Brand. I still love this insane movie, but I agree it should be done.
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